Connect a directory in Amazon Managed Microsoft AD to IAM Identity Center
Use the following procedure to connect a directory in Amazon Managed Microsoft AD that is managed by Amazon Directory Service to IAM Identity Center.
To connect Amazon Managed Microsoft AD to IAM Identity Center
Open the IAM Identity Center console
. Note
Make sure that the IAM Identity Center console is using one of the Regions where your Amazon Managed Microsoft AD directory is located before you move to the next step.
Choose Settings.
On the Settings page, choose the Identity source tab, and then choose Actions > Change identity source.
Under Choose identity source, select Active Directory, and then choose Next.
Under Connect active directory, choose a directory in Amazon Managed Microsoft AD from the list, and then choose Next.
Under Confirm change, review the information and when ready type ACCEPT, and then choose Change identity source.
To specify a user in Active Directory as an administrative user in IAM Identity Center, you must first synchronize the user to whom you want to grant administrative permissions from Active Directory into IAM Identity Center. To do so, follow the steps in Synchronize an administrative user into IAM Identity Center.