Register an MFA device - Amazon IAM Identity Center
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Register an MFA device

Use the following procedure to set up a new MFA device for access by a specific user in the IAM Identity Center console. You must have physical access to the user's MFA device in order to register it. For example, if you configure MFA for a user who will use an MFA device running on a smartphone, you'll need physical access to the smartphone to complete the registration process. Alternatively, you can allow users to configure and manage their own MFA devices. For more information, see Allow users to register their own MFA devices.

To register an MFA device
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Users. Choose a user in the list. Don't select the checkbox next to the user for this step.

  3. On the user details page, choose the MFA devices tab, and then choose Register MFA device.

  4. On the Register MFA device page, select one of the following MFA device types, and follow the instructions:

    • Authenticator app

      1. On the Set up the authenticator app page, IAM Identity Center displays configuration information for the new MFA device, including a QR code graphic. The graphic is a representation of the secret key that is available for manual entry on devices that do not support QR codes.

      2. Using the physical MFA device, do the following:

        1. Open a compatible MFA authenticator app. For a list of tested apps that you can use with MFA devices, see Virtual authenticator apps. If the MFA app supports multiple accounts (multiple MFA devices), choose the option to create a new account (a new MFA device).

        2. Determine whether the MFA app supports QR codes, and then do one of the following on the Set up the authenticator app page:

          1. Choose Show QR code, and then use the app to scan the QR code. For example, you might choose the camera icon or choose an option similar to Scan code. Then use the device's camera to scan the code.

          2. Choose show secret key, and then type that secret key into your MFA app.


            When you configure an MFA device for IAM Identity Center, we recommend that you save a copy of the QR code or secret key in a secure place. This can help if the assigned user loses the phone or has to reinstall the MFA authenticator app. If either of those things happen, you can quickly reconfigure the app to use the same MFA configuration. This avoids the need to create a new MFA device in IAM Identity Center for the user.

      3. On the Set up the authenticator app page, under Authenticator code, type the one-time password that currently appears on the physical MFA device.


        Submit your request immediately after generating the code. If you generate the code and then wait too long to submit the request, the MFA device is successfully associated with the user. But the MFA device is out of sync. This happens because time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) expire after a short period of time. If this happens, you can resync the device.

      4. Choose Assign MFA. The MFA device can now start generating one-time passwords and is now ready for use with Amazon.

    • Security key

      1. On the Register your user's security key page, follow the instructions given to you by your browser or platform.


        The experience here varies based on the different operating systems and browsers, so please follow the instructions displayed by your browser or platform. After your user's device has been successfully registered, you will be given the option to associate a friendly display name to your user's newly enrolled device. If you want to change this, choose Rename, enter the new name, and then choose Save. If you have enabled the option to allow users to manage their own devices, the user will see this friendly name in the Amazon Web Services access portal.