Troubleshooting IAM Identity Center issues
The following can help you troubleshoot some common issues you might encounter while setting up or using the IAM Identity Center console.
Issues creating an account instance of IAM Identity Center
Several restrictions might apply when creating an account instance of IAM Identity Center. If you're unable to create an account instance through the IAM Identity Center console, or the setup experience of a supported Amazon managed application, verify the following use cases:
Check other Amazon Web Services Regions in the Amazon Web Services account in which you are attempting to create the account instance. You are limited to one instance of IAM Identity Center per Amazon Web Services account. To enable the application, either switch to the Amazon Web Services Region with the instance of IAM Identity Center or switch to an account without an instance of IAM Identity Center.
If your organization enabled IAM Identity Center before September 14, 2023, your administrator might need to opt-in to account instance creation. Work with your administrator to enable account instance creation from the IAM Identity Center console in the management account.
Your administrator might have created a Service Control Policy to limit creation of account instances of IAM Identity Center. Work with your administrator add your account to the allow list.
You receive an error when you attempt to view the list of cloud applications that are preconfigured to work with IAM Identity Center
This following error occurs when you have a policy that allows
but not other IAM Identity Center APIs. Update your policy to address
this error.
The ListApplications
permission authorizes multiple APIs:
API. -
An internal API similar to the
API used in the IAM Identity Center console.
To help resolve duplication, the internal API now also authorizes using the
action. To allow the public
API but deny the internal API, your policy must include a
statement denying the ListApplicationProviders
"Statement": [ { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "sso:ListApplicationProviders", "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "sso:ListApplications", "Resource": "
" // (or "*" for all instances) } ]
To allow the internal API but deny ListApplications
, the policy needs to
allow only ListApplicationProviders
. The ListApplications
API is
denied if not explicitly allowed.
"Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "sso:ListApplicationProviders", "Resource": "*" } ]
When your policies are updated, contact Amazon Web Services Support to have this proactive measure removed.
Issues regarding contents of SAML assertions created by IAM Identity Center
IAM Identity Center provides a web-based debug experience for the SAML assertions created and sent by IAM Identity Center, including attributes within these assertions, when accessing Amazon Web Services accounts and SAML applications from the Amazon Web Services access portal. To see the details of a SAML assertion that IAM Identity Center generates, use the following steps.
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services access portal.
While you are signed into the portal, hold the Shift key down, choose the application tile, and then release the Shift key.
Examine the information on the page titled You are now in administrator mode. To keep this information for future reference, choose Copy XML, and paste the contents elsewhere.
Choose Send to <application> to continue. This option sends the assertion to the service provider.
Some browser configurations and operating systems may not support this procedure. This procedure has been tested on Windows 10 using Firefox, Chrome, and Edge browsers.
Specific users fail to synchronize into IAM Identity Center from an external SCIM provider
If your Identity Provider (IdP) is configured to provision users into IAM Identity Center using SCIM synchronization, you may encounter synchronization failures during the user provisioning process. This may indicate that the user configuration in your IdP is not compatible with the IAM Identity Center requirements. When this happens, the IAM Identity Center SCIM APIs will return error messages that provide insights into the root cause of the issue. You can locate these error messages in your IdP's logs or UI. Alternatively, you may find more detailed information about the provisioning failures in the Amazon CloudTrail logs.
For more information on the IAM Identity Center SCIM implementations, including the specifications of
required, optional, and unsupported parameters and operations for user objects, see IAM Identity Center
SCIM Implementation Developer Guide
The following are a couple of common reasons for this error:
The user object in the IdP lacks a first (given) name, a last (family) name, and/or a display name.
Error Message:
"2 validation errors detected: Value at
failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: [\\p{L}\\p{M}\\p{S}\\p{N}\\p{P}\\t\\n\\r ]+; Value at'name.givenName'
failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length greater than or equal to 1"-
Solution: Add a first (given), last (family), and display name for the user object. In addition, ensure that the SCIM provisioning mappings for user objects at your IdP are configured to send nonempty values for all of these attributes.
More than one value for a single attribute is being sent for the user (also known as “multi-value attributes”). For example, the user may have both a work and a home phone number specified in the IdP, or multiple emails or physical addresses, and your IdP is configured to try to synchronize multiple or all values for that attribute.
Error Message:
"List attribute
exceeds allowed limit of 1"-
Solution options:
Update your SCIM provisioning mappings for user objects at your IdP to send only a single value for a given attribute. For example, configure a mapping that sends only the work phone number for each user.
If the additional attributes can safely be removed from the user object at the IdP, you can remove the additional values, leaving either one or zero values set for that attribute for the user.
If the attribute is not needed for any actions in Amazon, remove the mapping for that attribute from the SCIM provisioning mappings for user objects at your IdP.
Your IdP is trying to match users in the target (IAM Identity Center, in this case) based on multiple attributes. Since user names are guaranteed unique within a given IAM Identity Center instance, you only need to specify
as the attribute used for matching.-
Solution: Ensure that your SCIM configuration in your IdP is using only a single attribute for matching with users in IAM Identity Center. For example, mapping
in the IdP to theuserName
attribute in SCIM for provisioning to IAM Identity Center will be correct and sufficient for most implementations.
Duplicate user or group error when provisioning users or groups with an external identity provider
If you experience IAM Identity Center synchronization issues when provisioning users or groups in an external identity provider (IdP), it could be due to your external IdP users or groups not having unique attribute values. You may receive the following error messages in your external IdP:
Refused to create a new, duplicate resource
You can experience this problem in the following scenarios:
Scenario 1
You're using customized non-unique attributes in your external IdP for attributes that must be unique in IAM Identity Center. Existing IAM Identity Center users or groups fail to synchronize to your IdP.
Scenario 2
You attempt to create users that have duplicate attributes for attributes that must be unique in IAM Identity Center.
For example, you create or have an existing IAM Identity Center user with the following attributes:
Username: Jane Doe
Primary Email Address:
Then you attempt to create another user in your external IdP with the following attributes:
Username: Richard Doe
Primary Email Address:
The external IdP attempts to synchronize and create the user in IAM Identity Center. However, these actions fail as both users have duplicate values for a primary email address which must be unique.
The username, primary email address, and externalID must be unique in order for your external IdP users to successfully synchronize to IAM Identity Center. Similarly, the group name must be unique for your external IdP groups to successfully synchronize to IAM Identity Center.
The solution is to review your identity source's attributes and ensure they are unique.
Users can’t sign in when their user name is in UPN format
Users might not be able to sign in to the Amazon Web Services access portal based on the format they use to
enter in their user name on the sign in page. For the most part, users can sign in to the user
portal using either their plain user name, their down-level logon name (DOMAIN\UserName) or
their UPN logon name (
). The exception to this is when
IAM Identity Center is using a connected directory that has been enabled with MFA and the verification mode
has been set to either Context-aware or Always-on. In this scenario, users must sign in with their down-level logon name
(DOMAIN\UserName). For more information, see Multi-factor authentication for Identity Center users. For general information about user name formats used to sign
in to Active Directory, see User Name
I get a ‘Cannot perform the operation on the protected role' error when modifying an IAM role
When reviewing IAM Roles in an account, you may notice role names beginning with ‘AWSReservedSSO_’. These are the roles which the IAM Identity Center service has created in the account, and they came from assigning a permission set to the account. Attempting to modify these roles from within the IAM console will result in the following error:
'Cannot perform the operation on the protected role 'AWSReservedSSO_
' - this role is only modifiable by Amazon'
These roles can only be modified from the IAM Identity Center Administrator console, which is in the management account of Amazon Organizations. Once modified, you can then push the changes down to the Amazon accounts that it is assigned to.
Directory users cannot reset their password
When a directory user resets their password using the Forgot Password? option during sign-in of the Amazon Web Services access portal, their new password must adhere to the default password policy as described in Password requirements when managing identities in IAM Identity Center.
If a user enters a password that adheres to the policy and then receives the error
We couldn't update your password
, check to see if Amazon CloudTrail recorded the
failure. This can be done by searching in the Event History console of CloudTrail using the
following filter:
If the message states the following, then you may need to contact support:
"errorCode": "InternalFailure", "errorMessage": "An unknown error occurred“
Another possible cause of this issue is in the naming convention that was applied to the user name value. Naming conventions must follow specific patterns such as 'surname.givenName'. However, some user names can be quite long, or contain special characters, and this can cause characters to be dropped in the API call, thereby resulting in an error. You may want to attempt a password reset with a test user in the same manner to verify if this is the case.
If the issue persists, contact the Amazon Support Center
My user is referenced in a permission set but can’t access the assigned accounts or applications
This issue can occur if you’re using System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) for Automatic Provisioning with an external identity provider. Specifically, when a user, or the group the user was a member of, is deleted then re-created using the same user name (for users) or name (for groups) in the identity provider, a new unique internal identifier is created for the new user or group in IAM Identity Center. However, IAM Identity Center still has a reference to the old identifier in its permission database, such that the name of the user or group still appears in the UI, but access fails. This is because the underlying user or group ID to which the UI refers no longer exists.
To restore Amazon Web Services account access in this case, you can remove access for the old user or group from the Amazon Web Services account(s) where it was originally assigned, and then reassign access back to the user or group. This updates the permission set with the correct identifier for the new user or group. Similarly, to restore application access, you can remove access for the user or group from the assigned users list for that application, then add the user or group back again.
You can also check to see if Amazon CloudTrail recorded the failure by searching your CloudTrail logs for SCIM synchronization events that reference the name of the user or group in question.
I can't get my application from the application catalog configured correctly
If you added an application from the application catalog in IAM Identity Center, be aware that each service provider provides their own detailed documentation. You can access this information from the Configuration tab for the application in the IAM Identity Center console.
If the problem is related to setting up the trust between the service provider's application and IAM Identity Center, make sure to check the instruction manual for troubleshooting steps.
Error 'An unexpected error has occurred' when a user tries to sign in using an external identity provider
This error may occur for multiple reasons, but one common reason is a mis-match between the user information carried in the SAML request, and the information for the user in IAM Identity Center.
In order for an IAM Identity Center user to sign in successfully when using an external IdP as the identity source, the following must be true:
The SAML nameID format (configured at your identity provider) must be ‘email’
The nameID value must be a properly (RFC2822)-formatted string (
The nameID value must exactly match the user name of an existing user in IAM Identity Center (it doesn’t matter if the email address in IAM Identity Center matches or not – the inbound match is based on username)
The IAM Identity Center implementation of SAML 2.0 federation supports only 1 assertion in the SAML response between the identity provider and IAM Identity Center. It does not support encrypted SAML assertions.
The following statements apply if Attributes for access control is enabled in your IAM Identity Center account:
The number of attributes mapped in the SAML request must be 50 or less.
The SAML request must not contain multi-valued attributes.
The SAML request must not contain multiple attributes with the same name.
The attribute must not contain structured XML as the value.
The Name format must be a SAML specified format, not generic format.
IAM Identity Center does not perform “just in time” creation of users or groups for new users or groups via SAML federation. This means that the user must be pre-created in IAM Identity Center, either manually or via automatic provisioning, in order to sign in to IAM Identity Center.
This error can also occur when the Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) endpoint configured in your identity provider does not match the ACS URL provided by your IAM Identity Center instance. Ensure that these two values match exactly.
Additionally, you can troubleshoot external identity provider sign-in failures further by going to Amazon CloudTrail and filtering on the event name ExternalIdPDirectoryLogin.
Error 'Attributes for access control failed to enable'
This error may occur if the user enabling ABAC does not have the
permissions required to enable Attributes for access control.
I get a 'Browser not supported' message when I attempt to register a device for MFA
WebAuthn is currently supported in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and
Apple Safari web browsers, as well as Windows 10 and Android platforms. Some components of
WebAuthn support may be varied, such as platform authenticator support across macOS and iOS
browsers. If users attempt to register WebAuthn devices on an unsupported browser or platform,
they will see certain options greyed out that are not supported, or they will receive an error
that all supported methods are not supported. In these cases, please refer to FIDO2: Web
Authentication (WebAuthn)
Active Directory “Domain Users” group does not properly sync into IAM Identity Center
The Active Directory Domain Users group is the default “primary group” for AD user objects. Active Directory primary groups and their memberships cannot be read by IAM Identity Center. When assigning access to IAM Identity Center resources or applications, use groups other than the Domain Users group (or other groups assigned as primary groups) to have group membership properly reflected in the IAM Identity Center identity store.
Invalid MFA credentials error
This error can occur when a user attempts to sign in to IAM Identity Center using an account from an external identity provider (for example, Okta or Microsoft Entra ID) before their account is fully provisioned to IAM Identity Center using the SCIM protocol. After the user account is provisioned to IAM Identity Center, this issue should be resolved. Confirm that the account has been provisioned to IAM Identity Center. If not, check the provisioning logs in the external identity provider.
I get a 'An unexpected error has occurred' message when I attempt to register or sign in using an authenticator app
Time-based one-time password (TOTP) systems, such as those used by IAM Identity Center in combination
with code-based authenticator apps, rely on time synchronization between the client and the
server. Ensure that the device where your authenticator app is installed is correctly
synchronized to a reliable time source, or manually set the time on your device to match a
reliable source, such as NIST (
I get an 'It's not you, it's us' error when attempting to sign in to IAM Identity Center
This error indicates there is a setup problem with your instance of IAM Identity Center or the external identity provider (IdP) IAM Identity Center is using as its identity source. We recommend you verify the following:
Verify the date and time settings on the device you're using to sign in. We recommend that you set the date and time to be set automatically. If that is not available, we recommend syncing your date and time to a known Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.
Verify that the IdP certificate uploaded to IAM Identity Center is the same as what was provided by your IdP. You can check the certificate from the IAM Identity Center console by navigating to Settings. In the Identity Source tab choose Action and then choose Manage Authentication. If the IdP and IAM Identity Center certificates do not match, import a new certificate to IAM Identity Center.
Ensure the NameID format in your identity provider's metadata file is the following:
If you are using AD Connector from Amazon Directory Service as your identity provider, verify that the credentials for the service account are correct and have not expired. See Update your AD Connector service account credentials in Amazon Directory Service for more information.
My users are not receiving emails from IAM Identity Center
All emails sent by the IAM Identity Center service will come from either the address
. Your mail
system must be configured so that it accepts emails from these sender email addresses and
doesn't handle them as junk or spam.
Error: You can't delete/modify/remove/assign access to permission sets provisioned in the management account
This message indicates that the Delegated administration feature has been enabled and that the operation you previously attempted can only be successfully performed by someone who has management account permissions in Amazon Organizations. To resolve this issue, sign in as a user who has these permissions and try performing the task again or assign this task to someone who has the correct permissions. For more information, see Register a member account.
Error: Session token not found or invalid
This error can occur when a client, such as a web browser, Amazon Toolkit, or Amazon CLI, tries to use a session that's revoked or invalidated on the server side. To correct this issue, return to the client application or website and try again, including logging in again if prompted. This might sometimes require you to also cancel pending requests, such as a pending connection attempt from the Amazon Toolkit within your IDE.