Using Snowball Edge client commands - Amazon Snowball Edge Developer Guide
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Using Snowball Edge client commands

Following, you can find information about the Snowball Edge client commands for use with the Snow Family device. Each command includes examples of use and sample outputs. The Snowball Edge client is a standalone, command-line application that you run on your device to unlock the Snow Family device, and configure and control it.. You can also use the client with clusters of Snow Family devices. While using the Snowball Edge client, you can get additional support information by running the snowballEdge help command.

To download the Snowball Edge client, see Downloading and Installing the Snowball Edge client.

Configuring a Profile for the Snowball Edge Client

Every time you run a command for the Snowball Edge client, you provide your manifest file, unlock code, and an IP address. You can get the first two of these from the Amazon Snow Family Management Console or the job management API. For more information about getting your manifest and unlock code, see Getting credentials to access a Snow Family device.

You have the option of using the snowballEdge configure command to store the path to the manifest, the 29-character unlock code, and the endpoint as a profile. After configuration, you can use other Snowball Edge client commands without having to manually enter these values for a particular job. After you configure the Snowball Edge client, the information is saved in a plaintext JSON format to home directory/.aws/snowball/config/snowball-edge.config.

The endpoint is the IP address, with https:// added to it. You can locate the IP address for the Amazon Snowball Edge device on the Amazon Snowball Edge device LCD display. When the Amazon Snowball Edge device is connected to your network for the first time, it automatically gets a DHCP IP address, if a DHCP server is available. If you want to use a different IP address, you can change it from the LCD display. For more information, see Using an Amazon Snowball Edge Device.


Anyone who can access the configuration file can access the data on your Snowball Edge devices or clusters. Managing local access control for this file is one of your administrative responsibilities.


You can use this command in two ways: inline, or when prompted. This usage example shows the prompted method.

snowballEdge configure
Example Output
Configuration will stored at home directory\.aws\snowball\config\snowball-edge.config Snowball Edge Manifest Path: /Path/to/manifest/file Unlock Code: 29 character unlock code Default Endpoint:

You can have multiple profiles if you have multiple jobs at once, or if you want the option of managing a cluster from different endpoints. For more information about multiple Amazon CLI profiles, see Named profiles in the Amazon Command Line Interface User Guide.

Getting Your QR Code for NFC Validation

You can use this command to generate a device-specific QR code for use with the Amazon Snowball Edge Verification App. For more information about NFC validation, see Validating NFC Tags.


snowballEdge get-app-qr-code --output-file ~/downloads/snowball-qr-code.png
Example Output
QR code is saved to ~/downloads/snowball-qr-code.png

Snowball Edge client version

Use the version command to see the version of the Snowball Edge command line interface (CLI) client.


snowballEdge version

Example output

Snowball Edge client version: 1.2.0 Build 661

Unlocking Snowball Edge Devices

To unlock a standalone Amazon Snowball Edge device, run the snowballEdge unlock-device command. To unlock a cluster, use the snowballEdge unlock-cluster command. These commands authenticate your access to the Amazon Snowball Edge device.


To unlock the devices associated with your job, the devices must be on-site, plugged into power and the network, and turned on. In addition, the LCD display on the front of the Amazon Snowball Edge device must indicate that the device is ready for use.


snowballEdge unlock-device --endpoint --manifest-file Path/to/manifest/file --unlock-code 01234-abcde-ABCDE-01234
Example Single Device Unlock Input
snowballEdge unlock-device --endpoint --manifest-file /usr/home/manifest.bin --unlock-code 01234-abcde-ABCDE-01234
Example Single Device Unlock Output
Your Snowball Edge device is unlocking. You may determine the unlock state of your device using the describe-device command. Your Snowball Edge device will be available for use when it is in the UNLOCKED state.

Cluster Usage

When you unlock a cluster, you provide the endpoint for one of your nodes, and all the IP addresses for the other devices in your cluster.

snowballEdge unlock-cluster --endpoint --manifest-file Path/to/manifest/file --unlock-code 01234-abcde-ABCDE-01234 --device-ip-addresses
Example Cluster Unlock Output
Your Snowball Edge Cluster is unlocking. You may determine the unlock state of your cluster using the describe-device command. Your Snowball Edge Cluster will be available for use when your Snowball Edge devices are in the UNLOCKED state.

Updating a Snowball Edge

Use the following commands to download and install updates for your Snowball Edge device. For procedures that use these commands, see Updating software on Snowball Edge devices.

snowballEdge check-for-updates – Returns version information about the Snowball Edge software available in the cloud, and the current version installed on the device.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge check-for-updates
Example Output
Latest version: 102 Installed version: 101

snowballEdge describe-device-software – Returns the current software version and expiry date of the SSL certificate of the device. Additionally, if a software update is being downloaded or installed, the state is also displayed. Following is a list of possible outputs:

  • NA – No software updates are currently in progress.

  • Downloading – New software is being downloaded.

  • Installing – New software is being installed.

  • Requires Reboot – New software has been installed, and the device needs to be restarted.


    We highly recommend that you suspend all activity on the device before you restart the device. Restarting a device stops running instances and interrupts any writing to Amazon S3 buckets on the device. All of these processes can result in lost data.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge describe-device-software
Example Output
Installed version: 101 Installing version: 102 Install State: Downloading CertificateExpiry: Thur Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1970

snowballEdge download-updates – Starts downloading the latest software updates for your Snowball Edge.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge download-updates
Example Output
Download started. Run describe-device-software API for additional information.

snowballEdge install-updates – Starts installing the latest software updates for your Snowball Edge that were already downloaded.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge install-updates
Example Output
Installation started.

snowballEdge reboot-device – Reboots the device.


We highly recommend that you suspend all activity on the device before you restart the device. Restarting a device stops running instances and interrupts any writing to Amazon S3 buckets on the device. All of these processes can result in lost data.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge reboot-device
Example Output
Rebooting device now.

snowballEdge configure-auto-update-strategies – Configures an automatic update strategy.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge configure-auto-update-strategy --auto-check autoCheck [--auto-check-frequency autoCheckFreq] --auto-download autoDownload [--auto-download-frequency autoDownloadFreq] --auto-install autoInstall [--auto-install-frequency autoInstallFreq] --auto-reboot autoReboot [--endpoint endpoint]
Example Output
Successfully configured auto update strategy. Run describe-auto-update-strategies for additional information.

snowballEdge describe-auto-update-strategies – Returns any currently configured automatic update strategy.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge describe-auto-update-strategies
Example Output
auto-update-strategy {[ auto-check:true, auto-check-frequency: "0 0 * * FRI", // CRON Expression String, Every Friday at midnight auto-download:true, auto-download-frequency: "0 0 * * SAT", // CRON Expression String, Every Saturday at midnight auto-install:true, auto-install-frequency: "0 13 * * Sun", // CRON Expression String, Every Saturday at midnight auto-reboot: false; ]}

Getting Credentials

Using the snowballEdge list-access-keys and snowballEdge get-secret-access-key commands, you can get the credentials of the admin user of your Amazon Web Services account on Snowball Edge. You can use these credentials to create Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM users) and roles, and to authenticate your requests when using the Amazon CLI or with an Amazon SDK. These credentials are only associated with an individual job for Snowball Edge, and you can use them only on the device or cluster of devices. The device or devices don't have any IAM permissions in the Amazon Web Services Cloud.


If you're using the Amazon CLI with the Snowball Edge, you must use these credentials when you configure the CLI. For information about configuring credentials for the Amazon CLI, see Configuring the Amazon CLI in the Amazon Command Line Interface User Guide.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge list-access-keys
Example Output
{ "AccessKeyIds" : [ "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" ] }

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge get-secret-access-key --access-key-id Access Key
Example Output
[snowballEdge] aws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE aws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

Starting a Service on Your Snowball Edge

Snowball Edge devices support multiple services, in addition to Amazon S3. These include compute instances, the file interface, and Amazon IoT Greengrass. Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2 are always on by default, and can't be stopped or restarted with the Snowball Edge client. However, the file interface and Amazon IoT Greengrass can be started with the snowballEdge start-service command. To get the service ID for each service, you can use the snowballEdge list-services command.

Before you run this command, create a single virtual network interface to bind to the service that you're starting. For more information, see Creating a Virtual Network Interface.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge start-service --service-id service_id --virtual-network-interface-arns virtual-network-interface-arn
Example Output
Starting the Amazon service on your Snowball Edge. You can determine the status of the Amazon service using the describe-service command.

Stopping a Service on Your Snowball Edge

To stop a service running on your Snowball Edge, you can use the snowballEdge stop-service command.

The Amazon S3 adapter, Amazon EC2, Amazon STS, and IAM services cannot be stopped.


Data loss can occur if the file interface is stopped before remaining buffered data is written to the device. For more information on using the file interface, see Managing the NFS interface.


Stopping the Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow Family devices service disables access to the data stored in your S3 buckets on the device or cluster. Access is restored when the Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow Family devices is started again. For devices enabled with Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow Family devices, it is recommended to start the service after the Snowball Edge device is powered up. See Setting up Snowball Edge in this guide.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge stop-service --service-id service_id
Example Output
Stopping the Amazon service on your Snowball Edge. You can determine the status of the Amazon service using the describe-service command.

Starting NFS and Restricting Access


Don't start the NFS service if you intend to use Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). The first time NFS is started, all storage is allocated to NFS. It is not possible to reallocate NFS storage to Amazon EBS, even if the NFS service is stopped.


You can provide CIDR blocks for IP ranges that are allowed to mount the NFS shares exposed by the device. For example, If you don't provide allowed CIDR blocks, all mount requests will be denied.

Be aware that data transferred through NFS is not encrypted in transit.

Other than the allowed hosts by CIDR blocks, Snowcone doesn't provide an authentication or authorization mechanism for the NFS shares.

Start NFS with the snowballEdge start-service command. To get the service ID for the NFS service, you can use the snowballEdge list-services command.

Before you run this command, create a single virtual network interface to bind to the service that you're starting. For more information, see Creating a Virtual Network Interface. You can restrict access to your file shares and data in your Amazon S3 buckets and see what restrictions are currently in place. You do this by allocating CIDR blocks for allowed hosts that can access your file share and S3 buckets when you start the NFS service.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge start-service --service-id nfs --virtual-network-interface-arns arn:aws:snowball-device:::interface/ --service-configuration AllowedHosts=ip address-1/32,ip address-2/24
Example Output
Starting the service on your Snowball Edge. You can determine the status of the service using the describe-service command.

Restricting Access to NFS Shares When NFS is Running

You can restrict access to your file shares and data in your Amazon S3 buckets after you have started NFS. You can see what restrictions are currently in place, and give each bucket different access restrictions. You do this by allocating CIDR blocks for hosts that can access your file share and S3 buckets when you start the NFS service. The following is an example command.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge start-service \ --service-id nfs \ --virtual-network-interface-arns virtual-network-interface-arn --service-configuration AllowedHosts=ip-address-1/32,ip-address-1/24

To see the current restrictions, use the describe-service command.

snowballEdge describe-service --service-id nfs

Amazon Snowball Edge Logs

When you transfer data between your on-premises data center and a Snowball Edge, logs are automatically generated. If you encounter unexpected errors during data transfer to the device, you can use the following commands to save a copy of the logs to your local server.

There are three commands related to logs:

  • list-logs – Returns a list of logs in JSON format. This list reports the size of the logs in bytes, the ARN for the logs, the service ID for the logs, and the type of logs.

    Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

    snowballEdge list-logs
    Example Output
    { "Logs" : [ { "LogArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::log/s3-storage-JIEXAMPLE2f-1234-4953-a7c4-dfEXAMPLE709", "LogType" : "SUPPORT", "ServiceId" : "s3", "EstimatedSizeBytes" : 53132614 }, { "LogArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::log/fileinterface-JIDEXAMPLEf-1234-4953-a7c4-dfEXAMPLE709", "LogType" : "CUSTOMER", "ServiceId" : "fileinterface", "EstimatedSizeBytes" : 4446 }] }
  • get-log – Downloads a copy of a specific log from the Snowball Edge to your server at a specified path. CUSTOMER logs are saved in the .zip format, and you can extract this type of log to view its contents. SUPPORT logs are encrypted and can only be read by Amazon Web Services Support engineers. You have the option of specifying a name and a path for the log.

    Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

    snowballEdge get-log --log-arn arn:aws:snowball-device:::log/fileinterface-JIDEXAMPLEf-1234-4953-a7c4-dfEXAMPLE709
    Example Output
    Logs are being saved to download/path/snowball-edge-logs-1515EXAMPLE88.bin
  • get-support-logs – Downloads a copy of all the SUPPORT type of logs from the Snowball Edge to your service at a specified path.

    Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

    Snowball Edge client

    snowballEdge get-support-logs
    Example Output
    Logs are being saved to download/path/snowball-edge-logs-1515716135711.bin

CUSTOMER type might contain sensitive information about your own data. To protect this potentially sensitive information, we strongly suggest that you delete these logs once you're done with them.

Getting Device Status

You can determine the status and general health of your Snowball Edge devices with the following Snowball Edge client commands:

  • describe-device

    Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

    snowballEdge describe-device
    Example Output
    { "DeviceId" : "JID-EXAMPLE12345-123-456-7-890", "UnlockStatus" : { "State" : "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface" : { "IpAddress" : "" }, "PhysicalNetworkInterfaces" : [ { "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId" : "", "PhysicalConnectorType" : "QSFP", "IpAddressAssignment" : "STATIC", "IpAddress" : "", "Netmask" : "", "DefaultGateway" : "", "MacAddress" : "EX:AM:PL:E0:12:34", "MtuSize" : "1500" }, { "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId" : "", "PhysicalConnectorType" : "SFP_PLUS", "IpAddressAssignment" : "DHCP", "IpAddress" : "", "Netmask" : "", "DefaultGateway" : "", "MacAddress" : "EX:AM:PL:E0:56:78", "MtuSize" : "5743" }, { "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId" : "", "PhysicalConnectorType" : "RJ45", "IpAddressAssignment" : "STATIC", "IpAddress" : "", "Netmask" : "", "DefaultGateway" : "", "MacAddress" : "EX:AM:PL:E0:90:12", "MtuSize" : "1500" } ], "DeviceCapacities" : [ { "Name" : "HDD Storage", "Unit" : "Byte", "Total" : 39736350227824, "Available" : 39707789471744 }, { "Name" : "SSD Storage", "Unit" : "Byte", "Total" : 6979321856000, "Available" : 6884832575488 }, { "Name" : "vCPU", "Unit" : "Number", "Total" : 52, "Available" : 49 }, { "Name" : "Memory", "Unit" : "Byte", "Total" : 223338299392, "Available" : 216895848448 }, { "Name" : "GPU", "Unit" : "Number", "Total" : 0, "Available" : 0 } ], "DeviceType" : "EDGE_C" }
  • describe-cluster

    Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

    snowballEdge describe-cluster
    Example Output
    { "ClusterId" : "CIDEXAMPLE7-5402-4c19-9feb-7c9EXAMPLEd5", "Devices" : [ { "DeviceId" : "JIDEXAMPLE2-bc53-4618-a538-917EXAMPLE94", "UnlockStatus" : { "State" : "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface" : { "IpAddress" : "" }, "ClusterAssociation" : { "State" : "ASSOCIATED", "ClusterId" : "CIDEXAMPLE7-5402-4c19-9feb-7c9EXAMPLEd5" }, "NetworkReachability" : { "State" : "REACHABLE" } }, { "DeviceId" : "JIDEXAMPLE2-bc53-4618-a538-917EXAMPLE94", "UnlockStatus" : { "State" : "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface" : { "IpAddress" : "" }, "ClusterAssociation" : { "State" : "ASSOCIATED", "ClusterId" : "CIDEXAMPLE7-5402-4c19-9feb-7c9EXAMPLEd5" }, "NetworkReachability" : { "State" : "REACHABLE" } }, { "DeviceId" : "JIDEXAMPLE2-bc53-4618-a538-917EXAMPLE94", "UnlockStatus" : { "State" : "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface" : { "IpAddress" : "" }, "ClusterAssociation" : { "State" : "ASSOCIATED", "ClusterId" : "CIDEXAMPLE7-5402-4c19-9feb-7c9EXAMPLEd5" }, "NetworkReachability" : { "State" : "REACHABLE" } }, { "DeviceId" : "JIDEXAMPLE2-bc53-4618-a538-917EXAMPLE94", "UnlockStatus" : { "State" : "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface" : { "IpAddress" : "" }, "ClusterAssociation" : { "State" : "ASSOCIATED", "ClusterId" : "CIDEXAMPLE7-5402-4c19-9feb-7c9EXAMPLEd5" }, "NetworkReachability" : { "State" : "REACHABLE" } }, { "DeviceId" : "JIDEXAMPLE2-bc53-4618-a538-917EXAMPLE94", "UnlockStatus" : { "State" : "UNLOCKED" }, "ActiveNetworkInterface" : { "IpAddress" : "" }, "ClusterAssociation" : { "State" : "ASSOCIATED", "ClusterId" : "CIDEXAMPLE7-5402-4c19-9feb-7c9EXAMPLEd5" }, "NetworkReachability" : { "State" : "REACHABLE" } } ] }

Getting Service Status

You can determine the status and general health of the services running on Snowball Edge devices with the describe-service command. You can first run the list-services command to see what services are running.

  • list-services

    Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

    snowballEdge list-services
    Example Output
    { "ServiceIds" : [ "greengrass", "fileinterface", "s3", "ec2", "s3-snow" ] }
  • describe-service

    This command returns a status value for a service. It also includes state information that might be helpful in resolving issues you encounter with the service. Those states are as follows.

    • ACTIVE – The service is running and available for use.

    • ACTIVATING – The service is starting up, but it is not yet available for use.

    • DEACTIVATING – The service is in the process of shutting down.

    • DEGRADED – For Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow Family devices, this status indicates one or more disks or devices in cluster is down. The Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow Family devices service is running uninterrupted, but you should recover or replace the affected device before the cluster quorum is lost to minimize the risk of lost data. See Clustering overview in this guide.

    • INACTIVE – The service is not running and is not available for use.

    Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

    snowballEdge describe-service --service-id service-id
    Example Output
    { "ServiceId" : "s3", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" }, "Storage" : { "TotalSpaceBytes" : 99608745492480, "FreeSpaceBytes" : 99608744468480 }, "Endpoints" : [ { "Protocol" : "http", "Port" : 8080, "Host" : "" }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 8443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/6d955EXAMPLEdb71798146EXAMPLE3f0" } } ] }
    Example Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow Family devices service output

    The describe-service command provides the following output for the s3-snow value of the service-id parameter.

    { "ServiceId" : "s3-snow", "Autostart" : false, "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" }, "ServiceCapacities" : [ { "Name" : "S3 Storage", "Unit" : "Byte", "Used" : 640303104, "Available" : 219571981512 } ], "Endpoints" : [ { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow bucket API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JID6ebd4c50-c3a1-4b16-b32c-b254f9b7f2dc", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow object API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JID6ebd4c50-c3a1-4b16-b32c-b254f9b7f2dc", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow bucket API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JID2a1e0deb-38b1-41f8-b904-a396c62da70d", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow object API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JID2a1e0deb-38b1-41f8-b904-a396c62da70d", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow bucket API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JIDcc45fa8f-b994-4ada-a821-581bc35d8645", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow object API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JIDcc45fa8f-b994-4ada-a821-581bc35d8645", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow bucket API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JID4ec68543-d974-465f-b81d-89832dd502db", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow object API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JID4ec68543-d974-465f-b81d-89832dd502db", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow bucket API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JID6331b8b5-6c63-4e01-b3ca-eab48b5628d2", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol" : "https", "Port" : 443, "Host" : "", "CertificateAssociation" : { "CertificateArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/a65ba817f2c5ac9683fc3bc1ae123456" }, "Description" : "s3-snow object API endpoint", "DeviceId" : "JID6331b8b5-6c63-4e01-b3ca-eab48b5628d2", "Status" : { "State" : "ACTIVE" } } ] }

Removing a Node from a Cluster

The disassociate-device command removes a node from a Snowball Edge cluster. If you want to replace an unhealthy node, use this command. For more information about clusters, see Custering overview in this guide.


Use the disassociate-device command only when you are removing an unhealthy node. This command fails and returns an error if you try to remove a healthy node.

Don't use this command to remove a node that was accidentally powered off or disconnected from the network and is therefore temporarily unavailable to the rest of the cluster. Nodes removed with this command can't be added to any cluster, and must be returned to Amazon.

If a node was accidentally powered off or disconnected from the network, plug the node back into power and the network, and use the associate-device command. You can't use the disassociate-device command to disassociate a node if it's powered on and healthy.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge disassociate-device --device-id Job ID for the Device
Example Output
Disassociating your Snowball Edge device from the cluster. Your Snowball Edge device will be disassociated from the cluster when it is in the "DISASSOCIATED" state. You can use the describe-cluster command to determine the state of your cluster.

Adding a Node to a Cluster

The associate-device command adds a node to a cluster of Snowball Edge devices. If you power off a node, it reverts from being unlocked to being locked. To unlock that node, you can use this command. Use this command to replace an unavailable node with a new node that you ordered as a replacement. For more information about clusters, see Clustering overview in this guide.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge associate-device --device-ip-address IP Address
Example Output
Associating your Snowball Edge device with the cluster. Your Snowball Edge device will be associated with the cluster when it is in the ASSOCIATED state. You can use the describe-cluster command to determine the state of your cluster.

Creating Tags for Your Device

Adds or overwrites the specified tags on your device. You can create a maximum of 50 tags. Each tag consists of a key-value pair. The value is optional.


Don't put sensitive data in your tags.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge create-tags --tag Key=Name,Value=user-test --tag Key=Stage,Value=beta

For more information, run the describe-tags command.

Example Output
Tag(s) [Key=Name,Value=test, Key=Stage,Value=beta] created.

Deleting Tags from Your Device

The delete-tags command deletes the specified tags from your Snowball Edge device.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge delete-tags --tag Key=Stage,Value=beta Tag(s) [Key=Stage,Value=beta] deleted.

For more information, run the describe-tags command.


If you want to delete multiple tags at the same time, you can specify multiple key-value pairs, like the following:

delete-tags --tag Key=Name,Value=test --tag Key=Stage,Value=Beta

If you specify a tag key without a tag value, any tag with this key regardless of its value is deleted. If you specify a tag key with an empty string as the tag value, only tags that have an empty string as the value are deleted.

Describing Tags on Your Device

The describe-tags command describes the tags on your Snowball Edge device.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge describe-tags

For more information, run the describe-tags command.

Example Output
{ "Tags" : [ { "Key" : "Name", "Value" : "user-test" }, { "Key" : "Stage", "Value" : "beta" } ] }

Creating a direct network interface

Use the create-direct-network-interface command to create direct network interfaces on Snow Family devices. A direct network interface (DNI) must be associated with an AMI instance. You can use the vlan parameter to assign a virtual local area network (VLAN) ID to the interface to tag all traffic from the interface with that VLAN ID. Also, you can assign a media access control (MAC) address to the DNI with the mac parameter. If you don't provide the mac parameter and a value, a MAC address will be assigned automatically.

You can use the describe-device command to retrieve the physical network interface ID. For more information, see Getting Device Status.

snowballEdge create-direct-network-interface --instance-id AMI-instance-id --physical-network-interface-id physical-network-interface-id --vlan vlan-id --mac MAC-address
Example of create-direct-network-interface command output
{ "DirectNetworkInterface" : { "DirectNetworkInterfaceArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::interface/", "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId : "", "InstanceId" : "s.i-g9h2j4k6l8m1n3p5q", "Driver" : "mlx5 core", "MacAddress" : "1A:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F", "MtuSize": "1500" } }

Getting information about a direct network interface

Use the describe-direct-network-interface command to see information about the direct network interfaces on a Snow Family device.

snowballEdge describe-direct-network-interfaces --endpoint https://snow-device-ip-address --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code
Example of descibe-direct-network-interfaces command output
{ "DirectNetworkInterface" : { "DirectNetworkInterfaceArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::interface/", "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId : "", "InstanceId" : "s.i-g9h2j4k6l8m1n3p5q", "Driver" : "mlx5 core", "MacAddress" : "1A:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F", "MtuSize": "1500" } }

Updating a Direct Network Interface

Use the update-direct-network-interface to change the properties of a direct network interface (DNI). When you change a DNI that is attached to an Amazon EC2-compatible instance, the interface will be detached. To change the maxium transmission unit (MTU) of the physical interface the DNI is using, use the update-mtu-size command. For more information, see Updating MTU size.

snowballEdge update-direct-network-interface --direct-network-interface-arn directNetworkInterfaceArn // --endpoint https://snow-device-ip-address [--mac macAddress] // --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code // [--vlan vlanId] [--attach-instance-id instanceId | --detach]
Example of update-direct-network-interface command output
{ "DirectNetworkInterface" : { "DirectNetworkInterfaceArn" : "arn:aws:snowball-device:::interface/", "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId : "", "InstanceId" : "s.i-g9h2j4k6l8m1n3p5q", "Driver" : "mlx5 core", "MacAddress" : "2A:3B:5C:5D:6E:7F", "MtuSize": "1500" } }

Deleting a direct network interface

Use the delete-direct-network-interface command to delete a direct network interface (DNI). To delete a DNI associated with a Amazon EC2-compatible compute instance, first use the detatch parameter of the update-direct-network-interface command to detatch the DNI from the instance. For more information, see Updating a Direct Network Interface.

snowballEdge delete-direct-network-interface --direct-network-interface-arn directNetworkInterfaceArn // --endpoint https://snow-device-ip-address --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin // [--profile profile] --unlock-code unlock-code
Example of delete-direct-network-interface command output
The direct network interface has been deleted from your Snowball Edge. You can determine the direct network interfaces available on your Snowball Edge using the describe-direct-network-interfaces command.

Create a virtual network interface (VNI)

Use the create-virtual-network-interface command to create virtual network interfaces on the Snowball Edge device. You can use the describe-device command to retrieve the physical network interface ID. For more information, see Getting Device Status.


The static-ip-address-configuration parameter is valid only when using the STATIC value for the ip-address-assignment parameter.

snowballEdge create-virtual-network-interface --endpoint https://ip-address-of-snow-device --manifest-file /path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code --ip-address-assignment DHCP or STATIC --physical-network-interface-id [physical network interface id] --static-ip-address-configuration IpAddress=IP-address,NetMask=netmask
Example of create-virtual-network-interface command output
{ "VirtualNetworkInterface": { "VirtualNetworkInterfaceArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::interface/", "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId": "", "IpAddressAssignment": "DHCP", "IpAddress": "", "Netmask": "", "DefaultGateway": "", "MacAddress": "EX:AM:PL:E1:23:45", "MtuSize" : "1500" } }

Getting information about a virtual network interface

Use the describe-virtual-network-interface command to see information about the virtual network interfaces on the Snow Family device.

snowballEdge describe-direct-network-interfaces --endpoint https://ip-address-of-snow-device --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin --unlock-code unlock-code
Example of descibe-virtual-network-interfaces command output
{ "VirtualNetworkInterface": { "VirtualNetworkInterfaceArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::interface/", "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId": "", "IpAddressAssignment": "DHCP", "IpAddress": "", "Netmask": "", "DefaultGateway": "", "MacAddress": "EX:AM:PL:E1:23:45", "MtuSize" : "1500" } }

Updating a virtual network interface

Use the update-virtual-network-interface command to update virtual network interfaces on the Snow Family device. To change the maxium transmission unit (MTU) of the physical interface the DNI is using, use the update-mtu-size command. For more information, see Updating MTU size.

snowballEdge update-virtual-network-interface --direct-network-interface-arn directNetworkInterfaceArn --endpoint https://ip-address-of-snow-device // --unlock-code unlock-code [--mac macAddress] --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin // [--vlan vlanId] [--attach-instance-id instanceId | --detach]
Example of update-virtual-network-interface command output
{ "VirtualNetworkInterface": { "VirtualNetworkInterfaceArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::interface/", "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId": "", "IpAddressAssignment": "DHCP", "IpAddress": "", "Netmask": "", "DefaultGateway": "", "MacAddress": "EX:AM:PL:E1:23:45", "MtuSize" : "1500" } }

Deleting a virtual network interface

Use the delete-direct-network-interface command to delete a virtual network interface (VNI).

snowballEdge delete-virtual-network-interface --virtual-network-interface-arn virtual-network-interface-ARN --endpoint https://endpoint // --manifest-file path/to/manifest/file.bin] [--profile profile] --unlock-code unlock-code]
Example of delte-direct-network-interface command output
The virtual network interface has been deleted from your Snowball Edge. You can determine the virtual network interfaces available on your Snowball Edge using the describe-virtual-network-interfaces command.

Checking feature status

To list the status of features available on your device use the describe-features command.

RemoteManagementState indicates the status of Snow Device Management and returns one of the following states:

  • INSTALLED_ONLY – The feature is installed but not enabled.

  • INSTALLED_AUTOSTART – The feature is enabled and the device will attempt to connect to its Amazon Web Services Region when it is powered on.

  • NOT_INSTALLED – The device does not support the feature or was already in the field before its launch.

Usage (configured Snowball Edge client)

snowballEdge describe-features \ --manifest-file manifest.bin path \ --unlock-code unlock-code \ --endpoint https://device-local-ip:9091

Example Output

{ "RemoteManagementState" : String }

Setting Time Servers

You can set up an external Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. You can use the NTP CLI commands when the device is in both locked and unlocked states. The manifest and unlock code are required. You can set these either with the snowballEdge configure command or by using the --manifest-file and --unlock-code options. Note that you can use the snowballEdge CLI on both Amazon Snowcone Edge and Amazon Snowcone.

It is your responsibility to provide a secure NTP time server. To set which NTP time servers the device connects to, use the update-time-servers CLI command.


The update-time-servers command will override the previous NTP time servers settings.

Supported NTP device types and software versions

NTP isn't available on any version 2 storage and compute device types. Snowball Edge version 3 storage and compute device types with software version 77 or later support NTP, however. To check if NTP is enabled, use the Snowball Edge CLI command describe-time-sources.


snowballEdge update-time-servers
Example Output
Updating time servers now.

Checking Time Sources

To see which NTP time sources the device are currently connected to, use the describe-time-sources Snowball Edge CLI command.


snowballEdge describe-time-sources
Example Output
{ "Sources" : [ { "Address" : "", "State" : "LOST", "Type" : "PEER", "Stratum" : 10 }, { "Address" : "", "State" : "LOST", "Type" : "PEER", "Stratum" : 10 }, { "Address" : "", "State" : "LOST", "Type" : "PEER", "Stratum" : 10 }, { "Address" : "", "State" : "LOST", "Type" : "PEER", "Stratum" : 10 }, { "Address" : "", "State" : "CURRENT", "Type" : "SERVER", "Stratum" : 1 } ] }

The describe-time-sources command returns a list of time source states. Each time source state contains the Address, State, Type, and Stratum fields. Following are the meanings of these fields.

  • Address – The DNS name / IP address of the time source.

  • State – The current connection status between the device and that time source. There are five possible states:.

    • CURRENT – The time source is currently being used to synchronize time.

    • COMBINED – The time source is combined with the current source.

    • EXCLUDED – The time source is excluded by the combining algorithm.

    • LOST – The connection with the time source has been lost.

    • UNACCEPTABLE – An invalid time source where the combining algorithm has deemed to be either a falseticker or has too much variability.

  • Type – An NTP time source can be either a server or a peer. Servers can be set by the update-time-servers command. Peers can only be other Snowball Edge devices in the cluster and are automatically set up when the cluster is associated.

  • Stratum – This field shows the stratum of the source. Stratum 1 indicates a source with a locally attached reference clock. A source that is synchronized to a stratum 1 source is at stratum 2. A source that is synchronized to a stratum 2 source is at stratum 3, and so on..

An NTP time source can either be a server or a peer. A server can be set by the user with the update-time-servers command, whereas a peer could only be other Snowball Edge devices in the cluster. In the example output, describe-time-sources is called on a Snowball Edge that is in a cluster of 5. The output contains 4 peers and 1 server. The peers have a stratum of 10 while the server has a stratum of 1; therefore, the server is selected to be the current time source.

Updating MTU size

Use the update-mtu-size command to modify the size in bytes of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a physical interface of a Snow Family device. All virtual network interfaces and direct network interface associated with this physical network interface will be configured with the same MTU size.


The minimum MTU size is 1500 bytes and the maximum size is 9216 bytes.

You can use the describe-device command to retrieve the physical network interface IDs and current MTU sizes of those interfaces. For more information, see Getting Device Status.

You can use the descibe-direct-network-interface and describe-virtual-network-interface commands to retrieve the current MTU sizes of those interfaces. For more information, see Getting information about a direct network interface and Getting information about a virtual network interface.


snowballEdge update-mtu-size --physical-network-interface-id physical-network-interface-id --mtu-size size-in-bytes
Example of update-mtu-size output
{ "PhysicalNetworkInterface": { "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId": "", "PhysicalConnectorType": "SFP_PLUS", "IpAddressAssignment": "DHCP", "IpAddress": "", "Netmask": "", "DefaultGateway": "", "MacAddress": "8A:2r:5G:9p:6Q:4s", "MtuSize": "5743" } }