Deploying and subscribing the Event Search and Analytics Pipeline to Amazon SNS - Amazon Simple Notification Service
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Deploying and subscribing the Event Search and Analytics Pipeline to Amazon SNS

For event archiving and analytics, Amazon SNS now recommends using its native integration with Amazon Data Firehose. You can subscribe Firehose delivery streams to SNS topics, which allows you to send notifications to archiving and analytics endpoints such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, Amazon Redshift tables, Amazon OpenSearch Service (OpenSearch Service), and more. Using Amazon SNS with Firehose delivery streams is a fully-managed and codeless solution that doesn't require you to use Amazon Lambda functions. For more information, see Fanout to Firehose delivery streams.

This page shows how to deploy the Event Search and Analytics Pipeline and subscribe it to an Amazon SNS topic. This process automatically turns the Amazon SAM template associated with the pipeline into an Amazon CloudFormation stack, and then deploys the stack into your Amazon Web Services account. This process also creates and configures the set of resources that comprise the Event Search and Analytics Pipeline, including the following:

  • Amazon SQS queue

  • Lambda function

  • Firehose delivery stream

  • Amazon OpenSearch Service domain

  • Amazon S3 dead-letter bucket

For more information about configuring a stream with an index as a destination, see ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration in the Amazon Data Firehose API Reference.

For more information about transforming events and about configuring event buffering, event compression, and event encryption, see Creating an Amazon Data Firehose Delivery Stream in the Amazon Data Firehose Developer Guide.

For more information about filtering events, see Amazon SNS subscription filter policies in this guide.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Lambda console.

  2. On the navigation panel, choose Functions and then choose Create function.

  3. On the Create function page, do the following:

    1. Choose Browse serverless app repository, Public applications, Show apps that create custom IAM roles or resource policies.

    2. Search for fork-event-search-analytics-pipeline and then choose the application.

  4. On the fork-event-search-analytics-pipeline page, do the following:

    1. In the Application settings section, enter an Application name (for example, my-app-search).


      For each deployment, the application name must be unique. If you reuse an application name, the deployment will update only the previously deployed Amazon CloudFormation stack (rather than create a new one).

    2. (Optional) For DataTransformationFunctionArn, enter the ARN of the Lambda function used for transforming incoming events. If you don't enter a value, data transformation is disabled.

    3. (Optional) Enter one of the following LogLevel settings for the execution of your application's Lambda function:

      • DEBUG

      • ERROR

      • INFO (default)

      • WARNING

    4. (Optional) For SearchDomainArn, enter the ARN of the OpenSearch Service domain, a cluster that configures the needed compute and storage functionality. If you don't enter a value, a new domain is created with the default configuration.

    5. For TopicArn, enter the ARN of the Amazon SNS topic to which this instance of the fork pipeline is to be subscribed.

    6. For SearchIndexName, enter the name of the OpenSearch Service index for event search and analytics.


      The following quotas apply to index names:

      • Can't include uppercase letters

      • Can't include the following characters: \ / * ? " < > | ` , #

      • Can't begin with the following characters: - + _

      • Can't be the following: . ..

      • Can't be longer than 80 characters

      • Can't be longer than 255 bytes

      • Can't contain a colon (from OpenSearch Service 7.0)

    7. (Optional) Enter one of the following SearchIndexRotationPeriod settings for the rotation period of the OpenSearch Service index:

      • NoRotation (default)

      • OneDay

      • OneHour

      • OneMonth

      • OneWeek

      Index rotation appends a timestamp to the index name, facilitating the expiration of old data.

    8. For SearchTypeName, enter the name of the OpenSearch Service type for organizing the events in an index.

      • OpenSearch Service type names can contain any character (except null bytes) but can't begin with _.

      • For OpenSearch Service 6.x, there can be only one type per index. If you specify a new type for an existing index that already has another type, Firehose returns a runtime error.

    9. (Optional) For StreamBufferingIntervalInSeconds and StreamBufferingSizeInMBs, enter the values for configuring the buffering of incoming events. If you don't enter any values, 300 seconds and 5 MB are used.

    10. (Optional) Enter one of the following StreamCompressionFormat settings for compressing incoming events:

      • GZIP

      • SNAPPY

      • UNCOMPRESSED (default)

      • ZIP

    11. (Optional) For StreamPrefix, enter the string prefix to name files stored in the Amazon S3 dead-letter bucket. If you don't enter a value, no prefix is used.

    12. (Optional) For StreamRetryDurationInSecons, enter the retry duration for cases when Firehose can't index events in the OpenSearch Service index. If you don't enter a value, then 300 seconds is used.

    13. (Optional) For SubscriptionFilterPolicy, enter the Amazon SNS subscription filter policy, in JSON format, to be used for filtering incoming events. The filter policy decides which events are indexed in the OpenSearch Service index. If you don't enter a value, no filtering is used (all events are indexed).

    14. Choose I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles, resource policies and deploys nested applications. and then choose Deploy.

On the Deployment status for my-app-search page, Lambda displays the Your application is being deployed status.

In the Resources section, Amazon CloudFormation begins to create the stack and displays the CREATE_IN_PROGRESS status for each resource. When the process is complete, Amazon CloudFormation displays the CREATE_COMPLETE status.

When the deployment is complete, Lambda displays the Your application has been deployed status.

Messages published to your Amazon SNS topic are indexed in the OpenSearch Service index provisioned by the Event Search and Analytics pipeline automatically. If the pipeline can't index an event, it stores it in a Amazon S3 dead-letter bucket.