How Step Functions parses input CSV files - Amazon Step Functions
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How Step Functions parses input CSV files

Because there isn't a standardized format to create and maintain data in CSV files, Step Functions parses CSV files based on the following rules:

  • Commas (,) are a delimiter that separates individual fields.

  • Newlines are a delimiter that separates individual records.

  • Fields are treated as strings. For data type conversions, use the States.StringToJson intrinsic function in ItemSelector (Map).

  • Double quotation marks (" ") aren't required to enclose strings. However, strings that are enclosed by double quotation marks can contain commas and newlines without them functioning as delimiters.

  • Escape double quotes by repeating them.

  • If the number of fields in a row is less than the number of fields in the header, Step Functions provides empty strings for the missing values.

  • If the number of fields in a row is more than the number of fields in the header, Step Functions skips the additional fields.

of parsing an input CSV file

Say that you have provided a CSV file named myCSVInput.csv that contains one row as input. Then, you've stored this file in an Amazon S3 bucket that's named my-bucket. The CSV file is as follows.

abc,123,"This string contains commas, a double quotation marks (""), and a newline ( )",{""MyKey"":""MyValue""},"[1,2,3]"

The following state machine reads this CSV file and uses ItemSelector (Map) to convert the data types of some of the fields.

{ "StartAt": "Map", "States": { "Map": { "Type": "Map", "ItemProcessor": { "ProcessorConfig": { "Mode": "DISTRIBUTED", "ExecutionType": "STANDARD" }, "StartAt": "Pass", "States": { "Pass": { "Type": "Pass", "End": true } } }, "End": true, "Label": "Map", "MaxConcurrency": 1000, "ItemReader": { "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:states:::s3:getObject", "ReaderConfig": { "InputType": "CSV", "CSVHeaderLocation": "GIVEN", "CSVHeaders": [ "MyLetters", "MyNumbers", "MyString", "MyObject", "MyArray" ] }, "Parameters": { "Bucket": "my-bucket", "Key": "myCSVInput.csv" } }, "ItemSelector": { "MyLetters.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value.MyLetters", "MyNumbers.$": "States.StringToJson($$.Map.Item.Value.MyNumbers)", "MyString.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value.MyString", "MyObject.$": "States.StringToJson($$.Map.Item.Value.MyObject)", "MyArray.$": "States.StringToJson($$.Map.Item.Value.MyArray)" } } } }

When you run this state machine, it produces the following output.

[ { "MyNumbers": 123, "MyObject": { "MyKey": "MyValue" }, "MyString": "This string contains commas, a double quote (\"), and a newline (\n)", "MyLetters": "abc", "MyArray": [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ]