Configuration file for mocked service integrations in Step Functions - Amazon Step Functions
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Configuration file for mocked service integrations in Step Functions

To use mocked service integrations, you must first create a mock configuration file named MockConfigFile.json containing your mock configurations. Then provide Step Functions Local with the mock configuration file. This configuration file defines test cases, which contain mock states that use mocked service integration responses. The following section contains information about the structure of mock configuration that includes the mock states and mocked responses:

Mock configuration file structure

A mock configuration is a JSON object containing the following top-level fields:

  • StateMachines - The fields of this object represent state machines configured to use mocked service integrations.

  • MockedResponse - The fields of this object represent mocked responses for service integration calls.

The following is an example of a mock configuration file which includes a StateMachine definition and MockedResponse.

{ "StateMachines":{ "LambdaSQSIntegration":{ "TestCases":{ "HappyPath":{ "LambdaState":"MockedLambdaSuccess", "SQSState":"MockedSQSSuccess" }, "RetryPath":{ "LambdaState":"MockedLambdaRetry", "SQSState":"MockedSQSSuccess" }, "HybridPath":{ "LambdaState":"MockedLambdaSuccess" } } } }, "MockedResponses":{ "MockedLambdaSuccess":{ "0":{ "Return":{ "StatusCode":200, "Payload":{ "StatusCode":200, "body":"Hello from Lambda!" } } } }, "LambdaMockedResourceNotReady":{ "0":{ "Throw":{ "Error":"Lambda.ResourceNotReadyException", "Cause":"Lambda resource is not ready." } } }, "MockedSQSSuccess":{ "0":{ "Return":{ "MD5OfMessageBody":"3bcb6e8e-7h85-4375-b0bc-1a59812c6e51", "MessageId":"3bcb6e8e-8b51-4375-b0bc-1a59812c6e51" } } }, "MockedLambdaRetry":{ "0":{ "Throw":{ "Error":"Lambda.ResourceNotReadyException", "Cause":"Lambda resource is not ready." } }, "1-2":{ "Throw":{ "Error":"Lambda.TimeoutException", "Cause":"Lambda timed out." } }, "3":{ "Return":{ "StatusCode":200, "Payload":{ "StatusCode":200, "body":"Hello from Lambda!" } } } } } }

Mock configuration field reference

The following sections explain the top-level object fields that you must define in your mock configuration.


The StateMachines object defines which state machines will use mocked service integrations. The configuration for each state machine is represented as a top-level field of StateMachines. The field name is the name of the state machine and value is an object containing a single field named TestCases, whose fields represent test cases of that state machine.

The following syntax shows a state machine with two test cases:

"MyStateMachine": { "TestCases": { "HappyPath": { ... }, "SadPath": { ... } }

The fields of TestCases represent individual test cases for the state machine. The name of each test case must be unique per state machine and the value of each test case is an object specifying a mocked response to use for Task states in the state machine.

The following example of a TestCase links two Task states to two MockedResponses:

"HappyPath": { "SomeTaskState": "SomeMockedResponse", "AnotherTaskState": "AnotherMockedResponse" }


MockedResponses is an object containing multiple mocked response objects with unique field names. A mocked response object defines the successful result or error output for each invocation of a mocked Task state. You specify the invocation number using individual integer strings, such as “0”, “1”, “2”, and “3” or an inclusive range of integers, such as “0-1”, “2-3”.

When you mock a Task, you must specify a mocked response for every invocation. A response must contain a single field named Return or Throw whose value is the result or error output for the mocked Task invocation. If you do not specify a mocked response, the state machine execution will fail.

The following is an example of a MockedResponse with Throw and Return objects. In this example, the first three times the state machine is run, the response specified in "0-2" is returned, and the fourth time the state machine runs, the response specified in "3" is returned.

"SomeMockedResponse": { "0-2": { "Throw": { ... } }, "3": { "Return": { ... } } }

If you are using a Map state, and want to ensure predictable responses for the Map state, set the value of maxConcurrency to 1. If you set a value greater than 1, Step Functions Local will run multiple iterations concurrently, which will cause the overall execution order of states across iterations to be unpredictable. This may further cause Step Functions Local to use different mocked responses for iteration states from one execution to the next.


Return is represented as a field of the MockedResponse objects. It specifies the successful result of a mocked Task state.

The following is an example of a Return object that contains a mocked response for calling Invoke on a Lambda function:

"Return": { "StatusCode": 200, "Payload": { "StatusCode": 200, "body": "Hello from Lambda!" } }

Throw is represented as a field of the MockedResponse objects. It specifies the error output of a failed Task. The value of Throw must be an object containing an Error and Cause fields with string values. In addition, the string value you specify in Error field in the MockConfigFile.json must match the errors handled in the Retry and Catch sections of your state machine.

The following is an example of a Throw object that contains a mocked response for calling Invoke on a Lambda function:

"Throw": { "Error": "Lambda.TimeoutException", "Cause": "Lambda timed out." }