Implement the consumer - Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Implement the consumer

The consumer application in this tutorial continuously processes the stock trades in your data stream. It then outputs the most popular stocks being bought and sold every minute. The application is built on top of the Kinesis Client Library (KCL), which does much of the heavy lifting common to consumer apps. For more information, see KCL 1.x and 2.x information.

Refer to the source code and review the following information.

StockTradesProcessor class

The main class of the consumer, provided for you, which performs the following tasks:

  • Reads the application, data stream, and Region names, passed in as arguments.

  • Creates a KinesisAsyncClient instance with the Region name.

  • Creates a StockTradeRecordProcessorFactory instance that serves instances of ShardRecordProcessor, implemented by a StockTradeRecordProcessor instance.

  • Creates a ConfigsBuilder instance with the KinesisAsyncClient, StreamName, ApplicationName, and StockTradeRecordProcessorFactory instance. This is useful for creating all configurations with default values.

  • Creates a KCL scheduler (previously, in KCL versions 1.x it was known as the KCL worker) with the ConfigsBuilder instance.

  • The scheduler creates a new thread for each shard (assigned to this consumer instance), which continuously loops to read records from the data stream. It then invokes the StockTradeRecordProcessor instance to process each batch of records received.

StockTradeRecordProcessor class

Implementation of the StockTradeRecordProcessor instance, which in turn implements five required methods: initialize, processRecords, leaseLost, shardEnded, and shutdownRequested.

The initialize and shutdownRequested methods are used by the KCL to let the record processor know when it should be ready to start receiving records and when it should expect to stop receiving records, respectively, so it can perform any application-specific setup and termination tasks. leaseLost and shardEnded are used to implement any logic for what to do when a lease is lost or a processing has reached the end of a shard. In this example, we simply log messages indicating these events.

The code for these methods is provided for you. The main processing happens in the processRecords method, which in turn uses processRecord for each record. This latter method is provided as the mostly empty skeleton code for you to implement in the next step, where it is explained in greater detail.

Also of note is the implementation of the support methods for processRecord: reportStats, and resetStats, which are empty in the original source code.

The processRecords method is implemented for you, and performs the following steps:

  • For each record passed in, it calls processRecord on it.

  • If at least 1 minute has elapsed since the last report, calls reportStats(), which prints out the latest stats, and then resetStats() which clears the stats so that the next interval includes only new records.

  • Sets the next reporting time.

  • If at least 1 minute has elapsed since the last checkpoint, calls checkpoint().

  • Sets the next checkpointing time.

This method uses 60-second intervals for the reporting and checkpointing rate. For more information about checkpointing, see Using the Kinesis Client Library.

StockStats class

This class provides data retention and statistics tracking for the most popular stocks over time. This code is provided for you and contains the following methods:

  • addStockTrade(StockTrade): injects the given StockTrade into the running statistics.

  • toString(): returns the statistics in a formatted string.

This class tracks the most popular stock by keeping a running count of the total number of trades for each stock and the maximum count. It updates these counts whenever a stock trade arrives.

Add code to the methods of the StockTradeRecordProcessor class, as shown in the following steps.

To implement the consumer
  1. Implement the processRecord method by instantiating a correctly sized StockTrade object and adding the record data to it, logging a warning if there's a problem.

    byte[] arr = new byte[];; StockTrade trade = StockTrade.fromJsonAsBytes(arr); if (trade == null) { log.warn("Skipping record. Unable to parse record into StockTrade. Partition Key: " + record.partitionKey()); return; } stockStats.addStockTrade(trade);
  2. Implement a reportStats method. Modify the output format to suit your preferences.

    System.out.println("****** Shard " + kinesisShardId + " stats for last 1 minute ******\n" + stockStats + "\n" + "****************************************************************\n");
  3. Implement the resetStats method, which creates a new stockStats instance.

    stockStats = new StockStats();
  4. Implement the following methods required by ShardRecordProcessor interface:

    @Override public void leaseLost(LeaseLostInput leaseLostInput) {"Lost lease, so terminating."); } @Override public void shardEnded(ShardEndedInput shardEndedInput) { try {"Reached shard end checkpointing."); shardEndedInput.checkpointer().checkpoint(); } catch (ShutdownException | InvalidStateException e) { log.error("Exception while checkpointing at shard end. Giving up.", e); } } @Override public void shutdownRequested(ShutdownRequestedInput shutdownRequestedInput) {"Scheduler is shutting down, checkpointing."); checkpoint(shutdownRequestedInput.checkpointer()); } private void checkpoint(RecordProcessorCheckpointer checkpointer) {"Checkpointing shard " + kinesisShardId); try { checkpointer.checkpoint(); } catch (ShutdownException se) { // Ignore checkpoint if the processor instance has been shutdown (fail over)."Caught shutdown exception, skipping checkpoint.", se); } catch (ThrottlingException e) { // Skip checkpoint when throttled. In practice, consider a backoff and retry policy. log.error("Caught throttling exception, skipping checkpoint.", e); } catch (InvalidStateException e) { // This indicates an issue with the DynamoDB table (check for table, provisioned IOPS). log.error("Cannot save checkpoint to the DynamoDB table used by the Amazon Kinesis Client Library.", e); } }
To run the consumer
  1. Run the producer that you wrote in Implement the producer to inject simulated stock trade records into your stream.

  2. Verify that the access key and secret key pair retrieved earlier (when creating the IAM user) are saved in the file ~/.aws/credentials.

  3. Run the StockTradesProcessor class with the following arguments:

    StockTradesProcessor StockTradeStream us-west-2

    Note that if you created your stream in a Region other than us-west-2, you have to specify that Region here instead.

After a minute, you should see output like the following, refreshed every minute thereafter:

****** Shard shardId-000000000001 stats for last 1 minute ****** Most popular stock being bought: WMT, 27 buys. Most popular stock being sold: PTR, 14 sells. ****************************************************************

Next steps

(Optional) Extend the consumer