Assign tasks to a maintenance window using the console - Amazon Systems Manager
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Assign tasks to a maintenance window using the console

In this procedure, you add a task to a maintenance window. Tasks are the actions performed when a maintenance window runs.

The following four types of tasks can be added to a maintenance window:

  • Amazon Systems Manager Run Command commands

  • Systems Manager Automation workflows

  • Amazon Step Functions tasks

  • Amazon Lambda functions


    The IAM policy for Maintenance Windows requires that you add the prefix SSM to Lambda function (or alias) names. Before you proceed to register this type of task, update its name in Amazon Lambda to include SSM. For example, if your Lambda function name is MyLambdaFunction, change it to SSMMyLambdaFunction.

To assign tasks to a maintenance window
  1. Open the Amazon Systems Manager console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Maintenance Windows.

  3. In the list of maintenance windows, choose a maintenance window.

  4. Choose Actions, and then choose the option for the type of task you want to register with the maintenance window.

    • Register Run command task

    • Register Automation task

    • Register Lambda task

    • Register Step Functions task


      Maintenance window tasks support Step Functions Standard state machine workflows only. They don't support Express state machine workflows. For information about state machine workflow types, see Standard vs. Express Workflows in the Amazon Step Functions Developer Guide.

  5. (Optional) For Name, enter a name for the task.

  6. (Optional) For Description, enter a description.

  7. For New task invocation cutoff, if you don't want any new task invocations to start after the maintenance window cutoff time is reached, choose Enabled.

    When this option is not enabled, the task continues running when the cutoff time is reached and starts new task invocations until completion.


    The status for tasks that are not completed when you enable this option is TIMED_OUT.

  8. For this step, choose the tab for your selected task type.

    Run Command
    1. In the Command document list, choose the Systems Manager Command document (SSM document) that defines the tasks to run.

    2. For Document version, choose the document version to use.

    3. For Task priority, specify a priority for this task. Zero (0) is the highest priority. Tasks in a maintenance window are scheduled in priority order with tasks that have the same priority scheduled in parallel.

    1. In the Automation document list, choose the Automation runbook that defines the tasks to run.

    2. For Document version, choose the runbook version to use.

    3. For Task priority, specify a priority for this task. Zero (0) is the highest priority. Tasks in a maintenance window are scheduled in priority order with tasks that have the same priority scheduled in parallel.

    1. In the Lambda parameters area, choose a Lambda function from the list.

    2. (Optional) Provide any content for Payload, Client Context, or Qualifier that you want to include.


      In some cases, you can use a pseudo parameter as part of your Payload value. Then when the maintenance window task runs, it passes the correct values instead of the pseudo parameter placeholders. For information, see Using pseudo parameters when registering maintenance window tasks.

    3. For Task priority, specify a priority for this task. Zero (0) is the highest priority. Tasks in a maintenance window are scheduled in priority order with tasks that have the same priority scheduled in parallel.

    Step Functions
    1. In the Step Functions parameters area, choose a state machine from the list.

    2. (Optional) Provide a name for the state machine execution and any content for Input that you want to include.


      In some cases, you can use a pseudo parameter as part of your Input value. Then when the maintenance window task runs, it passes the correct values instead of the pseudo parameter placeholders. For information, see Using pseudo parameters when registering maintenance window tasks.

    3. For Task priority, specify a priority for this task. Zero (0) is the highest priority. Tasks in a maintenance window are scheduled in priority order with tasks that have the same priority scheduled in parallel.

  9. In the Targets area, choose one of the following:

    • Selecting registered target groups: Select one or more maintenance window targets you have registered with the current maintenance window.

    • Selecting unregistered targets: Choose available resources one by one as targets for the task.

      If a managed node you expect to see isn't listed, see Troubleshooting managed node availability for troubleshooting tips.

    • Task target not required: Targets for the task might already be specified in other functions for all but Run Command-type tasks.

      Specify one or more targets for maintenance window Run Command-type tasks. Depending on the task, targets are optional for other maintenance window task types (Automation, Amazon Lambda, and Amazon Step Functions). For more information about running tasks that don't specify targets, see Registering maintenance window tasks without targets.


      In many cases, you don't need to explicitly specify a target for an automation task. For example, say that you're creating an Automation-type task to update an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for Linux using the AWS-UpdateLinuxAmi runbook. When the task runs, the AMI is updated with the latest available Linux distribution packages and Amazon software. New instances created from the AMI already have these updates installed. Because the ID of the AMI to be updated is specified in the input parameters for the runbook, there is no need to specify a target again in the maintenance window task.

  10. Automation tasks only:

    In the Input parameters area, provide values for any required or optional parameters needed to run your task.


    In some cases, you can use a pseudo parameter for certain input parameter values. Then when the maintenance window task runs, it passes the correct values instead of the pseudo parameter placeholders. For information, see Using pseudo parameters when registering maintenance window tasks.

  11. For Rate control:

    • For Concurrency, specify either a number or a percentage of managed nodes on which to run the command at the same time.


      If you selected targets by specifying tags applied to managed nodes or by specifying Amazon resource groups, and you aren't certain how many managed nodes are targeted, then restrict the number of targets that can run the document at the same time by specifying a percentage.

    • For Error threshold, specify when to stop running the command on other managed nodes after it fails on either a number or a percentage of nodes. For example, if you specify three errors, then Systems Manager stops sending the command when the fourth error is received. Managed nodes still processing the command might also send errors.

  12. (Optional) For IAM service role, choose a role to provide permissions for Systems Manager to assume when running a maintenance window task.

    If you don't specify a service role ARN, Systems Manager uses a service-linked role in your account. If no appropriate service-linked role for Systems Manager exists in your account, it's created when the task is registered successfully.


    For an improved security posture, we strongly recommend creating a custom policy and custom service role for running your maintenance window tasks. The policy can be crafted to provide only the permissions needed for your particular maintenance window tasks. For more information, see Setting up Maintenance Windows.

  13. Run Command tasks only:

    (Optional) For Output options, do the following:

    • Select the Enable writing to S3 check box to save the command output to a file. Enter the bucket and prefix (folder) names in the boxes.

    • Select the CloudWatch output check box to write complete output to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Enter the name of a CloudWatch Logs log group.


      The permissions that grant the ability to write data to an S3 bucket or CloudWatch Logs are those of the instance profile assigned to the node, not those of the IAM user performing this task. For more information, see Configure instance permissions required for Systems Manager. In addition, if the specified S3 bucket or log group is in a different Amazon Web Services account, verify that the instance profile associated with the node has the necessary permissions to write to that bucket.

  14. Run Command tasks only:

    In the SNS notifications section, if you want notifications sent about the status of the command execution, select the Enable SNS notifications check box.

    For more information about configuring Amazon SNS notifications for Run Command, see Monitoring Systems Manager status changes using Amazon SNS notifications.

  15. Run Command tasks only:

    In the Parameters area, specify parameters for the document.


    In some cases, you can use a pseudo parameter for certain input parameter values. Then when the maintenance window task runs, it passes the correct values instead of the pseudo parameter placeholders. For information, see Using pseudo parameters when registering maintenance window tasks.

  16. Run Command and Automation tasks only:

    (Optional) In the CloudWatch alarm area, for Alarm name, choose an existing CloudWatch alarm to apply to your task for monitoring.

    If the alarm activates, the task is stopped.


    To attach a CloudWatch alarm to your task, the IAM principal that runs the task must have permission for the iam:createServiceLinkedRole action. For more information about CloudWatch alarms, see Using Amazon CloudWatch alarms.

  17. Depending on your task type, choose one of the following:

    • Register Run command task

    • Register Automation task

    • Register Lambda task

    • Register Step Functions task