Use custom file-processing steps - Amazon Transfer Family
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Use custom file-processing steps

By using a custom file-processing step, you can Bring Your Own file-processing logic using Amazon Lambda. Upon file arrival, a Transfer Family server invokes a Lambda function that contains custom file-processing logic, such as encrypting files, scanning for malware, or checking for incorrect file types. In the following example, the target Amazon Lambda function is used to process the output file from the previous step.

The custom step screen, with the Apply custom processing to the file created from previous step radio button selected, and a Lambda function displayed in the Target field.

For an example Lambda function, see Example Lambda function for a custom workflow step. For example events (including the location for files passed into the Lambda), see Example events sent to Amazon Lambda upon file upload.

With a custom workflow step, you must configure the Lambda function to call the SendWorkflowStepState API operation. SendWorkflowStepState notifies the workflow execution that the step was completed with either a success or a failure status. The status of the SendWorkflowStepState API operation invokes an exception handler step or a nominal step in the linear sequence, based on the outcome of the Lambda function.

If the Lambda function fails or times out, the step fails, and you see StepErrored in your CloudWatch logs. If the Lambda function is part of the nominal step and the function responds to SendWorkflowStepState with Status="FAILURE" or times out, the flow continues with the exception handler steps. In this case, the workflow does not continue to execute the remaining (if any) nominal steps. For more details, see Exception handling for a workflow.

When you call the SendWorkflowStepState API operation, you must send the following parameters:

{ "ExecutionId": "string", "Status": "string", "Token": "string", "WorkflowId": "string" }

You can extract the ExecutionId, Token, and WorkflowId from the input event that is passed when the Lambda function executes (examples are shown in the following sections). The Status value can be either SUCCESS or FAILURE.

To be able to call the SendWorkflowStepState API operation from your Lambda function, you must use a version of the Amazon SDK that was published after Managed Workflows were introduced.

Using multiple Lambda functions consecutively

When you use multiple custom steps one after the other, the File location option works differently than if you use only a single custom step. Transfer Family doesn't support passing the Lambda-processed file back to use as the next step's input. So, if you have multiple custom steps all configured to use the previous.file option, they all use the same file location (the input file location for the first custom step).


The previous.file setting also works differently if you have a predefined step (tag, copy, decrypt, or delete) after a custom step. If the predefined step is configured to use the previous.file setting, the predefined step uses the same input file that's used by the custom step. The processed file from the custom step is not passed to the predefined step.

Accessing a file after custom processing

If you're using Amazon S3 as your storage, and if your workflow includes a custom step that performs actions on the originally uploaded file, subsequent steps cannot access that processed file. That is, any step after the custom step cannot reference the updated file from the custom step output.

For example, suppose that you have the following three steps in your workflow.

  • Step 1 – Upload a file named example-file.txt.

  • Step 2 – Invoke a Lambda function that changes example-file.txt in some way.

  • Step 3 – Attempt to perform further processing on the updated version of example-file.txt.

If you configure the sourceFileLocation for Step 3 to be ${original.file}, Step 3 uses the original file location from when the server uploaded the file to storage in Step 1. If you're using ${previous.file} for Step 3, Step 3 reuses the file location that Step 2 used as input.

Therefore, Step 3 causes an error. For example, if step 3 attempts to copy the updated example-file.txt, you receive the following error:

{ "type": "StepErrored", "details": { "errorType": "NOT_FOUND", "errorMessage": "ETag constraint not met (Service: null; Status Code: 412; Error Code: null; Request ID: null; S3 Extended Request ID: null; Proxy: null)", "stepType": "COPY", "stepName": "CopyFile" },

This error occurs because the custom step modifies the entity tag (ETag) for example-file.txt so that it doesn't match the original file.


This behavior doesn't occur if you're using Amazon EFS because Amazon EFS doesn't use entity tags to identify files.

Example events sent to Amazon Lambda upon file upload

The following examples show the events that are sent to Amazon Lambda when a file upload is complete. One example uses a Transfer Family server where the domain is configured with Amazon S3. The other example uses a Transfer Family server where the domain uses Amazon EFS.

Custom step that uses an Amazon S3 domain
{ "token": "MzI0Nzc4ZDktMGRmMi00MjFhLTgxMjUtYWZmZmRmODNkYjc0", "serviceMetadata": { "executionDetails": { "workflowId": "w-1234567890example", "executionId": "abcd1234-aa11-bb22-cc33-abcdef123456" }, "transferDetails": { "sessionId": "36688ff5d2deda8c", "userName": "myuser", "serverId": "s-example1234567890" } }, "fileLocation": { "domain": "S3", "bucket": "DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET", "key": "path/to/mykey", "eTag": "d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249", "versionId": null } }
Custom step that uses an Amazon EFS domain
{ "token": "MTg0N2Y3N2UtNWI5Ny00ZmZlLTk5YTgtZTU3YzViYjllNmZm", "serviceMetadata": { "executionDetails": { "workflowId": "w-1234567890example", "executionId": "abcd1234-aa11-bb22-cc33-abcdef123456" }, "transferDetails": { "sessionId": "36688ff5d2deda8c", "userName": "myuser", "serverId": "s-example1234567890" } }, "fileLocation": { "domain": "EFS", "fileSystemId": "fs-1234567", "path": "/path/to/myfile" } }

Example Lambda function for a custom workflow step

The following Lambda function extracts the information regarding the execution status, and then calls the SendWorkflowStepState API operation to return the status to the workflow for the step—either SUCCESS or FAILURE. Before your function calls the SendWorkflowStepState API operation, you can configure Lambda to take an action based on your workflow logic.

import json import boto3 transfer = boto3.client('transfer') def lambda_handler(event, context): print(json.dumps(event)) # call the SendWorkflowStepState API to notify the workflow about the step's SUCCESS or FAILURE status response = transfer.send_workflow_step_state( WorkflowId=event['serviceMetadata']['executionDetails']['workflowId'], ExecutionId=event['serviceMetadata']['executionDetails']['executionId'], Token=event['token'], Status='SUCCESS|FAILURE' ) print(json.dumps(response)) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps(response) }

IAM permissions for a custom step

To allow a step that calls a Lambda to succeed, make sure the execution role for your workflow contains the following permissions.

{ "Sid": "Custom", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "lambda:InvokeFunction" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws-cn:lambda:region:account-id:function:function-name" ] }