Monitor CIDR usage with the IPAM dashboard - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
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Monitor CIDR usage with the IPAM dashboard

The IPAM dashboard in Amazon VPC IP Address Manager allows you to monitor CIDR usage for several key scenarios:

  • Identify unused or underutilized IP address space: The dashboard provides visibility into CIDR utilization, enabling you to identify CIDRs with available capacity that can be reclaimed or reallocated.

  • Optimize IP address management: By closely tracking CIDR usage, you can make informed decisions about expanding, contracting, or reassigning IP address blocks to meet changing business and infrastructure requirements.

  • Prevent IP address exhaustion: Monitoring CIDR usage helps you anticipate when you may need to acquire additional IP address space, allowing you to proactively plan and avoid service disruptions due to IP address depletion.

  • Ensure compliance and governance: The IPAM dashboard can help you demonstrate IP address usage patterns to meet regulatory requirements or internal policies around IP address management.

  • Troubleshoot network issues: Detailed CIDR usage data can assist in identifying the root causes of network connectivity problems or resource conflicts.

By closely monitoring CIDR usage through the IPAM dashboard, you can enhance the efficiency, resilience, and compliance of your IP address management within Amazon.

Amazon Management Console
To monitor CIDR usage using the IPAM dashboard
  1. Open the IPAM console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboard.

  3. By default, when you view the dashboard, the default private scope is selected. If you don’t want to use the default private scope, from the dropdown menu at the top of the content pane, choose the scope you want to use. For more information about scopes, see How IPAM works.

  4. The dashboard presents an overview of your IPAM pools and CIDRs within a scope. You can add, remove, resize, and move widgets to customize the dashboard.

    • Scope: The details for this scope. A scope is the highest-level container within IPAM. An IPAM contains two default scopes, one private and one public. Each scope represents the IP space for a single network. You may have multiple private scopes, but you can only have one public scope.

      • Scope ID: The ID for this scope.

      • Scope type: The type of scope.

      • IPAM ID: The ID of the IPAM that the scope is in.

      • IPAM pools in this scope: The ID of the IPAM that the scope is in.

      • View networking resources in this scope: Takes you to the Resources section of the IPAM console.

      • Search the history of an IP address in this scope: Takes you to the Search IP history section of the IPAM console.

    • Resource CIDR types: The types of resource CIDRs in the scope.

      • Subnet: The number of CIDRs for subnets.

      • VPC: The number of CIDRs for VPCs.

      • EIPs: The number of CIDRs for Elastic IP addresses.

      • Public IPv4 pools: The number of CIDRs for public IPv4 pools.

    • Management state: The management state of the CIDRs.

      • Unmanaged CIDRs: The number of resource CIDRs for unmanaged resources in this scope.

      • Ignored CIDRs: The number of resource CIDRs that you have chosen to be exempt from monitoring with IPAM in the scope. IPAM does not evaluate ignored resources for overlap or compliance within a scope. When a resource is chosen to be ignored, any space that's allocated to it from an IPAM pool is returned to the pool, and the resource will not be imported again through automatic import (if the automatic import allocation rule is set on the pool).

      • Managed CIDRs: The number of resource CIDRs for manageable resources (VPCs or public IPv4 pools) that are allocated from an IPAM pool in the scope.

    • Overlapping resource CIDRs: The number of overlapping and nonoverlapping CIDRs. Overlapping CIDRs can lead to incorrect routing in your VPCs.

      • Overlapping CIDRs: The number of CIDRs that currently overlap within the IPAM pools in this scope. Overlapping CIDRs can lead to incorrect routing in your VPCs.

      • Nonoverlapping CIDRs: The number of resource CIDRs that do not overlap within the IPAM pools in this scope.

    • Compliant resource CIDRs: The number of compliant resource CIDRs.

      • Compliant CIDRs: The number of resource CIDRs that comply with the allocation rules for IPAM pools in the scope.

      • Noncompliant CIDRs: The number of resource CIDRs that do not comply with the allocation rules for the IPAM pools in the scope.

    • Overlap status: The number of CIDRs that overlap over time.

      • OverlappingResourceCidrs: The number of CIDRs that overlap within the IPAM pools in this scope. Overlapping CIDRs can lead to incorrect routing in your VPCs.

    • Compliance status: The number of CIDRs that comply versus do not comply with the allocation rules for IPAM pools in the scope over time.

      • CompliantResourceCidrs: The number of resource CIDRs that comply with the allocation rules.

      • NoncompliantResourceCidrs: The number of resource CIDRs that do not comply with the allocation rules.

    • VPC utilization: VPCs (IPv4 and IPv6) with the highest or lowest IP utilization. You can use this information to configure Amazon CloudWatch alarms to be alerted if an IP utilization threshold is breached. For more information, see IPAM resource utilization metrics.

    • Subnet utilization: Subnets (IPv4 only) with the highest or lowest IP utilization. You can use this information to decide if you want to keep or delete resources that are underutilized. For more information, see IPAM resource utilization metrics.

    • VPCs with highest IPs allocated: The VPCs that have the highest percentage of IP address space allocated to subnets. This is useful to show you if you need to provision additional IP address space to the VPCs.

    • Subnets with highest IPs allocated: The subnets that have the highest percentage of IP address space allocated to resources. This is useful to show you if you need to provision additional IP address space to the subnets.

    • Pool assignment: The percentage of IP space that has been assigned to resources and manual allocations in the scope over time.

    • Pool allocation: The percentage of a pool's IP space that has been allocated to other pools in the scope over time.

Command line

The information displayed in the dashboard comes from metrics stored in Amazon CloudWatch. For more information about the metrics stored in Amazon CloudWatch, see Monitor IPAM with Amazon CloudWatch. Use the Amazon CloudWatch options in the Amazon CLI Reference to view metrics for allocations in your IPAM pools and scopes.

If you find that the CIDR that's provisioned for a pool is almost fully allocated, you might need to provision additional CIDRs. For more information, see Provision CIDRs to a pool.