Create a flow log that publishes to CloudWatch Logs - Amazon VPC
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Create a flow log that publishes to CloudWatch Logs

Flow logs can publish flow log data directly to Amazon CloudWatch.

When published to CloudWatch Logs, the flow log data is published to a log group, and each transit gateway has a unique log stream in the log group. Log streams contain flow log records. You can create multiple flow logs that publish data to the same log group. If the same transit gateway is present in one or more flow logs in the same log group, it has one combined log stream. If you've specified that one flow log should capture rejected traffic, and the other flow log should capture accepted traffic, then the combined log stream captures all traffic.

Data ingestion and archival charges for vended logs apply when you publish flow logs to CloudWatch Logs. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch Pricing.

In CloudWatch Logs, the timestamp field corresponds to the start time that's captured in the flow log record. The ingestionTime field provides the date and time when the flow log record was received by CloudWatch Logs. The timestamp is later than the end time that's captured in the flow log record.

For more information about CloudWatch Logs, see Logs sent to CloudWatch Logs in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide.

IAM roles for publishing flow logs to CloudWatch Logs

The IAM role that's associated with your flow log must have sufficient permissions to publish flow logs to the specified log group in CloudWatch Logs. The IAM role must belong to your Amazon Web Services account.

The IAM policy that's attached to your IAM role must include at least the following permissions.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents", "logs:DescribeLogGroups", "logs:DescribeLogStreams" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

Also ensure that your role has a trust relationship that allows the flow logs service to assume the role.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }

We recommend that you use the aws:SourceAccount and aws:SourceArn condition keys to protect yourself against the confused deputy problem. For example, you could add the following condition block to the previous trust policy. The source account is the owner of the flow log and the source ARN is the flow log ARN. If you don't know the flow log ID, you can replace that portion of the ARN with a wildcard (*) and then update the policy after you create the flow log.

"Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "account_id" }, "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws-cn:ec2:region:account_id:vpc-flow-log/flow-log-id" } }

Create or update an IAM role for flow logs

You can update an existing role or use the following procedure to create a new role for use with flow logs.

To create an IAM role for flow logs
  1. Open the IAM console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Roles, Create role.

  3. For Select type of trusted entity, choose Amazon service. For Use case, choose EC2. Choose Next.

  4. On the Add permissions page, choose Next: Tags and optionally add tags. Choose Next.

  5. On the Name, revew, and create page enter a name for your role and optionally provide a Description. Choose Create role.

  6. Choose the name of your role. For Add permissions, choose Create inline policy, and then choose the JSON tab.

  7. Copy the first policy from IAM roles for publishing flow logs to CloudWatch Logs and paste it in the window. Choose Review policy.

  8. Enter a name for your policy, and choose Create policy.

  9. Select the name of your role. For Trust relationships, choose Edit trust relationship. In the existing policy document, change the service from to Choose Update Trust Policy.

  10. On the Summary page, note the ARN for your role. You need this ARN when you create your flow log.

Permissions for IAM users to pass a role

Users must also have permissions to use the iam:PassRole action for the IAM role that's associated with the flow log.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["iam:PassRole"], "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:iam::account-id:role/flow-log-role-name" } ] }

Create a flow log that publishes to CloudWatch Logs

You can create flow logs for transit gateways. If you perform these steps as an IAM user, ensure that you have permissions to use the iam:PassRole action. For more information, see Permissions for IAM users to pass a role.

To create a transit gateway flow log using the console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Transit gateways.

  3. Select the check boxes for one or more transit gateways and choose Actions, Create flow log.

  4. For Destination, choose Send to CloudWatch Logs.

  5. For Destination log group, choose the name of a current destination log group.


    If the destination log group does not yet exist, entering a new name in this field will create a new destination log group.

  6. For IAM role, specify the name of the role that has permissions to publish logs to CloudWatch Logs.

  7. For Log record format, select the format for the flow log record.

    • To use the default format, choose Amazon default format.

    • To use a custom format, choose Custom format and then select fields from Log format.

  8. (Optional) Choose Add new tag to apply tags to the flow log.

  9. Choose Create flow log.

To create a flow log using the command line

Use one of the following commands.

The following Amazon CLI example creates a flow log that captures transit gateway information. The flow logs are delivered to a log group in CloudWatch Logs called my-flow-logs, in account 123456789101, using the IAM role publishFlowLogs.

aws ec2 create-flow-logs --resource-type TransitGateway --resource-ids tgw-1a2b3c4d --log-group-name my-flow-logs --deliver-logs-permission-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789101:role/publishFlowLogs

Process flow log records in CloudWatch Logs

You can work with flow log records as you would with any other log events collected by CloudWatch Logs. For more information about monitoring log data and metric filters, see Searching and Filtering Log Data in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Example: Create a CloudWatch metric filter and alarm for a flow log

In this example, you have a flow log for tgw-123abc456bca. You want to create an alarm that alerts you if there have been 10 or more rejected attempts to connect to your instance over TCP port 22 (SSH) within a 1-hour time period. First, you must create a metric filter that matches the pattern of the traffic for which to create the alarm. Then, you can create an alarm for the metric filter.

To create a metric filter for rejected SSH traffic and create an alarm for the filter
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Logs, Log groups.

  3. Select the check box for the log group, and then choose Actions, Create metric filter.

  4. For Filter Pattern, enter the following.

    [version, resource_type, account_id,tgw_id="tgw-123abc456bca”, tgw_attachment_id, tgw_src_vpc_account_id, tgw_dst_vpc_account_id, tgw_src_vpc_id, tgw_dst_vpc_id, tgw_src_subnet_id, tgw_dst_subnet_id, tgw_src_eni, tgw_dst_eni, tgw_src_az_id, tgw_dst_az_id, tgw_pair_attachment_id, srcaddr= "", dstaddr, srcport=“80”, dstport, protocol=“6”, packets, bytes,start,end, log_status, type,packets_lost_no_route, packets_lost_blackhole, packets_lost_mtu_exceeded, packets_lost_ttl_expired, tcp_flags,region, flow_direction, pkt_src_aws_service, pkt_dst_aws_service]
  5. For Select log data to test, select the log stream for your transit gateway. (Optional) To view the lines of log data that match the filter pattern, choose Test pattern. When you're ready, choose Next.

  6. Enter a filter name, metric namespace, and metric name. Set the metric value to 1. When you're done, choose Next and then choose Create metric filter.

  7. In the navigation pane, choose Alarms, All alarms.

  8. Choose Create alarm.

  9. Choose the namespace for the metric filter that you created.

    It can take a few minutes for a new metric to display in the console.

  10. Select the metric name that you created, and then choose Select metric.

  11. Configure the alarm as follows, and then choose Next:

    • For Statistic, choose Sum. This ensure that you capture the total number of data points for the specified time period.

    • For Period, choose 1 hour.

    • For Whenever, choose Greater/Equal and enter 10 for the threshold.

    • For Additional configuration, Datapoints to alarm, leave the default of 1.

  12. For Notification, select an existing SNS topic, or choose Create new topic to create a new one. Choose Next.

  13. Enter a name and description for the alarm and choose Next.

  14. When you are done configuring the alarm, choose Create alarm.