Patching libraries to instrument downstream calls - Amazon X-Ray
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Patching libraries to instrument downstream calls

To instrument downstream calls, use the X-Ray SDK for Python to patch the libraries that your application uses. The X-Ray SDK for Python can patch the following libraries.

Supported Libraries
  • botocore, boto3 – Instrument Amazon SDK for Python (Boto) clients.

  • pynamodb – Instrument PynamoDB's version of the Amazon DynamoDB client.

  • aiobotocore, aioboto3 – Instrument asyncio-integrated versions of SDK for Python clients.

  • requests, aiohttp – Instrument high-level HTTP clients.

  • httplib, http.client – Instrument low-level HTTP clients and the higher level libraries that use them.

  • sqlite3 – Instrument SQLite clients.

  • mysql-connector-python – Instrument MySQL clients.

  • pg8000 – Instrument Pure-Python PostgreSQL interface.

  • psycopg2 – Instrument PostgreSQL database adapter.

  • pymongo – Instrument MongoDB clients.

  • pymysql – Instrument PyMySQL based clients for MySQL and MariaDB.

When you use a patched library, the X-Ray SDK for Python creates a subsegment for the call and records information from the request and response. A segment must be available for the SDK to create the subsegment, either from the SDK middleware or from Amazon Lambda.


If you use SQLAlchemy ORM, you can instrument your SQL queries by importing the SDK's version of SQLAlchemy's session and query classes. See Use SQLAlchemy ORM for instructions.

To patch all available libraries, use the patch_all function in aws_xray_sdk.core. Some libraries, such as httplib and urllib, may need to enable double patching by calling patch_all(double_patch=True).

Example – Patch all supported libraries
import boto3 import botocore import requests import sqlite3 from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch_all patch_all()

To patch a single library, call patch with a tuple of the library name. In order to achieve this, you will need to provide a single element list.

Example – Patch specific libraries
import boto3 import botocore import requests import mysql-connector-python from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch libraries = (['botocore']) patch(libraries)

In some cases, the key that you use to patch a library does not match the library name. Some keys serve as aliases for one or more libraries.

Libraries Aliases

Tracing context for asynchronous work

For asyncio integrated libraries, or to create subsegments for asynchronous functions, you must also configure the X-Ray SDK for Python with an async context. Import the AsyncContext class and pass an instance of it to the X-Ray recorder.


Web framework support libraries, such as AIOHTTP, are not handled through the aws_xray_sdk.core.patcher module. They will not appear in the patcher catalog of supported libraries.

Example – Patch aioboto3
import asyncio import aioboto3 import requests from aws_xray_sdk.core.async_context import AsyncContext from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder xray_recorder.configure(service='my_service', context=AsyncContext()) from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch libraries = (['aioboto3']) patch(libraries)