删除影子副本计划 - Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
Amazon Web Services 文档中描述的 Amazon Web Services 服务或功能可能因区域而异。要查看适用于中国区域的差异,请参阅 中国的 Amazon Web Services 服务入门 (PDF)



要删除文件系统上现有的卷影复制计划,请在文件系统的远程会 PowerShell 话中输入以下命令。有关在文件系统上启动远程 PowerShell 会话的说明,请参阅使用 Amazon FSx CLI PowerShell

[fs-0123456789abcdef1]PS>Remove-FsxShadowCopySchedule Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing the operation "Remove-FsxShadowCopySchedule" on target "Removing FSx Shadow Copy Schedule". [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (Default is "Y"): Y [fs-0123456789abcdef1]PS>