Amazon Web Services 文档中描述的 Amazon Web Services 服务或功能可能因区域而异。要查看适用于中国区域的差异,请参阅
中国的 Amazon Web Services 服务入门
搭配使用 Amazon SDK
以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateBatchSegmentJob
- JavaScript
- SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)
// Get service clients module and commands using ES6 syntax.
import { CreateBatchSegmentJobCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-personalize";
import { personalizeClient } from "./libs/personalizeClients.js";
// Or, create the client here.
// const personalizeClient = new PersonalizeClient({ region: "REGION"});
// Set the batch segment job's parameters.
export const createBatchSegmentJobParam = {
jobName: "NAME",
jobInput: {
s3DataSource: {
path: "INPUT_PATH",
jobOutput: {
s3DataDestination: {
path: "OUTPUT_PATH",
roleArn: "ROLE_ARN",
solutionVersionArn: "SOLUTION_VERSION_ARN",
numResults: 20,
export const run = async () => {
try {
const response = await personalizeClient.send(
new CreateBatchSegmentJobCommand(createBatchSegmentJobParam),
console.log("Success", response);
return response; // For unit tests.
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error", err);
有关 Amazon SDK开发者指南和代码示例的完整列表,请参阅将 Amazon Personalize 与 Amazon SDK。本主题还包括有关入门的信息以及有关先前SDK版本的详细信息。