应用新闻播音员的声音 - Amazon Polly
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除了默认的神经语音外,Amazon Polly 还提供了一种新闻播音员风格。播音员风格使用神经系统来生成电视或电台播音员风格的语音。播音员风格适用于 Matthew 和 Joanna 语音,这些语音提供美国英语 (en-US) 版;适用于 Lupe 语音,该语音提供美国西班牙语 (es-US) 版;还适用于 Amy 语音,该语音提供英式英语 (en-GB) 版。


  • 要使用任何神经网络语言风格,您需要使用支持神经语音的 Amazon 区域之一。此选项并非在所有区域中都可用。有关更多信息,请参阅 特征和区域兼容性

应用 Newscaster 风格
  1. 打开 Amazon Polly 控制台,网址为。https://console.aws.amazon.com/polly/

  2. 确保您使用的是支持神经语音的 Amazon 区域。

  3. 在 Text-to-Speech页面上,对于 “引擎”,选择 Neural

  4. 选择您想要使用的语言和语音。只有美国英语 (en-US) 版的 Matthew 和 Joanna 语音、美国西班牙语 (es-US) 版的 Lupe 语音以及英式英语 (en-GB) 版的 Amy 语音可用于播音员语音。

  5. 开启SSML

  6. 使用 Newscaster 风格的SSML语法向 text-to-speech请求添加输入文本。

    <amazon:domain name="news">text</amazon:domain>


    <speak> <amazon:domain name="news"> From the Tuesday, April 16th, 1912 edition of The Guardian newspaper: The maiden voyage of the White Star liner Titanic, the largest ship ever launched ended in disaster. The Titanic started her trip from Southampton for New York on Wednesday. Late on Sunday night she struck an iceberg off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. By wireless telegraphy she sent out signals of distress, and several liners were near enough to catch and respond to the call. </amazon:domain> </speak>
  7. 选择收听

Amazon CLI
应用 Newscaster 风格
  1. 在您的API请求中,请包含引擎参数的neural值:

    --engine neural
  2. 使用 Newscaster 风格的SSML语法向API请求添加输入文本。

    <amazon:domain name="news">text</amazon:domain>


    <speak> <amazon:domain name="news"> From the Tuesday, April 16th, 1912 edition of The Guardian newspaper: The maiden voyage of the White Star liner Titanic, the largest ship ever launched ended in disaster. The Titanic started her trip from Southampton for New York on Wednesday. Late on Sunday night she struck an iceberg off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. By wireless telegraphy she sent out signals of distress, and several liners were near enough to catch and respond to the call. </amazon:domain> </speak>
