Getting and updating routing control states in the Amazon Web Services Management Console - Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller
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Getting and updating routing control states in the Amazon Web Services Management Console

You can get and update routing control states in the Amazon Web Services Management Console. Be aware, though, that you can't choose different Regional cluster endpoints in the console. That is, there isn't a process for choosing and rotating through cluster endpoints in the console as you can do by using the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller API. In addition, the console is not highly available while the Route 53 ARC data plane offers extreme reliability. For these reasons, we recommend that you use the Route 53 ARC API to get and update routing control states for production operations.

For more recommendations about using Route 53 ARC for failover, see Best practices for routing control in Route 53 ARC.

To view and update routing controls in the console, follow the steps in the following procedures.

To get routing control states

  1. Open the Route 53 ARC console at

  2. Choose Routing control.

  3. From the list, choose a control panel and view the routing controls.

To update one or multiple routing control states

  1. Open the Amazon Route 53 console at

  2. Under Application Recovery Controller, choose Routing control.

  3. Choose Action, and then choose Change traffic routing.

  4. Update the states of one or more routing controls to be Off or On, depending on where you want traffic to flow or stop flowing for your application.

  5. Enter confirm in the text box.

  6. Choose Update traffic routing.