Class NestedAttributeName.Builder

Enclosing class:

@NotThreadSafe public static class NestedAttributeName.Builder extends Object
A builder for NestedAttributeName.
  • Method Details

    • addElement

      public NestedAttributeName.Builder addElement(String element)
      Adds a single element of NestedAttributeName. Subsequent calls to this method can add attribute Names at subsequent nesting levels.

      Example:builder().addElement("foo").addElement("bar") will add elements in NestedAttributeName which represent a Nested Attribute Name

      element - Attribute Name.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • addElements

      public NestedAttributeName.Builder addElements(String... elements)
      Adds a single element of NestedAttributeName. Subsequent calls to this method will append the new elements to the end of the existing chain of elements creating new levels of nesting.

      Example:builder().addElements("foo","bar") will add elements in NestedAttributeName which represent a Nested Attribute Name

      elements - Nested Attribute Names. Each of strings in varargs represent the nested attribute name at subsequent levels.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • addElements

      public NestedAttributeName.Builder addElements(List<String> elements)
      Adds a List of elements to NestedAttributeName. Subsequent calls to this method will append the new elements to the end of the existing chain of elements creating new levels of nesting.

      Example:builder().addElements(Arrays.asList("foo","bar")) will add elements in NestedAttributeName to represent a Nested Attribute Name

      elements - List of Strings where each string corresponds to subsequent nesting attribute name.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • elements

      public NestedAttributeName.Builder elements(String... elements)
      Set elements of NestedAttributeName with list of Strings. Will overwrite any existing elements stored by this builder.

      Example:builder().elements("foo","bar") will set the elements in NestedAttributeName to represent a nested attribute name of ''

      elements - a list of strings that correspond to the elements in a nested attribute name.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • elements

      public NestedAttributeName.Builder elements(List<String> elements)
      Sets the elements that compose a nested attribute name. Will overwrite any existing elements stored by this builder.

      Example:builder().elements(Arrays.asList("foo","bar")) will add elements in NestedAttributeName which represent a Nested Attribute Name

      elements - a list of strings that correspond to the elements in a nested attribute name.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • build

      public NestedAttributeName build()