Class OptionalIntAttributeConverter

All Implemented Interfaces:

@ThreadSafe @Immutable public final class OptionalIntAttributeConverter extends Object implements AttributeConverter<OptionalInt>
A converter between OptionalInt and AttributeValue.

This stores values in DynamoDB as a number.

This supports reading numbers between Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE from DynamoDB. Null values are converted to OptionalInt.empty(). For larger numbers, consider using the OptionalLongAttributeConverter or the OptionalAttributeConverter along with a BigInteger. For shorter numbers, consider using the OptionalAttributeConverter along with a Short type.

This does not support reading decimal numbers. For decimal numbers, consider using OptionalDoubleAttributeConverter, or the OptionalAttributeConverter with a Float or BigDecimal. Decimal numbers will cause a NumberFormatException on conversion.

This can be created via create().