Interface StartDeploymentRequest.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
AmplifyRequest.Builder, AwsRequest.Builder, Buildable, CopyableBuilder<StartDeploymentRequest.Builder,StartDeploymentRequest>, SdkBuilder<StartDeploymentRequest.Builder,StartDeploymentRequest>, SdkPojo, SdkRequest.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface StartDeploymentRequest.Builder extends AmplifyRequest.Builder, SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<StartDeploymentRequest.Builder,StartDeploymentRequest>
  • Method Details

    • appId

      The unique ID for an Amplify app.

      appId - The unique ID for an Amplify app.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • branchName

      StartDeploymentRequest.Builder branchName(String branchName)

      The name of the branch to use for the job.

      branchName - The name of the branch to use for the job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • jobId

      The job ID for this deployment, generated by the create deployment request.

      jobId - The job ID for this deployment, generated by the create deployment request.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • sourceUrl

      StartDeploymentRequest.Builder sourceUrl(String sourceUrl)

      The source URL for this deployment, used when calling start deployment without create deployment. The source URL can be any HTTP GET URL that is publicly accessible and downloads a single .zip file.

      sourceUrl - The source URL for this deployment, used when calling start deployment without create deployment. The source URL can be any HTTP GET URL that is publicly accessible and downloads a single .zip file.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • overrideConfiguration

      StartDeploymentRequest.Builder overrideConfiguration(AwsRequestOverrideConfiguration overrideConfiguration)
      Description copied from interface: AwsRequest.Builder
      Add an optional request override configuration.
      Specified by:
      overrideConfiguration in interface AwsRequest.Builder
      overrideConfiguration - The override configuration.
      This object for method chaining.
    • overrideConfiguration

      Description copied from interface: AwsRequest.Builder
      Add an optional request override configuration.
      Specified by:
      overrideConfiguration in interface AwsRequest.Builder
      builderConsumer - A Consumer to which an empty AwsRequestOverrideConfiguration.Builder will be given.
      This object for method chaining.