Interface EksContainerOverride.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<EksContainerOverride.Builder,EksContainerOverride>, SdkBuilder<EksContainerOverride.Builder,EksContainerOverride>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface EksContainerOverride.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<EksContainerOverride.Builder,EksContainerOverride>
  • Method Details

    • name

      A pointer to the container that you want to override. The name must match a unique container name that you wish to override.

      name - A pointer to the container that you want to override. The name must match a unique container name that you wish to override.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • image

      The override of the Docker image that's used to start the container.

      image - The override of the Docker image that's used to start the container.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • command

      The command to send to the container that overrides the default command from the Docker image or the job definition.

      command - The command to send to the container that overrides the default command from the Docker image or the job definition.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • command

      EksContainerOverride.Builder command(String... command)

      The command to send to the container that overrides the default command from the Docker image or the job definition.

      command - The command to send to the container that overrides the default command from the Docker image or the job definition.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • args

      The arguments to the entrypoint to send to the container that overrides the default arguments from the Docker image or the job definition. For more information, see Dockerfile reference: CMD and Define a command an arguments for a pod in the Kubernetes documentation.

      args - The arguments to the entrypoint to send to the container that overrides the default arguments from the Docker image or the job definition. For more information, see Dockerfile reference: CMD and Define a command an arguments for a pod in the Kubernetes documentation.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • args

      The arguments to the entrypoint to send to the container that overrides the default arguments from the Docker image or the job definition. For more information, see Dockerfile reference: CMD and Define a command an arguments for a pod in the Kubernetes documentation.

      args - The arguments to the entrypoint to send to the container that overrides the default arguments from the Docker image or the job definition. For more information, see Dockerfile reference: CMD and Define a command an arguments for a pod in the Kubernetes documentation.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • env

      The environment variables to send to the container. You can add new environment variables, which are added to the container at launch. Or, you can override the existing environment variables from the Docker image or the job definition.

      Environment variables cannot start with "AWS_BATCH". This naming convention is reserved for variables that Batch sets.

      env - The environment variables to send to the container. You can add new environment variables, which are added to the container at launch. Or, you can override the existing environment variables from the Docker image or the job definition.

      Environment variables cannot start with "AWS_BATCH". This naming convention is reserved for variables that Batch sets.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • env

      The environment variables to send to the container. You can add new environment variables, which are added to the container at launch. Or, you can override the existing environment variables from the Docker image or the job definition.

      Environment variables cannot start with "AWS_BATCH". This naming convention is reserved for variables that Batch sets.

      env - The environment variables to send to the container. You can add new environment variables, which are added to the container at launch. Or, you can override the existing environment variables from the Docker image or the job definition.

      Environment variables cannot start with "AWS_BATCH". This naming convention is reserved for variables that Batch sets.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • env

      The environment variables to send to the container. You can add new environment variables, which are added to the container at launch. Or, you can override the existing environment variables from the Docker image or the job definition.

      Environment variables cannot start with "AWS_BATCH". This naming convention is reserved for variables that Batch sets.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the EksContainerEnvironmentVariable.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via EksContainerEnvironmentVariable.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to env(List<EksContainerEnvironmentVariable>).

      env - a consumer that will call methods on EksContainerEnvironmentVariable.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • resources

      The type and amount of resources to assign to a container. These override the settings in the job definition. The supported resources include memory, cpu, and For more information, see Resource management for pods and containers in the Kubernetes documentation.

      resources - The type and amount of resources to assign to a container. These override the settings in the job definition. The supported resources include memory, cpu, and For more information, see Resource management for pods and containers in the Kubernetes documentation.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • resources

      The type and amount of resources to assign to a container. These override the settings in the job definition. The supported resources include memory, cpu, and For more information, see Resource management for pods and containers in the Kubernetes documentation.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the EksContainerResourceRequirements.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via EksContainerResourceRequirements.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to resources(EksContainerResourceRequirements).

      resources - a consumer that will call methods on EksContainerResourceRequirements.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also: