Interface TaskContainerDependency.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<TaskContainerDependency.Builder,TaskContainerDependency>, SdkBuilder<TaskContainerDependency.Builder,TaskContainerDependency>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface TaskContainerDependency.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<TaskContainerDependency.Builder,TaskContainerDependency>
  • Method Details

    • containerName

      TaskContainerDependency.Builder containerName(String containerName)

      A unique identifier for the container.

      containerName - A unique identifier for the container.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • condition

      The dependency condition of the container. The following are the available conditions and their behavior:

      • START - This condition emulates the behavior of links and volumes today. It validates that a dependent container is started before permitting other containers to start.

      • COMPLETE - This condition validates that a dependent container runs to completion (exits) before permitting other containers to start. This can be useful for nonessential containers that run a script and then exit. This condition can't be set on an essential container.

      • SUCCESS - This condition is the same as COMPLETE, but it also requires that the container exits with a zero status. This condition can't be set on an essential container.

      condition - The dependency condition of the container. The following are the available conditions and their behavior:

      • START - This condition emulates the behavior of links and volumes today. It validates that a dependent container is started before permitting other containers to start.

      • COMPLETE - This condition validates that a dependent container runs to completion (exits) before permitting other containers to start. This can be useful for nonessential containers that run a script and then exit. This condition can't be set on an essential container.

      • SUCCESS - This condition is the same as COMPLETE, but it also requires that the container exits with a zero status. This condition can't be set on an essential container.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.