Interface CustomSignerRequest.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<CustomSignerRequest.Builder,CustomSignerRequest>, SdkBuilder<CustomSignerRequest.Builder,CustomSignerRequest>
Enclosing class:

@NotThreadSafe public static interface CustomSignerRequest.Builder extends CopyableBuilder<CustomSignerRequest.Builder,CustomSignerRequest>
  • Method Details

    • resourceUrl

      CustomSignerRequest.Builder resourceUrl(String resourceUrl)
      Configure the resource URL to be signed

      The URL or path that uniquely identifies a resource within a distribution. For standard distributions the resource URL will be "http://" + distributionName + "/" + objectKey (may also include URL parameters. For distributions with the HTTPS required protocol, the resource URL must start with "https://"

    • privateKey

      CustomSignerRequest.Builder privateKey(PrivateKey privateKey)
      Configure the private key to be used to sign the policy. Takes a PrivateKey object directly
    • privateKey

      CustomSignerRequest.Builder privateKey(Path keyFile) throws Exception
      Configure the private key to be used to sign the policy. Takes a Path to the key file, and loads it to return a PrivateKey object
    • keyPairId

      CustomSignerRequest.Builder keyPairId(String keyPairId)
      Configure the ID of the key pair stored in the AWS account
    • expirationDate

      CustomSignerRequest.Builder expirationDate(Instant expirationDate)
      Configure the expiration date of the signed URL or signed cookie
    • activeDate

      CustomSignerRequest.Builder activeDate(Instant activeDate)
      Configure the active date of the signed URL or signed cookie - for custom policies (optional field)
    • ipRange

      Configure the IP range of the signed URL or signed cookie - for custom policies (optional field)

      The allowed IP address range of the client making the GET request, in IPv4 CIDR form (e.g. IPv6 format is not supported.