Interface BatchParameters.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<BatchParameters.Builder,BatchParameters>, SdkBuilder<BatchParameters.Builder,BatchParameters>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface BatchParameters.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<BatchParameters.Builder,BatchParameters>
  • Method Details

    • jobDefinition

      BatchParameters.Builder jobDefinition(String jobDefinition)

      The ARN or name of the job definition to use if the event target is an Batch job. This job definition must already exist.

      jobDefinition - The ARN or name of the job definition to use if the event target is an Batch job. This job definition must already exist.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • jobName

      BatchParameters.Builder jobName(String jobName)

      The name to use for this execution of the job, if the target is an Batch job.

      jobName - The name to use for this execution of the job, if the target is an Batch job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • arrayProperties

      BatchParameters.Builder arrayProperties(BatchArrayProperties arrayProperties)

      The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array. The array size can be between 2 and 10,000. If you specify array properties for a job, it becomes an array job. This parameter is used only if the target is an Batch job.

      arrayProperties - The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array. The array size can be between 2 and 10,000. If you specify array properties for a job, it becomes an array job. This parameter is used only if the target is an Batch job.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • arrayProperties

      default BatchParameters.Builder arrayProperties(Consumer<BatchArrayProperties.Builder> arrayProperties)

      The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array. The array size can be between 2 and 10,000. If you specify array properties for a job, it becomes an array job. This parameter is used only if the target is an Batch job.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the BatchArrayProperties.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via BatchArrayProperties.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to arrayProperties(BatchArrayProperties).

      arrayProperties - a consumer that will call methods on BatchArrayProperties.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • retryStrategy

      BatchParameters.Builder retryStrategy(BatchRetryStrategy retryStrategy)

      The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an Batch job. The retry strategy is the number of times to retry the failed job execution. Valid values are 1–10. When you specify a retry strategy here, it overrides the retry strategy defined in the job definition.

      retryStrategy - The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an Batch job. The retry strategy is the number of times to retry the failed job execution. Valid values are 1–10. When you specify a retry strategy here, it overrides the retry strategy defined in the job definition.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • retryStrategy

      default BatchParameters.Builder retryStrategy(Consumer<BatchRetryStrategy.Builder> retryStrategy)

      The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an Batch job. The retry strategy is the number of times to retry the failed job execution. Valid values are 1–10. When you specify a retry strategy here, it overrides the retry strategy defined in the job definition.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the BatchRetryStrategy.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via BatchRetryStrategy.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to retryStrategy(BatchRetryStrategy).

      retryStrategy - a consumer that will call methods on BatchRetryStrategy.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also: