Interface CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
AwsResponse.Builder, Buildable, ConnectResponse.Builder, CopyableBuilder<CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse.Builder,CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse>, SdkBuilder<CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse.Builder,CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse>, SdkPojo, SdkResponse.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse.Builder extends ConnectResponse.Builder, SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse.Builder,CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse>
  • Method Details

    • id

      The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

      id - The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • arn

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the traffic distribution group.

      arn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the traffic distribution group.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.