Interface MonitorContactRequest.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
AwsRequest.Builder, Buildable, ConnectRequest.Builder, CopyableBuilder<MonitorContactRequest.Builder,MonitorContactRequest>, SdkBuilder<MonitorContactRequest.Builder,MonitorContactRequest>, SdkPojo, SdkRequest.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface MonitorContactRequest.Builder extends ConnectRequest.Builder, SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<MonitorContactRequest.Builder,MonitorContactRequest>
  • Method Details

    • instanceId

      MonitorContactRequest.Builder instanceId(String instanceId)

      The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

      instanceId - The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • contactId

      MonitorContactRequest.Builder contactId(String contactId)

      The identifier of the contact.

      contactId - The identifier of the contact.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • userId

      The identifier of the user account.

      userId - The identifier of the user account.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • allowedMonitorCapabilitiesWithStrings

      MonitorContactRequest.Builder allowedMonitorCapabilitiesWithStrings(Collection<String> allowedMonitorCapabilities)

      Specify which monitoring actions the user is allowed to take. For example, whether the user is allowed to escalate from silent monitoring to barge. AllowedMonitorCapabilities is required if barge is enabled.

      allowedMonitorCapabilities - Specify which monitoring actions the user is allowed to take. For example, whether the user is allowed to escalate from silent monitoring to barge. AllowedMonitorCapabilities is required if barge is enabled.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • allowedMonitorCapabilitiesWithStrings

      MonitorContactRequest.Builder allowedMonitorCapabilitiesWithStrings(String... allowedMonitorCapabilities)

      Specify which monitoring actions the user is allowed to take. For example, whether the user is allowed to escalate from silent monitoring to barge. AllowedMonitorCapabilities is required if barge is enabled.

      allowedMonitorCapabilities - Specify which monitoring actions the user is allowed to take. For example, whether the user is allowed to escalate from silent monitoring to barge. AllowedMonitorCapabilities is required if barge is enabled.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • allowedMonitorCapabilities

      MonitorContactRequest.Builder allowedMonitorCapabilities(Collection<MonitorCapability> allowedMonitorCapabilities)

      Specify which monitoring actions the user is allowed to take. For example, whether the user is allowed to escalate from silent monitoring to barge. AllowedMonitorCapabilities is required if barge is enabled.

      allowedMonitorCapabilities - Specify which monitoring actions the user is allowed to take. For example, whether the user is allowed to escalate from silent monitoring to barge. AllowedMonitorCapabilities is required if barge is enabled.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • allowedMonitorCapabilities

      MonitorContactRequest.Builder allowedMonitorCapabilities(MonitorCapability... allowedMonitorCapabilities)

      Specify which monitoring actions the user is allowed to take. For example, whether the user is allowed to escalate from silent monitoring to barge. AllowedMonitorCapabilities is required if barge is enabled.

      allowedMonitorCapabilities - Specify which monitoring actions the user is allowed to take. For example, whether the user is allowed to escalate from silent monitoring to barge. AllowedMonitorCapabilities is required if barge is enabled.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • clientToken

      MonitorContactRequest.Builder clientToken(String clientToken)

      A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

      clientToken - A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • overrideConfiguration

      MonitorContactRequest.Builder overrideConfiguration(AwsRequestOverrideConfiguration overrideConfiguration)
      Description copied from interface: AwsRequest.Builder
      Add an optional request override configuration.
      Specified by:
      overrideConfiguration in interface AwsRequest.Builder
      overrideConfiguration - The override configuration.
      This object for method chaining.
    • overrideConfiguration

      Description copied from interface: AwsRequest.Builder
      Add an optional request override configuration.
      Specified by:
      overrideConfiguration in interface AwsRequest.Builder
      builderConsumer - A Consumer to which an empty AwsRequestOverrideConfiguration.Builder will be given.
      This object for method chaining.