Interface DocDbAsyncClient

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, AwsClient, SdkAutoCloseable, SdkClient

@Generated("") @ThreadSafe public interface DocDbAsyncClient extends AwsClient
Service client for accessing Amazon DocDB asynchronously. This can be created using the static builder() method.The asynchronous client performs non-blocking I/O when configured with any SdkAsyncHttpClient supported in the SDK. However, full non-blocking is not guaranteed as the async client may perform blocking calls in some cases such as credentials retrieval and endpoint discovery as part of the async API call.

Amazon DocumentDB is a fast, reliable, and fully managed database service. Amazon DocumentDB makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale MongoDB-compatible databases in the cloud. With Amazon DocumentDB, you can run the same application code and use the same drivers and tools that you use with MongoDB.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • addSourceIdentifierToSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionResponse> addSourceIdentifierToSubscription(AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest addSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest)

      Adds a source identifier to an existing event notification subscription.

      addSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest - Represents the input to AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SourceNotFoundException The requested source could not be found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • addSourceIdentifierToSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionResponse> addSourceIdentifierToSubscription(Consumer<AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest.Builder> addSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest)

      Adds a source identifier to an existing event notification subscription.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest.builder()

      addSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on AddSourceIdentifierToSubscriptionRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SourceNotFoundException The requested source could not be found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • addTagsToResource

      default CompletableFuture<AddTagsToResourceResponse> addTagsToResource(AddTagsToResourceRequest addTagsToResourceRequest)

      Adds metadata tags to an Amazon DocumentDB resource. You can use these tags with cost allocation reporting to track costs that are associated with Amazon DocumentDB resources or in a Condition statement in an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy for Amazon DocumentDB.

      addTagsToResourceRequest - Represents the input to AddTagsToResource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the AddTagsToResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSnapshotNotFoundException DBSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing snapshot.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • addTagsToResource

      default CompletableFuture<AddTagsToResourceResponse> addTagsToResource(Consumer<AddTagsToResourceRequest.Builder> addTagsToResourceRequest)

      Adds metadata tags to an Amazon DocumentDB resource. You can use these tags with cost allocation reporting to track costs that are associated with Amazon DocumentDB resources or in a Condition statement in an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy for Amazon DocumentDB.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the AddTagsToResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via AddTagsToResourceRequest.builder()

      addTagsToResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on AddTagsToResourceRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to AddTagsToResource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the AddTagsToResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSnapshotNotFoundException DBSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing snapshot.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • applyPendingMaintenanceAction

      default CompletableFuture<ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionResponse> applyPendingMaintenanceAction(ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest applyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest)

      Applies a pending maintenance action to a resource (for example, to an Amazon DocumentDB instance).

      applyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest - Represents the input to ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource ID was not found.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • applyPendingMaintenanceAction

      default CompletableFuture<ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionResponse> applyPendingMaintenanceAction(Consumer<ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest.Builder> applyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest)

      Applies a pending maintenance action to a resource (for example, to an Amazon DocumentDB instance).

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest.builder()

      applyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource ID was not found.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • copyDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<CopyDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> copyDBClusterParameterGroup(CopyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest copyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Copies the specified cluster parameter group.

      copyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - Represents the input to CopyDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CopyDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • DbParameterGroupQuotaExceededException This request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of parameter groups.
      • DbParameterGroupAlreadyExistsException A parameter group with the same name already exists.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • copyDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<CopyDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> copyDBClusterParameterGroup(Consumer<CopyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder> copyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Copies the specified cluster parameter group.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CopyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CopyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.builder()

      copyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CopyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to CopyDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CopyDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • DbParameterGroupQuotaExceededException This request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of parameter groups.
      • DbParameterGroupAlreadyExistsException A parameter group with the same name already exists.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • copyDBClusterSnapshot

      default CompletableFuture<CopyDbClusterSnapshotResponse> copyDBClusterSnapshot(CopyDbClusterSnapshotRequest copyDbClusterSnapshotRequest)

      Copies a snapshot of a cluster.

      To copy a cluster snapshot from a shared manual cluster snapshot, SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier must be the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the shared cluster snapshot. You can only copy a shared DB cluster snapshot, whether encrypted or not, in the same Amazon Web Services Region.

      To cancel the copy operation after it is in progress, delete the target cluster snapshot identified by TargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier while that cluster snapshot is in the copying status.

      copyDbClusterSnapshotRequest - Represents the input to CopyDBClusterSnapshot.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CopyDBClusterSnapshot operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster snapshot with the given identifier.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • SnapshotQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of snapshots.
      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • copyDBClusterSnapshot

      default CompletableFuture<CopyDbClusterSnapshotResponse> copyDBClusterSnapshot(Consumer<CopyDbClusterSnapshotRequest.Builder> copyDbClusterSnapshotRequest)

      Copies a snapshot of a cluster.

      To copy a cluster snapshot from a shared manual cluster snapshot, SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier must be the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the shared cluster snapshot. You can only copy a shared DB cluster snapshot, whether encrypted or not, in the same Amazon Web Services Region.

      To cancel the copy operation after it is in progress, delete the target cluster snapshot identified by TargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier while that cluster snapshot is in the copying status.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CopyDbClusterSnapshotRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CopyDbClusterSnapshotRequest.builder()

      copyDbClusterSnapshotRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CopyDbClusterSnapshotRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to CopyDBClusterSnapshot.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CopyDBClusterSnapshot operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster snapshot with the given identifier.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • SnapshotQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of snapshots.
      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbClusterResponse> createDBCluster(CreateDbClusterRequest createDbClusterRequest)

      Creates a new Amazon DocumentDB cluster.

      createDbClusterRequest - Represents the input to CreateDBCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster with the given identifier.
      • InsufficientStorageClusterCapacityException There is not enough storage available for the current action. You might be able to resolve this error by updating your subnet group to use different Availability Zones that have more storage available.
      • DbClusterQuotaExceededException The cluster can't be created because you have reached the maximum allowed quota of clusters.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbSubnetGroupStateException The subnet group can't be deleted because it's in use.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • DbClusterParameterGroupNotFoundException DBClusterParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing cluster parameter group.
      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException Subnets in the subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones unless there is only one Availability Zone.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbClusterResponse> createDBCluster(Consumer<CreateDbClusterRequest.Builder> createDbClusterRequest)

      Creates a new Amazon DocumentDB cluster.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateDbClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateDbClusterRequest.builder()

      createDbClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateDbClusterRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to CreateDBCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster with the given identifier.
      • InsufficientStorageClusterCapacityException There is not enough storage available for the current action. You might be able to resolve this error by updating your subnet group to use different Availability Zones that have more storage available.
      • DbClusterQuotaExceededException The cluster can't be created because you have reached the maximum allowed quota of clusters.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbSubnetGroupStateException The subnet group can't be deleted because it's in use.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • DbClusterParameterGroupNotFoundException DBClusterParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing cluster parameter group.
      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException Subnets in the subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones unless there is only one Availability Zone.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> createDBClusterParameterGroup(CreateDbClusterParameterGroupRequest createDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Creates a new cluster parameter group.

      Parameters in a cluster parameter group apply to all of the instances in a cluster.

      A cluster parameter group is initially created with the default parameters for the database engine used by instances in the cluster. In Amazon DocumentDB, you cannot make modifications directly to the default.docdb3.6 cluster parameter group. If your Amazon DocumentDB cluster is using the default cluster parameter group and you want to modify a value in it, you must first create a new parameter group or copy an existing parameter group, modify it, and then apply the modified parameter group to your cluster. For the new cluster parameter group and associated settings to take effect, you must then reboot the instances in the cluster without failover. For more information, see Modifying Amazon DocumentDB Cluster Parameter Groups.

      createDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - Represents the input of CreateDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupQuotaExceededException This request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of parameter groups.
      • DbParameterGroupAlreadyExistsException A parameter group with the same name already exists.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> createDBClusterParameterGroup(Consumer<CreateDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder> createDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Creates a new cluster parameter group.

      Parameters in a cluster parameter group apply to all of the instances in a cluster.

      A cluster parameter group is initially created with the default parameters for the database engine used by instances in the cluster. In Amazon DocumentDB, you cannot make modifications directly to the default.docdb3.6 cluster parameter group. If your Amazon DocumentDB cluster is using the default cluster parameter group and you want to modify a value in it, you must first create a new parameter group or copy an existing parameter group, modify it, and then apply the modified parameter group to your cluster. For the new cluster parameter group and associated settings to take effect, you must then reboot the instances in the cluster without failover. For more information, see Modifying Amazon DocumentDB Cluster Parameter Groups.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.builder()

      createDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input of CreateDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupQuotaExceededException This request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of parameter groups.
      • DbParameterGroupAlreadyExistsException A parameter group with the same name already exists.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBClusterSnapshot

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbClusterSnapshotResponse> createDBClusterSnapshot(CreateDbClusterSnapshotRequest createDbClusterSnapshotRequest)

      Creates a snapshot of a cluster.

      createDbClusterSnapshotRequest - Represents the input of CreateDBClusterSnapshot.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBClusterSnapshot operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster snapshot with the given identifier.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SnapshotQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of snapshots.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBClusterSnapshot

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbClusterSnapshotResponse> createDBClusterSnapshot(Consumer<CreateDbClusterSnapshotRequest.Builder> createDbClusterSnapshotRequest)

      Creates a snapshot of a cluster.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateDbClusterSnapshotRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateDbClusterSnapshotRequest.builder()

      createDbClusterSnapshotRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateDbClusterSnapshotRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input of CreateDBClusterSnapshot.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBClusterSnapshot operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster snapshot with the given identifier.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SnapshotQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of snapshots.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBInstance

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbInstanceResponse> createDBInstance(CreateDbInstanceRequest createDbInstanceRequest)

      Creates a new instance.

      createDbInstanceRequest - Represents the input to CreateDBInstance.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBInstance operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceAlreadyExistsException You already have a instance with the given identifier.
      • InsufficientDbInstanceCapacityException The specified instance class isn't available in the specified Availability Zone.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • DbSecurityGroupNotFoundException DBSecurityGroupName doesn't refer to an existing security group.
      • InstanceQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of instances.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • DbSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException Subnets in the subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones unless there is only one Availability Zone.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • StorageTypeNotSupportedException Storage of the specified StorageType can't be associated with the DB instance.
      • AuthorizationNotFoundException The specified CIDR IP or Amazon EC2 security group isn't authorized for the specified security group.

        Amazon DocumentDB also might not be authorized to perform necessary actions on your behalf using IAM.

      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBInstance

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbInstanceResponse> createDBInstance(Consumer<CreateDbInstanceRequest.Builder> createDbInstanceRequest)

      Creates a new instance.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateDbInstanceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateDbInstanceRequest.builder()

      createDbInstanceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateDbInstanceRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to CreateDBInstance.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBInstance operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceAlreadyExistsException You already have a instance with the given identifier.
      • InsufficientDbInstanceCapacityException The specified instance class isn't available in the specified Availability Zone.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • DbSecurityGroupNotFoundException DBSecurityGroupName doesn't refer to an existing security group.
      • InstanceQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of instances.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • DbSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException Subnets in the subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones unless there is only one Availability Zone.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • StorageTypeNotSupportedException Storage of the specified StorageType can't be associated with the DB instance.
      • AuthorizationNotFoundException The specified CIDR IP or Amazon EC2 security group isn't authorized for the specified security group.

        Amazon DocumentDB also might not be authorized to perform necessary actions on your behalf using IAM.

      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBSubnetGroup

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbSubnetGroupResponse> createDBSubnetGroup(CreateDbSubnetGroupRequest createDbSubnetGroupRequest)

      Creates a new subnet group. subnet groups must contain at least one subnet in at least two Availability Zones in the Amazon Web Services Region.

      createDbSubnetGroupRequest - Represents the input to CreateDBSubnetGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBSubnetGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsException DBSubnetGroupName is already being used by an existing subnet group.
      • DbSubnetGroupQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of subnet groups.
      • DbSubnetQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of subnets in a subnet group.
      • DbSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException Subnets in the subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones unless there is only one Availability Zone.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createDBSubnetGroup

      default CompletableFuture<CreateDbSubnetGroupResponse> createDBSubnetGroup(Consumer<CreateDbSubnetGroupRequest.Builder> createDbSubnetGroupRequest)

      Creates a new subnet group. subnet groups must contain at least one subnet in at least two Availability Zones in the Amazon Web Services Region.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateDbSubnetGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateDbSubnetGroupRequest.builder()

      createDbSubnetGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateDbSubnetGroupRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to CreateDBSubnetGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateDBSubnetGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupAlreadyExistsException DBSubnetGroupName is already being used by an existing subnet group.
      • DbSubnetGroupQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of subnet groups.
      • DbSubnetQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of subnets in a subnet group.
      • DbSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException Subnets in the subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones unless there is only one Availability Zone.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createEventSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<CreateEventSubscriptionResponse> createEventSubscription(CreateEventSubscriptionRequest createEventSubscriptionRequest)

      Creates an Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription. This action requires a topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) created by using the Amazon DocumentDB console, the Amazon SNS console, or the Amazon SNS API. To obtain an ARN with Amazon SNS, you must create a topic in Amazon SNS and subscribe to the topic. The ARN is displayed in the Amazon SNS console.

      You can specify the type of source (SourceType) that you want to be notified of. You can also provide a list of Amazon DocumentDB sources (SourceIds) that trigger the events, and you can provide a list of event categories (EventCategories) for events that you want to be notified of. For example, you can specify SourceType = db-instance, SourceIds = mydbinstance1, mydbinstance2 and EventCategories = Availability, Backup.

      If you specify both the SourceType and SourceIds (such as SourceType = db-instance and SourceIdentifier = myDBInstance1), you are notified of all the db-instance events for the specified source. If you specify a SourceType but do not specify a SourceIdentifier, you receive notice of the events for that source type for all your Amazon DocumentDB sources. If you do not specify either the SourceType or the SourceIdentifier, you are notified of events generated from all Amazon DocumentDB sources belonging to your customer account.

      createEventSubscriptionRequest - Represents the input to CreateEventSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateEventSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • EventSubscriptionQuotaExceededException You have reached the maximum number of event subscriptions.
      • SubscriptionAlreadyExistException The provided subscription name already exists.
      • SnsInvalidTopicException Amazon SNS has responded that there is a problem with the specified topic.
      • SnsNoAuthorizationException You do not have permission to publish to the SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
      • SnsTopicArnNotFoundException The SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist.
      • SubscriptionCategoryNotFoundException The provided category does not exist.
      • SourceNotFoundException The requested source could not be found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createEventSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<CreateEventSubscriptionResponse> createEventSubscription(Consumer<CreateEventSubscriptionRequest.Builder> createEventSubscriptionRequest)

      Creates an Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription. This action requires a topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) created by using the Amazon DocumentDB console, the Amazon SNS console, or the Amazon SNS API. To obtain an ARN with Amazon SNS, you must create a topic in Amazon SNS and subscribe to the topic. The ARN is displayed in the Amazon SNS console.

      You can specify the type of source (SourceType) that you want to be notified of. You can also provide a list of Amazon DocumentDB sources (SourceIds) that trigger the events, and you can provide a list of event categories (EventCategories) for events that you want to be notified of. For example, you can specify SourceType = db-instance, SourceIds = mydbinstance1, mydbinstance2 and EventCategories = Availability, Backup.

      If you specify both the SourceType and SourceIds (such as SourceType = db-instance and SourceIdentifier = myDBInstance1), you are notified of all the db-instance events for the specified source. If you specify a SourceType but do not specify a SourceIdentifier, you receive notice of the events for that source type for all your Amazon DocumentDB sources. If you do not specify either the SourceType or the SourceIdentifier, you are notified of events generated from all Amazon DocumentDB sources belonging to your customer account.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateEventSubscriptionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateEventSubscriptionRequest.builder()

      createEventSubscriptionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateEventSubscriptionRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to CreateEventSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateEventSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • EventSubscriptionQuotaExceededException You have reached the maximum number of event subscriptions.
      • SubscriptionAlreadyExistException The provided subscription name already exists.
      • SnsInvalidTopicException Amazon SNS has responded that there is a problem with the specified topic.
      • SnsNoAuthorizationException You do not have permission to publish to the SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
      • SnsTopicArnNotFoundException The SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist.
      • SubscriptionCategoryNotFoundException The provided category does not exist.
      • SourceNotFoundException The requested source could not be found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<CreateGlobalClusterResponse> createGlobalCluster(CreateGlobalClusterRequest createGlobalClusterRequest)

      Creates an Amazon DocumentDB global cluster that can span multiple multiple Amazon Web Services Regions. The global cluster contains one primary cluster with read-write capability, and up-to give read-only secondary clusters. Global clusters uses storage-based fast replication across regions with latencies less than one second, using dedicated infrastructure with no impact to your workload’s performance.

      You can create a global cluster that is initially empty, and then add a primary and a secondary to it. Or you can specify an existing cluster during the create operation, and this cluster becomes the primary of the global cluster.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      createGlobalClusterRequest - Represents the input to CreateGlobalCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterAlreadyExistsException The GlobalClusterIdentifier already exists. Choose a new global cluster identifier (unique name) to create a new global cluster.
      • GlobalClusterQuotaExceededException The number of global clusters for this account is already at the maximum allowed.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<CreateGlobalClusterResponse> createGlobalCluster(Consumer<CreateGlobalClusterRequest.Builder> createGlobalClusterRequest)

      Creates an Amazon DocumentDB global cluster that can span multiple multiple Amazon Web Services Regions. The global cluster contains one primary cluster with read-write capability, and up-to give read-only secondary clusters. Global clusters uses storage-based fast replication across regions with latencies less than one second, using dedicated infrastructure with no impact to your workload’s performance.

      You can create a global cluster that is initially empty, and then add a primary and a secondary to it. Or you can specify an existing cluster during the create operation, and this cluster becomes the primary of the global cluster.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateGlobalClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateGlobalClusterRequest.builder()

      createGlobalClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateGlobalClusterRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to CreateGlobalCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterAlreadyExistsException The GlobalClusterIdentifier already exists. Choose a new global cluster identifier (unique name) to create a new global cluster.
      • GlobalClusterQuotaExceededException The number of global clusters for this account is already at the maximum allowed.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbClusterResponse> deleteDBCluster(DeleteDbClusterRequest deleteDbClusterRequest)

      Deletes a previously provisioned cluster. When you delete a cluster, all automated backups for that cluster are deleted and can't be recovered. Manual DB cluster snapshots of the specified cluster are not deleted.

      deleteDbClusterRequest - Represents the input to DeleteDBCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • DbClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster snapshot with the given identifier.
      • SnapshotQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of snapshots.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbClusterResponse> deleteDBCluster(Consumer<DeleteDbClusterRequest.Builder> deleteDbClusterRequest)

      Deletes a previously provisioned cluster. When you delete a cluster, all automated backups for that cluster are deleted and can't be recovered. Manual DB cluster snapshots of the specified cluster are not deleted.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteDbClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteDbClusterRequest.builder()

      deleteDbClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteDbClusterRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DeleteDBCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • DbClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster snapshot with the given identifier.
      • SnapshotQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of snapshots.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> deleteDBClusterParameterGroup(DeleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest deleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Deletes a specified cluster parameter group. The cluster parameter group to be deleted can't be associated with any clusters.

      deleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - Represents the input to DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbParameterGroupStateException The parameter group is in use, or it is in a state that is not valid. If you are trying to delete the parameter group, you can't delete it when the parameter group is in this state.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> deleteDBClusterParameterGroup(Consumer<DeleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder> deleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Deletes a specified cluster parameter group. The cluster parameter group to be deleted can't be associated with any clusters.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.builder()

      deleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbParameterGroupStateException The parameter group is in use, or it is in a state that is not valid. If you are trying to delete the parameter group, you can't delete it when the parameter group is in this state.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBClusterSnapshot

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbClusterSnapshotResponse> deleteDBClusterSnapshot(DeleteDbClusterSnapshotRequest deleteDbClusterSnapshotRequest)

      Deletes a cluster snapshot. If the snapshot is being copied, the copy operation is terminated.

      The cluster snapshot must be in the available state to be deleted.

      deleteDbClusterSnapshotRequest - Represents the input to DeleteDBClusterSnapshot.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBClusterSnapshot operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBClusterSnapshot

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbClusterSnapshotResponse> deleteDBClusterSnapshot(Consumer<DeleteDbClusterSnapshotRequest.Builder> deleteDbClusterSnapshotRequest)

      Deletes a cluster snapshot. If the snapshot is being copied, the copy operation is terminated.

      The cluster snapshot must be in the available state to be deleted.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteDbClusterSnapshotRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteDbClusterSnapshotRequest.builder()

      deleteDbClusterSnapshotRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteDbClusterSnapshotRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DeleteDBClusterSnapshot.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBClusterSnapshot operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBInstance

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbInstanceResponse> deleteDBInstance(DeleteDbInstanceRequest deleteDbInstanceRequest)

      Deletes a previously provisioned instance.

      deleteDbInstanceRequest - Represents the input to DeleteDBInstance.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBInstance operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • DbSnapshotAlreadyExistsException DBSnapshotIdentifier is already being used by an existing snapshot.
      • SnapshotQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of snapshots.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBInstance

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbInstanceResponse> deleteDBInstance(Consumer<DeleteDbInstanceRequest.Builder> deleteDbInstanceRequest)

      Deletes a previously provisioned instance.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteDbInstanceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteDbInstanceRequest.builder()

      deleteDbInstanceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteDbInstanceRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DeleteDBInstance.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBInstance operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • DbSnapshotAlreadyExistsException DBSnapshotIdentifier is already being used by an existing snapshot.
      • SnapshotQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of snapshots.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBSubnetGroup

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbSubnetGroupResponse> deleteDBSubnetGroup(DeleteDbSubnetGroupRequest deleteDbSubnetGroupRequest)

      Deletes a subnet group.

      The specified database subnet group must not be associated with any DB instances.

      deleteDbSubnetGroupRequest - Represents the input to DeleteDBSubnetGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBSubnetGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbSubnetGroupStateException The subnet group can't be deleted because it's in use.
      • InvalidDbSubnetStateException The subnet isn't in the available state.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteDBSubnetGroup

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteDbSubnetGroupResponse> deleteDBSubnetGroup(Consumer<DeleteDbSubnetGroupRequest.Builder> deleteDbSubnetGroupRequest)

      Deletes a subnet group.

      The specified database subnet group must not be associated with any DB instances.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteDbSubnetGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteDbSubnetGroupRequest.builder()

      deleteDbSubnetGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteDbSubnetGroupRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DeleteDBSubnetGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteDBSubnetGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbSubnetGroupStateException The subnet group can't be deleted because it's in use.
      • InvalidDbSubnetStateException The subnet isn't in the available state.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteEventSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteEventSubscriptionResponse> deleteEventSubscription(DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest deleteEventSubscriptionRequest)

      Deletes an Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription.

      deleteEventSubscriptionRequest - Represents the input to DeleteEventSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteEventSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • InvalidEventSubscriptionStateException Someone else might be modifying a subscription. Wait a few seconds, and try again.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteEventSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteEventSubscriptionResponse> deleteEventSubscription(Consumer<DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest.Builder> deleteEventSubscriptionRequest)

      Deletes an Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest.builder()

      deleteEventSubscriptionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DeleteEventSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteEventSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • InvalidEventSubscriptionStateException Someone else might be modifying a subscription. Wait a few seconds, and try again.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteGlobalClusterResponse> deleteGlobalCluster(DeleteGlobalClusterRequest deleteGlobalClusterRequest)

      Deletes a global cluster. The primary and secondary clusters must already be detached or deleted before attempting to delete a global cluster.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      deleteGlobalClusterRequest - Represents the input to DeleteGlobalCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteGlobalClusterResponse> deleteGlobalCluster(Consumer<DeleteGlobalClusterRequest.Builder> deleteGlobalClusterRequest)

      Deletes a global cluster. The primary and secondary clusters must already be detached or deleted before attempting to delete a global cluster.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteGlobalClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteGlobalClusterRequest.builder()

      deleteGlobalClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteGlobalClusterRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DeleteGlobalCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeCertificates

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeCertificatesResponse> describeCertificates(DescribeCertificatesRequest describeCertificatesRequest)

      Returns a list of certificate authority (CA) certificates provided by Amazon DocumentDB for this Amazon Web Services account.

      describeCertificatesRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeCertificates operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • CertificateNotFoundException CertificateIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing certificate.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeCertificates

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeCertificatesResponse> describeCertificates(Consumer<DescribeCertificatesRequest.Builder> describeCertificatesRequest)

      Returns a list of certificate authority (CA) certificates provided by Amazon DocumentDB for this Amazon Web Services account.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeCertificatesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeCertificatesRequest.builder()

      describeCertificatesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeCertificatesRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeCertificates operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • CertificateNotFoundException CertificateIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing certificate.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeCertificatesPaginator

      default DescribeCertificatesPublisher describeCertificatesPaginator(DescribeCertificatesRequest describeCertificatesRequest)

      This is a variant of describeCertificates( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeCertificatesPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeCertificatesPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeCertificates( operation.

      describeCertificatesRequest -
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • CertificateNotFoundException CertificateIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing certificate.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeCertificatesPaginator

      default DescribeCertificatesPublisher describeCertificatesPaginator(Consumer<DescribeCertificatesRequest.Builder> describeCertificatesRequest)

      This is a variant of describeCertificates( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeCertificatesPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeCertificatesPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeCertificates( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeCertificatesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeCertificatesRequest.builder()

      describeCertificatesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeCertificatesRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • CertificateNotFoundException CertificateIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing certificate.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParameterGroups

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsResponse> describeDBClusterParameterGroups(DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest describeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest)

      Returns a list of DBClusterParameterGroup descriptions. If a DBClusterParameterGroupName parameter is specified, the list contains only the description of the specified cluster parameter group.

      describeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParameterGroups

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsResponse> describeDBClusterParameterGroups(Consumer<DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest.Builder> describeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest)

      Returns a list of DBClusterParameterGroup descriptions. If a DBClusterParameterGroupName parameter is specified, the list contains only the description of the specified cluster parameter group.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest.builder()

      describeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParameterGroups

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsResponse> describeDBClusterParameterGroups()

      Returns a list of DBClusterParameterGroup descriptions. If a DBClusterParameterGroupName parameter is specified, the list contains only the description of the specified cluster parameter group.

      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator

      default DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsPublisher describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator()

      This is a variant of describeDBClusterParameterGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusterParameterGroups( operation.

      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator

      default DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsPublisher describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator(DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest describeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBClusterParameterGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusterParameterGroups( operation.

      describeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator

      default DescribeDBClusterParameterGroupsPublisher describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator(Consumer<DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest.Builder> describeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBClusterParameterGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParameterGroupsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusterParameterGroups( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest.builder()

      describeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbClusterParameterGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParameters

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterParametersResponse> describeDBClusterParameters(DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest describeDbClusterParametersRequest)

      Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular cluster parameter group.

      describeDbClusterParametersRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterParameters.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterParameters operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParameters

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterParametersResponse> describeDBClusterParameters(Consumer<DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest.Builder> describeDbClusterParametersRequest)

      Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular cluster parameter group.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest.builder()

      describeDbClusterParametersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterParameters.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterParameters operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParametersPaginator

      default DescribeDBClusterParametersPublisher describeDBClusterParametersPaginator(DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest describeDbClusterParametersRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBClusterParameters( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParametersPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParametersPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusterParameters( operation.

      describeDbClusterParametersRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterParameters.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterParametersPaginator

      default DescribeDBClusterParametersPublisher describeDBClusterParametersPaginator(Consumer<DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest.Builder> describeDbClusterParametersRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBClusterParameters( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParametersPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterParametersPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusterParameters( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest.builder()

      describeDbClusterParametersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbClusterParametersRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterParameters.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesResponse> describeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes(DescribeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest describeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest)

      Returns a list of cluster snapshot attribute names and values for a manual DB cluster snapshot.

      When you share snapshots with other Amazon Web Services accounts, DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes returns the restore attribute and a list of IDs for the Amazon Web Services accounts that are authorized to copy or restore the manual cluster snapshot. If all is included in the list of values for the restore attribute, then the manual cluster snapshot is public and can be copied or restored by all Amazon Web Services accounts.

      describeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesResponse> describeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes(Consumer<DescribeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest.Builder> describeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest)

      Returns a list of cluster snapshot attribute names and values for a manual DB cluster snapshot.

      When you share snapshots with other Amazon Web Services accounts, DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes returns the restore attribute and a list of IDs for the Amazon Web Services accounts that are authorized to copy or restore the manual cluster snapshot. If all is included in the list of values for the restore attribute, then the manual cluster snapshot is public and can be copied or restored by all Amazon Web Services accounts.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest.builder()

      describeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbClusterSnapshotAttributesRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterSnapshots

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsResponse> describeDBClusterSnapshots(DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest describeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest)

      Returns information about cluster snapshots. This API operation supports pagination.

      describeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterSnapshots.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterSnapshots operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterSnapshots

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsResponse> describeDBClusterSnapshots(Consumer<DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest.Builder> describeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest)

      Returns information about cluster snapshots. This API operation supports pagination.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest.builder()

      describeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterSnapshots.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterSnapshots operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterSnapshots

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsResponse> describeDBClusterSnapshots()

      Returns information about cluster snapshots. This API operation supports pagination.

      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusterSnapshots operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator

      default DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsPublisher describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator()

      This is a variant of describeDBClusterSnapshots( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusterSnapshots( operation.

      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator

      default DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsPublisher describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator(DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest describeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBClusterSnapshots( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusterSnapshots( operation.

      describeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterSnapshots.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator

      default DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsPublisher describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator(Consumer<DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest.Builder> describeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBClusterSnapshots( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClusterSnapshotsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusterSnapshots( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest.builder()

      describeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbClusterSnapshotsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBClusterSnapshots.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusters

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClustersResponse> describeDBClusters(DescribeDbClustersRequest describeDbClustersRequest)

      Returns information about provisioned Amazon DocumentDB clusters. This API operation supports pagination. For certain management features such as cluster and instance lifecycle management, Amazon DocumentDB leverages operational technology that is shared with Amazon RDS and Amazon Neptune. Use the filterName=engine,Values=docdb filter parameter to return only Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      describeDbClustersRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBClusters.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusters operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusters

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClustersResponse> describeDBClusters(Consumer<DescribeDbClustersRequest.Builder> describeDbClustersRequest)

      Returns information about provisioned Amazon DocumentDB clusters. This API operation supports pagination. For certain management features such as cluster and instance lifecycle management, Amazon DocumentDB leverages operational technology that is shared with Amazon RDS and Amazon Neptune. Use the filterName=engine,Values=docdb filter parameter to return only Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbClustersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbClustersRequest.builder()

      describeDbClustersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbClustersRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBClusters.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusters operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClusters

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbClustersResponse> describeDBClusters()

      Returns information about provisioned Amazon DocumentDB clusters. This API operation supports pagination. For certain management features such as cluster and instance lifecycle management, Amazon DocumentDB leverages operational technology that is shared with Amazon RDS and Amazon Neptune. Use the filterName=engine,Values=docdb filter parameter to return only Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBClusters operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClustersPaginator

      default DescribeDBClustersPublisher describeDBClustersPaginator()

      This is a variant of describeDBClusters( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClustersPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClustersPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusters( operation.

      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClustersPaginator

      default DescribeDBClustersPublisher describeDBClustersPaginator(DescribeDbClustersRequest describeDbClustersRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBClusters( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClustersPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClustersPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusters( operation.

      describeDbClustersRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBClusters.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBClustersPaginator

      default DescribeDBClustersPublisher describeDBClustersPaginator(Consumer<DescribeDbClustersRequest.Builder> describeDbClustersRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBClusters( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBClustersPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBClustersPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBClusters( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbClustersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbClustersRequest.builder()

      describeDbClustersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbClustersRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBClusters.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBEngineVersions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbEngineVersionsResponse> describeDBEngineVersions(DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest describeDbEngineVersionsRequest)

      Returns a list of the available engines.

      describeDbEngineVersionsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBEngineVersions.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBEngineVersions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBEngineVersions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbEngineVersionsResponse> describeDBEngineVersions(Consumer<DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest.Builder> describeDbEngineVersionsRequest)

      Returns a list of the available engines.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest.builder()

      describeDbEngineVersionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBEngineVersions.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBEngineVersions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBEngineVersions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbEngineVersionsResponse> describeDBEngineVersions()

      Returns a list of the available engines.

      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBEngineVersions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator

      default DescribeDBEngineVersionsPublisher describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator()

      This is a variant of describeDBEngineVersions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBEngineVersions( operation.

      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator

      default DescribeDBEngineVersionsPublisher describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator(DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest describeDbEngineVersionsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBEngineVersions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBEngineVersions( operation.

      describeDbEngineVersionsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBEngineVersions.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator

      default DescribeDBEngineVersionsPublisher describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator(Consumer<DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest.Builder> describeDbEngineVersionsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBEngineVersions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBEngineVersionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBEngineVersions( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest.builder()

      describeDbEngineVersionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBEngineVersions.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBInstances

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbInstancesResponse> describeDBInstances(DescribeDbInstancesRequest describeDbInstancesRequest)

      Returns information about provisioned Amazon DocumentDB instances. This API supports pagination.

      describeDbInstancesRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBInstances.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBInstances operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBInstances

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbInstancesResponse> describeDBInstances(Consumer<DescribeDbInstancesRequest.Builder> describeDbInstancesRequest)

      Returns information about provisioned Amazon DocumentDB instances. This API supports pagination.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbInstancesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbInstancesRequest.builder()

      describeDbInstancesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbInstancesRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBInstances.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBInstances operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBInstances

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbInstancesResponse> describeDBInstances()

      Returns information about provisioned Amazon DocumentDB instances. This API supports pagination.

      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBInstances operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBInstancesPaginator

      default DescribeDBInstancesPublisher describeDBInstancesPaginator()

      This is a variant of describeDBInstances( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBInstancesPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBInstancesPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBInstances( operation.

      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBInstancesPaginator

      default DescribeDBInstancesPublisher describeDBInstancesPaginator(DescribeDbInstancesRequest describeDbInstancesRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBInstances( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBInstancesPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBInstancesPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBInstances( operation.

      describeDbInstancesRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBInstances.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBInstancesPaginator

      default DescribeDBInstancesPublisher describeDBInstancesPaginator(Consumer<DescribeDbInstancesRequest.Builder> describeDbInstancesRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBInstances( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBInstancesPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBInstancesPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBInstances( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbInstancesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbInstancesRequest.builder()

      describeDbInstancesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbInstancesRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBInstances.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBSubnetGroups

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbSubnetGroupsResponse> describeDBSubnetGroups(DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest describeDbSubnetGroupsRequest)

      Returns a list of DBSubnetGroup descriptions. If a DBSubnetGroupName is specified, the list will contain only the descriptions of the specified DBSubnetGroup.

      describeDbSubnetGroupsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBSubnetGroups.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBSubnetGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBSubnetGroups

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbSubnetGroupsResponse> describeDBSubnetGroups(Consumer<DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest.Builder> describeDbSubnetGroupsRequest)

      Returns a list of DBSubnetGroup descriptions. If a DBSubnetGroupName is specified, the list will contain only the descriptions of the specified DBSubnetGroup.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest.builder()

      describeDbSubnetGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBSubnetGroups.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBSubnetGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBSubnetGroups

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeDbSubnetGroupsResponse> describeDBSubnetGroups()

      Returns a list of DBSubnetGroup descriptions. If a DBSubnetGroupName is specified, the list will contain only the descriptions of the specified DBSubnetGroup.

      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeDBSubnetGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator

      default DescribeDBSubnetGroupsPublisher describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator()

      This is a variant of describeDBSubnetGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBSubnetGroups( operation.

      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator

      default DescribeDBSubnetGroupsPublisher describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator(DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest describeDbSubnetGroupsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBSubnetGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBSubnetGroups( operation.

      describeDbSubnetGroupsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeDBSubnetGroups.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator

      default DescribeDBSubnetGroupsPublisher describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator(Consumer<DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest.Builder> describeDbSubnetGroupsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeDBSubnetGroups( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeDBSubnetGroupsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeDBSubnetGroups( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest.builder()

      describeDbSubnetGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeDbSubnetGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeDBSubnetGroups.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEngineDefaultClusterParameters

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersResponse> describeEngineDefaultClusterParameters(DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest describeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest)

      Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the cluster database engine.

      describeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest - Represents the input to DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEngineDefaultClusterParameters

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersResponse> describeEngineDefaultClusterParameters(Consumer<DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest.Builder> describeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest)

      Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the cluster database engine.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest.builder()

      describeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParametersRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventCategories

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEventCategoriesResponse> describeEventCategories(DescribeEventCategoriesRequest describeEventCategoriesRequest)

      Displays a list of categories for all event source types, or, if specified, for a specified source type.

      describeEventCategoriesRequest - Represents the input to DescribeEventCategories.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEventCategories operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventCategories

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEventCategoriesResponse> describeEventCategories(Consumer<DescribeEventCategoriesRequest.Builder> describeEventCategoriesRequest)

      Displays a list of categories for all event source types, or, if specified, for a specified source type.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeEventCategoriesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeEventCategoriesRequest.builder()

      describeEventCategoriesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeEventCategoriesRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeEventCategories.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEventCategories operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventCategories

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEventCategoriesResponse> describeEventCategories()

      Displays a list of categories for all event source types, or, if specified, for a specified source type.

      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEventCategories operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventSubscriptions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEventSubscriptionsResponse> describeEventSubscriptions(DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest describeEventSubscriptionsRequest)

      Lists all the subscription descriptions for a customer account. The description for a subscription includes SubscriptionName, SNSTopicARN, CustomerID, SourceType, SourceID, CreationTime, and Status.

      If you specify a SubscriptionName, lists the description for that subscription.

      describeEventSubscriptionsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeEventSubscriptions.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEventSubscriptions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventSubscriptions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEventSubscriptionsResponse> describeEventSubscriptions(Consumer<DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest.Builder> describeEventSubscriptionsRequest)

      Lists all the subscription descriptions for a customer account. The description for a subscription includes SubscriptionName, SNSTopicARN, CustomerID, SourceType, SourceID, CreationTime, and Status.

      If you specify a SubscriptionName, lists the description for that subscription.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest.builder()

      describeEventSubscriptionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeEventSubscriptions.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEventSubscriptions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventSubscriptionsPaginator

      default DescribeEventSubscriptionsPublisher describeEventSubscriptionsPaginator(DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest describeEventSubscriptionsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeEventSubscriptions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeEventSubscriptionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeEventSubscriptionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeEventSubscriptions( operation.

      describeEventSubscriptionsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeEventSubscriptions.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventSubscriptionsPaginator

      default DescribeEventSubscriptionsPublisher describeEventSubscriptionsPaginator(Consumer<DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest.Builder> describeEventSubscriptionsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeEventSubscriptions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeEventSubscriptionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeEventSubscriptionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeEventSubscriptions( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest.builder()

      describeEventSubscriptionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeEventSubscriptions.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEvents

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEventsResponse> describeEvents(DescribeEventsRequest describeEventsRequest)

      Returns events related to instances, security groups, snapshots, and DB parameter groups for the past 14 days. You can obtain events specific to a particular DB instance, security group, snapshot, or parameter group by providing the name as a parameter. By default, the events of the past hour are returned.

      describeEventsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeEvents.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEvents operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEvents

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEventsResponse> describeEvents(Consumer<DescribeEventsRequest.Builder> describeEventsRequest)

      Returns events related to instances, security groups, snapshots, and DB parameter groups for the past 14 days. You can obtain events specific to a particular DB instance, security group, snapshot, or parameter group by providing the name as a parameter. By default, the events of the past hour are returned.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeEventsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeEventsRequest.builder()

      describeEventsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeEventsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeEvents.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEvents operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEvents

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeEventsResponse> describeEvents()

      Returns events related to instances, security groups, snapshots, and DB parameter groups for the past 14 days. You can obtain events specific to a particular DB instance, security group, snapshot, or parameter group by providing the name as a parameter. By default, the events of the past hour are returned.

      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeEvents operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventsPaginator

      default DescribeEventsPublisher describeEventsPaginator()

      This is a variant of describeEvents( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeEventsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeEventsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeEvents( operation.

      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventsPaginator

      default DescribeEventsPublisher describeEventsPaginator(DescribeEventsRequest describeEventsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeEvents( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeEventsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeEventsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeEvents( operation.

      describeEventsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeEvents.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeEventsPaginator

      default DescribeEventsPublisher describeEventsPaginator(Consumer<DescribeEventsRequest.Builder> describeEventsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeEvents( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeEventsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeEventsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeEvents( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeEventsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeEventsRequest.builder()

      describeEventsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeEventsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeEvents.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeGlobalClusters

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeGlobalClustersResponse> describeGlobalClusters(DescribeGlobalClustersRequest describeGlobalClustersRequest)

      Returns information about Amazon DocumentDB global clusters. This API supports pagination.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      describeGlobalClustersRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeGlobalClusters operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeGlobalClusters

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeGlobalClustersResponse> describeGlobalClusters(Consumer<DescribeGlobalClustersRequest.Builder> describeGlobalClustersRequest)

      Returns information about Amazon DocumentDB global clusters. This API supports pagination.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeGlobalClustersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeGlobalClustersRequest.builder()

      describeGlobalClustersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeGlobalClustersRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeGlobalClusters operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeGlobalClustersPaginator

      default DescribeGlobalClustersPublisher describeGlobalClustersPaginator(DescribeGlobalClustersRequest describeGlobalClustersRequest)

      This is a variant of describeGlobalClusters( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeGlobalClustersPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeGlobalClustersPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeGlobalClusters( operation.

      describeGlobalClustersRequest -
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeGlobalClustersPaginator

      default DescribeGlobalClustersPublisher describeGlobalClustersPaginator(Consumer<DescribeGlobalClustersRequest.Builder> describeGlobalClustersRequest)

      This is a variant of describeGlobalClusters( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeGlobalClustersPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeGlobalClustersPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeGlobalClusters( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeGlobalClustersRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeGlobalClustersRequest.builder()

      describeGlobalClustersRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeGlobalClustersRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsResponse> describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions(DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest describeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest)

      Returns a list of orderable instance options for the specified engine.

      describeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsResponse> describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions(Consumer<DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest.Builder> describeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest)

      Returns a list of orderable instance options for the specified engine.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest.builder()

      describeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPaginator

      default DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPublisher describeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPaginator(DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest describeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions( operation.

      describeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest - Represents the input to DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPaginator

      default DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPublisher describeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPaginator(Consumer<DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest.Builder> describeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest)

      This is a variant of describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describeOrderableDBInstanceOptionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describeOrderableDBInstanceOptions( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest.builder()

      describeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describePendingMaintenanceActions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsResponse> describePendingMaintenanceActions(DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest describePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest)

      Returns a list of resources (for example, instances) that have at least one pending maintenance action.

      describePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest - Represents the input to DescribePendingMaintenanceActions.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribePendingMaintenanceActions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource ID was not found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describePendingMaintenanceActions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsResponse> describePendingMaintenanceActions(Consumer<DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest.Builder> describePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest)

      Returns a list of resources (for example, instances) that have at least one pending maintenance action.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest.builder()

      describePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribePendingMaintenanceActions.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribePendingMaintenanceActions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource ID was not found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describePendingMaintenanceActions

      default CompletableFuture<DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsResponse> describePendingMaintenanceActions()

      Returns a list of resources (for example, instances) that have at least one pending maintenance action.

      A Java Future containing the result of the DescribePendingMaintenanceActions operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource ID was not found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator

      default DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPublisher describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator()

      This is a variant of describePendingMaintenanceActions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describePendingMaintenanceActions( operation.

      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource ID was not found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator

      default DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPublisher describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator(DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest describePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest)

      This is a variant of describePendingMaintenanceActions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describePendingMaintenanceActions( operation.

      describePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest - Represents the input to DescribePendingMaintenanceActions.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource ID was not found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator

      default DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPublisher describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator(Consumer<DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest.Builder> describePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest)

      This is a variant of describePendingMaintenanceActions( operation. The return type is a custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages. SDK will internally handle making service calls for you.

      When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start streaming the data. The subscribe method should be called as a request to start streaming data. For more info, see Publisher.subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber). Each call to the subscribe method will result in a new Subscription i.e., a new contract to stream data from the starting request.

      The following are few ways to use the response class:

      1) Using the subscribe helper method
      publisher = client.describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator(request);
       CompletableFuture<Void> future = publisher.subscribe(res -> { // Do something with the response });
      2) Using a custom subscriber
      publisher = client.describePendingMaintenanceActionsPaginator(request);
       publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
       public void onSubscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber subscription) { //... };
       public void onNext( response) { //... };
      As the response is a publisher, it can work well with third party reactive streams implementations like RxJava2.

      Please notice that the configuration of MaxRecords won't limit the number of results you get with the paginator. It only limits the number of results in each page.

      Note: If you prefer to have control on service calls, use the describePendingMaintenanceActions( operation.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest.builder()

      describePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to DescribePendingMaintenanceActions.
      A custom publisher that can be subscribed to request a stream of response pages.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • ResourceNotFoundException The specified resource ID was not found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • failoverDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<FailoverDbClusterResponse> failoverDBCluster(FailoverDbClusterRequest failoverDbClusterRequest)

      Forces a failover for a cluster.

      A failover for a cluster promotes one of the Amazon DocumentDB replicas (read-only instances) in the cluster to be the primary instance (the cluster writer).

      If the primary instance fails, Amazon DocumentDB automatically fails over to an Amazon DocumentDB replica, if one exists. You can force a failover when you want to simulate a failure of a primary instance for testing.

      failoverDbClusterRequest - Represents the input to FailoverDBCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the FailoverDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • failoverDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<FailoverDbClusterResponse> failoverDBCluster(Consumer<FailoverDbClusterRequest.Builder> failoverDbClusterRequest)

      Forces a failover for a cluster.

      A failover for a cluster promotes one of the Amazon DocumentDB replicas (read-only instances) in the cluster to be the primary instance (the cluster writer).

      If the primary instance fails, Amazon DocumentDB automatically fails over to an Amazon DocumentDB replica, if one exists. You can force a failover when you want to simulate a failure of a primary instance for testing.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the FailoverDbClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via FailoverDbClusterRequest.builder()

      failoverDbClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on FailoverDbClusterRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to FailoverDBCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the FailoverDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listTagsForResource

      default CompletableFuture<ListTagsForResourceResponse> listTagsForResource(ListTagsForResourceRequest listTagsForResourceRequest)

      Lists all tags on an Amazon DocumentDB resource.

      listTagsForResourceRequest - Represents the input to ListTagsForResource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListTagsForResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSnapshotNotFoundException DBSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing snapshot.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listTagsForResource

      default CompletableFuture<ListTagsForResourceResponse> listTagsForResource(Consumer<ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder> listTagsForResourceRequest)

      Lists all tags on an Amazon DocumentDB resource.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListTagsForResourceRequest.builder()

      listTagsForResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ListTagsForResource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListTagsForResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSnapshotNotFoundException DBSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing snapshot.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbClusterResponse> modifyDBCluster(ModifyDbClusterRequest modifyDbClusterRequest)

      Modifies a setting for an Amazon DocumentDB cluster. You can change one or more database configuration parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request.

      modifyDbClusterRequest - Represents the input to ModifyDBCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • InvalidDbSubnetGroupStateException The subnet group can't be deleted because it's in use.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • DbClusterParameterGroupNotFoundException DBClusterParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing cluster parameter group.
      • InvalidDbSecurityGroupStateException The state of the security group doesn't allow deletion.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • DbClusterAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster with the given identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbClusterResponse> modifyDBCluster(Consumer<ModifyDbClusterRequest.Builder> modifyDbClusterRequest)

      Modifies a setting for an Amazon DocumentDB cluster. You can change one or more database configuration parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ModifyDbClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ModifyDbClusterRequest.builder()

      modifyDbClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ModifyDbClusterRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ModifyDBCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • InvalidDbSubnetGroupStateException The subnet group can't be deleted because it's in use.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • DbClusterParameterGroupNotFoundException DBClusterParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing cluster parameter group.
      • InvalidDbSecurityGroupStateException The state of the security group doesn't allow deletion.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • DbClusterAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster with the given identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> modifyDBClusterParameterGroup(ModifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest modifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Modifies the parameters of a cluster parameter group. To modify more than one parameter, submit a list of the following: ParameterName, ParameterValue, and ApplyMethod. A maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request.

      Changes to dynamic parameters are applied immediately. Changes to static parameters require a reboot or maintenance window before the change can take effect.

      After you create a cluster parameter group, you should wait at least 5 minutes before creating your first cluster that uses that cluster parameter group as the default parameter group. This allows Amazon DocumentDB to fully complete the create action before the parameter group is used as the default for a new cluster. This step is especially important for parameters that are critical when creating the default database for a cluster, such as the character set for the default database defined by the character_set_database parameter.

      modifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - Represents the input to ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • InvalidDbParameterGroupStateException The parameter group is in use, or it is in a state that is not valid. If you are trying to delete the parameter group, you can't delete it when the parameter group is in this state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> modifyDBClusterParameterGroup(Consumer<ModifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder> modifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Modifies the parameters of a cluster parameter group. To modify more than one parameter, submit a list of the following: ParameterName, ParameterValue, and ApplyMethod. A maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request.

      Changes to dynamic parameters are applied immediately. Changes to static parameters require a reboot or maintenance window before the change can take effect.

      After you create a cluster parameter group, you should wait at least 5 minutes before creating your first cluster that uses that cluster parameter group as the default parameter group. This allows Amazon DocumentDB to fully complete the create action before the parameter group is used as the default for a new cluster. This step is especially important for parameters that are critical when creating the default database for a cluster, such as the character set for the default database defined by the character_set_database parameter.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ModifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ModifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.builder()

      modifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ModifyDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • InvalidDbParameterGroupStateException The parameter group is in use, or it is in a state that is not valid. If you are trying to delete the parameter group, you can't delete it when the parameter group is in this state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeResponse> modifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute(ModifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest modifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest)

      Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values from, a manual cluster snapshot.

      To share a manual cluster snapshot with other Amazon Web Services accounts, specify restore as the AttributeName, and use the ValuesToAdd parameter to add a list of IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts that are authorized to restore the manual cluster snapshot. Use the value all to make the manual cluster snapshot public, which means that it can be copied or restored by all Amazon Web Services accounts. Do not add the all value for any manual cluster snapshots that contain private information that you don't want available to all Amazon Web Services accounts. If a manual cluster snapshot is encrypted, it can be shared, but only by specifying a list of authorized Amazon Web Services account IDs for the ValuesToAdd parameter. You can't use all as a value for that parameter in this case.

      modifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest - Represents the input to ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • SharedSnapshotQuotaExceededException You have exceeded the maximum number of accounts that you can share a manual DB snapshot with.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeResponse> modifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute(Consumer<ModifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest.Builder> modifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest)

      Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values from, a manual cluster snapshot.

      To share a manual cluster snapshot with other Amazon Web Services accounts, specify restore as the AttributeName, and use the ValuesToAdd parameter to add a list of IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts that are authorized to restore the manual cluster snapshot. Use the value all to make the manual cluster snapshot public, which means that it can be copied or restored by all Amazon Web Services accounts. Do not add the all value for any manual cluster snapshots that contain private information that you don't want available to all Amazon Web Services accounts. If a manual cluster snapshot is encrypted, it can be shared, but only by specifying a list of authorized Amazon Web Services account IDs for the ValuesToAdd parameter. You can't use all as a value for that parameter in this case.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ModifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ModifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest.builder()

      modifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ModifyDbClusterSnapshotAttributeRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • SharedSnapshotQuotaExceededException You have exceeded the maximum number of accounts that you can share a manual DB snapshot with.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBInstance

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbInstanceResponse> modifyDBInstance(ModifyDbInstanceRequest modifyDbInstanceRequest)

      Modifies settings for an instance. You can change one or more database configuration parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request.

      modifyDbInstanceRequest - Represents the input to ModifyDBInstance.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBInstance operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • InvalidDbSecurityGroupStateException The state of the security group doesn't allow deletion.
      • DbInstanceAlreadyExistsException You already have a instance with the given identifier.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSecurityGroupNotFoundException DBSecurityGroupName doesn't refer to an existing security group.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • InsufficientDbInstanceCapacityException The specified instance class isn't available in the specified Availability Zone.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • DbUpgradeDependencyFailureException The upgrade failed because a resource that the depends on can't be modified.
      • StorageTypeNotSupportedException Storage of the specified StorageType can't be associated with the DB instance.
      • AuthorizationNotFoundException The specified CIDR IP or Amazon EC2 security group isn't authorized for the specified security group.

        Amazon DocumentDB also might not be authorized to perform necessary actions on your behalf using IAM.

      • CertificateNotFoundException CertificateIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing certificate.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBInstance

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbInstanceResponse> modifyDBInstance(Consumer<ModifyDbInstanceRequest.Builder> modifyDbInstanceRequest)

      Modifies settings for an instance. You can change one or more database configuration parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ModifyDbInstanceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ModifyDbInstanceRequest.builder()

      modifyDbInstanceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ModifyDbInstanceRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ModifyDBInstance.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBInstance operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • InvalidDbSecurityGroupStateException The state of the security group doesn't allow deletion.
      • DbInstanceAlreadyExistsException You already have a instance with the given identifier.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSecurityGroupNotFoundException DBSecurityGroupName doesn't refer to an existing security group.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • InsufficientDbInstanceCapacityException The specified instance class isn't available in the specified Availability Zone.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • DbUpgradeDependencyFailureException The upgrade failed because a resource that the depends on can't be modified.
      • StorageTypeNotSupportedException Storage of the specified StorageType can't be associated with the DB instance.
      • AuthorizationNotFoundException The specified CIDR IP or Amazon EC2 security group isn't authorized for the specified security group.

        Amazon DocumentDB also might not be authorized to perform necessary actions on your behalf using IAM.

      • CertificateNotFoundException CertificateIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing certificate.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBSubnetGroup

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbSubnetGroupResponse> modifyDBSubnetGroup(ModifyDbSubnetGroupRequest modifyDbSubnetGroupRequest)

      Modifies an existing subnet group. subnet groups must contain at least one subnet in at least two Availability Zones in the Amazon Web Services Region.

      modifyDbSubnetGroupRequest - Represents the input to ModifyDBSubnetGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBSubnetGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • DbSubnetQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of subnets in a subnet group.
      • SubnetAlreadyInUseException The subnet is already in use in the Availability Zone.
      • DbSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException Subnets in the subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones unless there is only one Availability Zone.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyDBSubnetGroup

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyDbSubnetGroupResponse> modifyDBSubnetGroup(Consumer<ModifyDbSubnetGroupRequest.Builder> modifyDbSubnetGroupRequest)

      Modifies an existing subnet group. subnet groups must contain at least one subnet in at least two Availability Zones in the Amazon Web Services Region.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ModifyDbSubnetGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ModifyDbSubnetGroupRequest.builder()

      modifyDbSubnetGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ModifyDbSubnetGroupRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ModifyDBSubnetGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyDBSubnetGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • DbSubnetQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed number of subnets in a subnet group.
      • SubnetAlreadyInUseException The subnet is already in use in the Availability Zone.
      • DbSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZsException Subnets in the subnet group should cover at least two Availability Zones unless there is only one Availability Zone.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyEventSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyEventSubscriptionResponse> modifyEventSubscription(ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest modifyEventSubscriptionRequest)

      Modifies an existing Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription.

      modifyEventSubscriptionRequest - Represents the input to ModifyEventSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyEventSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • EventSubscriptionQuotaExceededException You have reached the maximum number of event subscriptions.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SnsInvalidTopicException Amazon SNS has responded that there is a problem with the specified topic.
      • SnsNoAuthorizationException You do not have permission to publish to the SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
      • SnsTopicArnNotFoundException The SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist.
      • SubscriptionCategoryNotFoundException The provided category does not exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyEventSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyEventSubscriptionResponse> modifyEventSubscription(Consumer<ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest.Builder> modifyEventSubscriptionRequest)

      Modifies an existing Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest.builder()

      modifyEventSubscriptionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ModifyEventSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyEventSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • EventSubscriptionQuotaExceededException You have reached the maximum number of event subscriptions.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SnsInvalidTopicException Amazon SNS has responded that there is a problem with the specified topic.
      • SnsNoAuthorizationException You do not have permission to publish to the SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
      • SnsTopicArnNotFoundException The SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) does not exist.
      • SubscriptionCategoryNotFoundException The provided category does not exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyGlobalClusterResponse> modifyGlobalCluster(ModifyGlobalClusterRequest modifyGlobalClusterRequest)

      Modify a setting for an Amazon DocumentDB global cluster. You can change one or more configuration parameters (for example: deletion protection), or the global cluster identifier by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      modifyGlobalClusterRequest - Represents the input to ModifyGlobalCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • modifyGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<ModifyGlobalClusterResponse> modifyGlobalCluster(Consumer<ModifyGlobalClusterRequest.Builder> modifyGlobalClusterRequest)

      Modify a setting for an Amazon DocumentDB global cluster. You can change one or more configuration parameters (for example: deletion protection), or the global cluster identifier by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ModifyGlobalClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ModifyGlobalClusterRequest.builder()

      modifyGlobalClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ModifyGlobalClusterRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ModifyGlobalCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ModifyGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • rebootDBInstance

      default CompletableFuture<RebootDbInstanceResponse> rebootDBInstance(RebootDbInstanceRequest rebootDbInstanceRequest)

      You might need to reboot your instance, usually for maintenance reasons. For example, if you make certain changes, or if you change the cluster parameter group that is associated with the instance, you must reboot the instance for the changes to take effect.

      Rebooting an instance restarts the database engine service. Rebooting an instance results in a momentary outage, during which the instance status is set to rebooting.

      rebootDbInstanceRequest - Represents the input to RebootDBInstance.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RebootDBInstance operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • rebootDBInstance

      default CompletableFuture<RebootDbInstanceResponse> rebootDBInstance(Consumer<RebootDbInstanceRequest.Builder> rebootDbInstanceRequest)

      You might need to reboot your instance, usually for maintenance reasons. For example, if you make certain changes, or if you change the cluster parameter group that is associated with the instance, you must reboot the instance for the changes to take effect.

      Rebooting an instance restarts the database engine service. Rebooting an instance results in a momentary outage, during which the instance status is set to rebooting.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the RebootDbInstanceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via RebootDbInstanceRequest.builder()

      rebootDbInstanceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on RebootDbInstanceRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to RebootDBInstance.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RebootDBInstance operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • removeFromGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<RemoveFromGlobalClusterResponse> removeFromGlobalCluster(RemoveFromGlobalClusterRequest removeFromGlobalClusterRequest)

      Detaches an Amazon DocumentDB secondary cluster from a global cluster. The cluster becomes a standalone cluster with read-write capability instead of being read-only and receiving data from a primary in a different region.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      removeFromGlobalClusterRequest - Represents the input to RemoveFromGlobalCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RemoveFromGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • removeFromGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<RemoveFromGlobalClusterResponse> removeFromGlobalCluster(Consumer<RemoveFromGlobalClusterRequest.Builder> removeFromGlobalClusterRequest)

      Detaches an Amazon DocumentDB secondary cluster from a global cluster. The cluster becomes a standalone cluster with read-write capability instead of being read-only and receiving data from a primary in a different region.

      This action only applies to Amazon DocumentDB clusters.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the RemoveFromGlobalClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via RemoveFromGlobalClusterRequest.builder()

      removeFromGlobalClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on RemoveFromGlobalClusterRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to RemoveFromGlobalCluster.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RemoveFromGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • removeSourceIdentifierFromSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionResponse> removeSourceIdentifierFromSubscription(RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest removeSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest)

      Removes a source identifier from an existing Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription.

      removeSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest - Represents the input to RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SourceNotFoundException The requested source could not be found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • removeSourceIdentifierFromSubscription

      default CompletableFuture<RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionResponse> removeSourceIdentifierFromSubscription(Consumer<RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest.Builder> removeSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest)

      Removes a source identifier from an existing Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest.builder()

      removeSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscriptionRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • SubscriptionNotFoundException The subscription name does not exist.
      • SourceNotFoundException The requested source could not be found.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • removeTagsFromResource

      default CompletableFuture<RemoveTagsFromResourceResponse> removeTagsFromResource(RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest removeTagsFromResourceRequest)

      Removes metadata tags from an Amazon DocumentDB resource.

      removeTagsFromResourceRequest - Represents the input to RemoveTagsFromResource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RemoveTagsFromResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSnapshotNotFoundException DBSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing snapshot.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • removeTagsFromResource

      default CompletableFuture<RemoveTagsFromResourceResponse> removeTagsFromResource(Consumer<RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest.Builder> removeTagsFromResourceRequest)

      Removes metadata tags from an Amazon DocumentDB resource.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest.builder()

      removeTagsFromResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to RemoveTagsFromResource.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RemoveTagsFromResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbInstanceNotFoundException DBInstanceIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing instance.
      • DbSnapshotNotFoundException DBSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing snapshot.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • resetDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<ResetDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> resetDBClusterParameterGroup(ResetDbClusterParameterGroupRequest resetDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Modifies the parameters of a cluster parameter group to the default value. To reset specific parameters, submit a list of the following: ParameterName and ApplyMethod. To reset the entire cluster parameter group, specify the DBClusterParameterGroupName and ResetAllParameters parameters.

      When you reset the entire group, dynamic parameters are updated immediately and static parameters are set to pending-reboot to take effect on the next DB instance reboot.

      resetDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - Represents the input to ResetDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ResetDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbParameterGroupStateException The parameter group is in use, or it is in a state that is not valid. If you are trying to delete the parameter group, you can't delete it when the parameter group is in this state.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • resetDBClusterParameterGroup

      default CompletableFuture<ResetDbClusterParameterGroupResponse> resetDBClusterParameterGroup(Consumer<ResetDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder> resetDbClusterParameterGroupRequest)

      Modifies the parameters of a cluster parameter group to the default value. To reset specific parameters, submit a list of the following: ParameterName and ApplyMethod. To reset the entire cluster parameter group, specify the DBClusterParameterGroupName and ResetAllParameters parameters.

      When you reset the entire group, dynamic parameters are updated immediately and static parameters are set to pending-reboot to take effect on the next DB instance reboot.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ResetDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ResetDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.builder()

      resetDbClusterParameterGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ResetDbClusterParameterGroupRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to ResetDBClusterParameterGroup.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ResetDBClusterParameterGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidDbParameterGroupStateException The parameter group is in use, or it is in a state that is not valid. If you are trying to delete the parameter group, you can't delete it when the parameter group is in this state.
      • DbParameterGroupNotFoundException DBParameterGroupName doesn't refer to an existing parameter group.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • restoreDBClusterFromSnapshot

      default CompletableFuture<RestoreDbClusterFromSnapshotResponse> restoreDBClusterFromSnapshot(RestoreDbClusterFromSnapshotRequest restoreDbClusterFromSnapshotRequest)

      Creates a new cluster from a snapshot or cluster snapshot.

      If a snapshot is specified, the target cluster is created from the source DB snapshot with a default configuration and default security group.

      If a cluster snapshot is specified, the target cluster is created from the source cluster restore point with the same configuration as the original source DB cluster, except that the new cluster is created with the default security group.

      restoreDbClusterFromSnapshotRequest - Represents the input to RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster with the given identifier.
      • DbClusterQuotaExceededException The cluster can't be created because you have reached the maximum allowed quota of clusters.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • DbSnapshotNotFoundException DBSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing snapshot.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • InsufficientDbClusterCapacityException The cluster doesn't have enough capacity for the current operation.
      • InsufficientStorageClusterCapacityException There is not enough storage available for the current action. You might be able to resolve this error by updating your subnet group to use different Availability Zones that have more storage available.
      • InvalidDbSnapshotStateException The state of the snapshot doesn't allow deletion.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • InvalidRestoreException You cannot restore from a virtual private cloud (VPC) backup to a non-VPC DB instance.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • restoreDBClusterFromSnapshot

      default CompletableFuture<RestoreDbClusterFromSnapshotResponse> restoreDBClusterFromSnapshot(Consumer<RestoreDbClusterFromSnapshotRequest.Builder> restoreDbClusterFromSnapshotRequest)

      Creates a new cluster from a snapshot or cluster snapshot.

      If a snapshot is specified, the target cluster is created from the source DB snapshot with a default configuration and default security group.

      If a cluster snapshot is specified, the target cluster is created from the source cluster restore point with the same configuration as the original source DB cluster, except that the new cluster is created with the default security group.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the RestoreDbClusterFromSnapshotRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via RestoreDbClusterFromSnapshotRequest.builder()

      restoreDbClusterFromSnapshotRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on RestoreDbClusterFromSnapshotRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster with the given identifier.
      • DbClusterQuotaExceededException The cluster can't be created because you have reached the maximum allowed quota of clusters.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • DbSnapshotNotFoundException DBSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing snapshot.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • InsufficientDbClusterCapacityException The cluster doesn't have enough capacity for the current operation.
      • InsufficientStorageClusterCapacityException There is not enough storage available for the current action. You might be able to resolve this error by updating your subnet group to use different Availability Zones that have more storage available.
      • InvalidDbSnapshotStateException The state of the snapshot doesn't allow deletion.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • InvalidRestoreException You cannot restore from a virtual private cloud (VPC) backup to a non-VPC DB instance.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • restoreDBClusterToPointInTime

      default CompletableFuture<RestoreDbClusterToPointInTimeResponse> restoreDBClusterToPointInTime(RestoreDbClusterToPointInTimeRequest restoreDbClusterToPointInTimeRequest)

      Restores a cluster to an arbitrary point in time. Users can restore to any point in time before LatestRestorableTime for up to BackupRetentionPeriod days. The target cluster is created from the source cluster with the same configuration as the original cluster, except that the new cluster is created with the default security group.

      restoreDbClusterToPointInTimeRequest - Represents the input to RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster with the given identifier.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • DbClusterQuotaExceededException The cluster can't be created because you have reached the maximum allowed quota of clusters.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • InsufficientDbClusterCapacityException The cluster doesn't have enough capacity for the current operation.
      • InsufficientStorageClusterCapacityException There is not enough storage available for the current action. You might be able to resolve this error by updating your subnet group to use different Availability Zones that have more storage available.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbSnapshotStateException The state of the snapshot doesn't allow deletion.
      • InvalidRestoreException You cannot restore from a virtual private cloud (VPC) backup to a non-VPC DB instance.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • restoreDBClusterToPointInTime

      default CompletableFuture<RestoreDbClusterToPointInTimeResponse> restoreDBClusterToPointInTime(Consumer<RestoreDbClusterToPointInTimeRequest.Builder> restoreDbClusterToPointInTimeRequest)

      Restores a cluster to an arbitrary point in time. Users can restore to any point in time before LatestRestorableTime for up to BackupRetentionPeriod days. The target cluster is created from the source cluster with the same configuration as the original cluster, except that the new cluster is created with the default security group.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the RestoreDbClusterToPointInTimeRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via RestoreDbClusterToPointInTimeRequest.builder()

      restoreDbClusterToPointInTimeRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on RestoreDbClusterToPointInTimeRequest.Builder to create a request. Represents the input to RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterAlreadyExistsException You already have a cluster with the given identifier.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • DbClusterQuotaExceededException The cluster can't be created because you have reached the maximum allowed quota of clusters.
      • DbClusterSnapshotNotFoundException DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster snapshot.
      • DbSubnetGroupNotFoundException DBSubnetGroupName doesn't refer to an existing subnet group.
      • InsufficientDbClusterCapacityException The cluster doesn't have enough capacity for the current operation.
      • InsufficientStorageClusterCapacityException There is not enough storage available for the current action. You might be able to resolve this error by updating your subnet group to use different Availability Zones that have more storage available.
      • InvalidDbClusterSnapshotStateException The provided value isn't a valid cluster snapshot state.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbSnapshotStateException The state of the snapshot doesn't allow deletion.
      • InvalidRestoreException You cannot restore from a virtual private cloud (VPC) backup to a non-VPC DB instance.
      • InvalidSubnetException The requested subnet is not valid, or multiple subnets were requested that are not all in a common virtual private cloud (VPC).
      • InvalidVpcNetworkStateException The subnet group doesn't cover all Availability Zones after it is created because of changes that were made.
      • KmsKeyNotAccessibleException An error occurred when accessing an KMS key.
      • StorageQuotaExceededException The request would cause you to exceed the allowed amount of storage available across all instances.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • startDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<StartDbClusterResponse> startDBCluster(StartDbClusterRequest startDbClusterRequest)

      Restarts the stopped cluster that is specified by DBClusterIdentifier. For more information, see Stopping and Starting an Amazon DocumentDB Cluster.

      startDbClusterRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the StartDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • startDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<StartDbClusterResponse> startDBCluster(Consumer<StartDbClusterRequest.Builder> startDbClusterRequest)

      Restarts the stopped cluster that is specified by DBClusterIdentifier. For more information, see Stopping and Starting an Amazon DocumentDB Cluster.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the StartDbClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via StartDbClusterRequest.builder()

      startDbClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on StartDbClusterRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the StartDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • stopDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<StopDbClusterResponse> stopDBCluster(StopDbClusterRequest stopDbClusterRequest)

      Stops the running cluster that is specified by DBClusterIdentifier. The cluster must be in the available state. For more information, see Stopping and Starting an Amazon DocumentDB Cluster.

      stopDbClusterRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the StopDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • stopDBCluster

      default CompletableFuture<StopDbClusterResponse> stopDBCluster(Consumer<StopDbClusterRequest.Builder> stopDbClusterRequest)

      Stops the running cluster that is specified by DBClusterIdentifier. The cluster must be in the available state. For more information, see Stopping and Starting an Amazon DocumentDB Cluster.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the StopDbClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via StopDbClusterRequest.builder()

      stopDbClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on StopDbClusterRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the StopDBCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • InvalidDbInstanceStateException The specified instance isn't in the available state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • switchoverGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<SwitchoverGlobalClusterResponse> switchoverGlobalCluster(SwitchoverGlobalClusterRequest switchoverGlobalClusterRequest)

      Switches over the specified secondary Amazon DocumentDB cluster to be the new primary Amazon DocumentDB cluster in the global database cluster.

      switchoverGlobalClusterRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the SwitchoverGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • switchoverGlobalCluster

      default CompletableFuture<SwitchoverGlobalClusterResponse> switchoverGlobalCluster(Consumer<SwitchoverGlobalClusterRequest.Builder> switchoverGlobalClusterRequest)

      Switches over the specified secondary Amazon DocumentDB cluster to be the new primary Amazon DocumentDB cluster in the global database cluster.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the SwitchoverGlobalClusterRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via SwitchoverGlobalClusterRequest.builder()

      switchoverGlobalClusterRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on SwitchoverGlobalClusterRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the SwitchoverGlobalCluster operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • GlobalClusterNotFoundException The GlobalClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing global cluster.
      • InvalidGlobalClusterStateException The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is in this state.
      • DbClusterNotFoundException DBClusterIdentifier doesn't refer to an existing cluster.
      • InvalidDbClusterStateException The cluster isn't in a valid state.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • DocDbException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • waiter

      default DocDbAsyncWaiter waiter()
      Create an instance of DocDbAsyncWaiter using this client.

      Waiters created via this method are managed by the SDK and resources will be released when the service client is closed.

      an instance of DocDbAsyncWaiter
    • serviceClientConfiguration

      default DocDbServiceClientConfiguration serviceClientConfiguration()
      Description copied from interface: SdkClient
      The SDK service client configuration exposes client settings to the user, e.g., ClientOverrideConfiguration
      Specified by:
      serviceClientConfiguration in interface AwsClient
      Specified by:
      serviceClientConfiguration in interface SdkClient
    • create

      static DocDbAsyncClient create()
      Create a DocDbAsyncClient with the region loaded from the DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain and credentials loaded from the DefaultCredentialsProvider.
    • builder

      static DocDbAsyncClientBuilder builder()
      Create a builder that can be used to configure and create a DocDbAsyncClient.