Interface ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest.Builder,ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest>, SdkBuilder<ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest.Builder,ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest.Builder,ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest>
  • Method Details

    • frequency

      The frequency (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly).

      frequency - The frequency (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly).
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • interval

      The interval quantity. The interval unit depends on the value of Frequency. For example, every 2 weeks or every 2 months.

      interval - The interval quantity. The interval unit depends on the value of Frequency. For example, every 2 weeks or every 2 months.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • occurrenceDays

      The days. For a monthly schedule, this is one or more days of the month (1-31). For a weekly schedule, this is one or more days of the week (1-7, where 1 is Sunday). You can't specify this value with a daily schedule. If the occurrence is relative to the end of the month, you can specify only a single day.

      occurrenceDays - The days. For a monthly schedule, this is one or more days of the month (1-31). For a weekly schedule, this is one or more days of the week (1-7, where 1 is Sunday). You can't specify this value with a daily schedule. If the occurrence is relative to the end of the month, you can specify only a single day.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • occurrenceDays

      ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest.Builder occurrenceDays(Integer... occurrenceDays)

      The days. For a monthly schedule, this is one or more days of the month (1-31). For a weekly schedule, this is one or more days of the week (1-7, where 1 is Sunday). You can't specify this value with a daily schedule. If the occurrence is relative to the end of the month, you can specify only a single day.

      occurrenceDays - The days. For a monthly schedule, this is one or more days of the month (1-31). For a weekly schedule, this is one or more days of the week (1-7, where 1 is Sunday). You can't specify this value with a daily schedule. If the occurrence is relative to the end of the month, you can specify only a single day.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • occurrenceRelativeToEnd

      ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest.Builder occurrenceRelativeToEnd(Boolean occurrenceRelativeToEnd)

      Indicates whether the occurrence is relative to the end of the specified week or month. You can't specify this value with a daily schedule.

      occurrenceRelativeToEnd - Indicates whether the occurrence is relative to the end of the specified week or month. You can't specify this value with a daily schedule.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • occurrenceUnit

      ScheduledInstanceRecurrenceRequest.Builder occurrenceUnit(String occurrenceUnit)

      The unit for OccurrenceDays (DayOfWeek or DayOfMonth). This value is required for a monthly schedule. You can't specify DayOfWeek with a weekly schedule. You can't specify this value with a daily schedule.

      occurrenceUnit - The unit for OccurrenceDays (DayOfWeek or DayOfMonth). This value is required for a monthly schedule. You can't specify DayOfWeek with a weekly schedule. You can't specify this value with a daily schedule.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.