Interface ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsResponse.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
AwsResponse.Builder, Buildable, CopyableBuilder<ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsResponse.Builder,ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsResponse>, ElastiCacheResponse.Builder, SdkBuilder<ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsResponse.Builder,ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsResponse>, SdkPojo, SdkResponse.Builder
Enclosing class:

  • Method Details

    • scaleUpModifications

      ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsResponse.Builder scaleUpModifications(Collection<String> scaleUpModifications)

      A string list, each element of which specifies a cache node type which you can use to scale your cluster or replication group.

      When scaling up a Redis cluster or replication group using ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup, use a value from this list for the CacheNodeType parameter.

      scaleUpModifications - A string list, each element of which specifies a cache node type which you can use to scale your cluster or replication group.

      When scaling up a Redis cluster or replication group using ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup, use a value from this list for the CacheNodeType parameter.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • scaleUpModifications

      ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsResponse.Builder scaleUpModifications(String... scaleUpModifications)

      A string list, each element of which specifies a cache node type which you can use to scale your cluster or replication group.

      When scaling up a Redis cluster or replication group using ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup, use a value from this list for the CacheNodeType parameter.

      scaleUpModifications - A string list, each element of which specifies a cache node type which you can use to scale your cluster or replication group.

      When scaling up a Redis cluster or replication group using ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup, use a value from this list for the CacheNodeType parameter.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • scaleDownModifications

      ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsResponse.Builder scaleDownModifications(Collection<String> scaleDownModifications)

      A string list, each element of which specifies a cache node type which you can use to scale your cluster or replication group. When scaling down a Redis cluster or replication group using ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup, use a value from this list for the CacheNodeType parameter.

      scaleDownModifications - A string list, each element of which specifies a cache node type which you can use to scale your cluster or replication group. When scaling down a Redis cluster or replication group using ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup, use a value from this list for the CacheNodeType parameter.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • scaleDownModifications

      ListAllowedNodeTypeModificationsResponse.Builder scaleDownModifications(String... scaleDownModifications)

      A string list, each element of which specifies a cache node type which you can use to scale your cluster or replication group. When scaling down a Redis cluster or replication group using ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup, use a value from this list for the CacheNodeType parameter.

      scaleDownModifications - A string list, each element of which specifies a cache node type which you can use to scale your cluster or replication group. When scaling down a Redis cluster or replication group using ModifyCacheCluster or ModifyReplicationGroup, use a value from this list for the CacheNodeType parameter.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.