Interface PipelineOutputConfig.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<PipelineOutputConfig.Builder,PipelineOutputConfig>, SdkBuilder<PipelineOutputConfig.Builder,PipelineOutputConfig>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface PipelineOutputConfig.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<PipelineOutputConfig.Builder,PipelineOutputConfig>
  • Method Details

    • bucket

      The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save the transcoded files. Specify this value when all of the following are true:

      • You want to save transcoded files, thumbnails (if any), and playlists (if any) together in one bucket.

      • You do not want to specify the users or groups who have access to the transcoded files, thumbnails, and playlists.

      • You do not want to specify the permissions that Elastic Transcoder grants to the files.

      • You want to associate the transcoded files and thumbnails with the Amazon S3 Standard storage class.

      If you want to save transcoded files and playlists in one bucket and thumbnails in another bucket, specify which users can access the transcoded files or the permissions the users have, or change the Amazon S3 storage class, omit OutputBucket and specify values for ContentConfig and ThumbnailConfig instead.

      bucket - The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save the transcoded files. Specify this value when all of the following are true:

      • You want to save transcoded files, thumbnails (if any), and playlists (if any) together in one bucket.

      • You do not want to specify the users or groups who have access to the transcoded files, thumbnails, and playlists.

      • You do not want to specify the permissions that Elastic Transcoder grants to the files.

      • You want to associate the transcoded files and thumbnails with the Amazon S3 Standard storage class.

      If you want to save transcoded files and playlists in one bucket and thumbnails in another bucket, specify which users can access the transcoded files or the permissions the users have, or change the Amazon S3 storage class, omit OutputBucket and specify values for ContentConfig and ThumbnailConfig instead.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • storageClass

      PipelineOutputConfig.Builder storageClass(String storageClass)

      The Amazon S3 storage class, Standard or ReducedRedundancy, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.

      storageClass - The Amazon S3 storage class, Standard or ReducedRedundancy, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • permissions

      Optional. The Permissions object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.

      If you include Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants only the permissions that you specify. It does not grant full permissions to the owner of the role specified by Role. If you want that user to have full control, you must explicitly grant full control to the user.

      If you omit Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants full control over the transcoded files and playlists to the owner of the role specified by Role, and grants no other permissions to any other user or group.

      permissions - Optional. The Permissions object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.

      If you include Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants only the permissions that you specify. It does not grant full permissions to the owner of the role specified by Role. If you want that user to have full control, you must explicitly grant full control to the user.

      If you omit Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants full control over the transcoded files and playlists to the owner of the role specified by Role, and grants no other permissions to any other user or group.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • permissions

      PipelineOutputConfig.Builder permissions(Permission... permissions)

      Optional. The Permissions object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.

      If you include Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants only the permissions that you specify. It does not grant full permissions to the owner of the role specified by Role. If you want that user to have full control, you must explicitly grant full control to the user.

      If you omit Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants full control over the transcoded files and playlists to the owner of the role specified by Role, and grants no other permissions to any other user or group.

      permissions - Optional. The Permissions object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.

      If you include Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants only the permissions that you specify. It does not grant full permissions to the owner of the role specified by Role. If you want that user to have full control, you must explicitly grant full control to the user.

      If you omit Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants full control over the transcoded files and playlists to the owner of the role specified by Role, and grants no other permissions to any other user or group.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • permissions

      Optional. The Permissions object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.

      If you include Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants only the permissions that you specify. It does not grant full permissions to the owner of the role specified by Role. If you want that user to have full control, you must explicitly grant full control to the user.

      If you omit Permissions, Elastic Transcoder grants full control over the transcoded files and playlists to the owner of the role specified by Role, and grants no other permissions to any other user or group.

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the Permission.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via Permission.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to permissions(List<Permission>).

      permissions - a consumer that will call methods on Permission.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also: