Interface CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
AwsRequest.Builder, Buildable, CopyableBuilder<CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder,CreateKxChangesetRequest>, FinspaceRequest.Builder, SdkBuilder<CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder,CreateKxChangesetRequest>, SdkPojo, SdkRequest.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder extends FinspaceRequest.Builder, SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder,CreateKxChangesetRequest>
  • Method Details

    • environmentId

      CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder environmentId(String environmentId)

      A unique identifier of the kdb environment.

      environmentId - A unique identifier of the kdb environment.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • databaseName

      CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder databaseName(String databaseName)

      The name of the kdb database.

      databaseName - The name of the kdb database.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • changeRequests

      A list of change request objects that are run in order. A change request object consists of changeType , s3Path, and dbPath. A changeType can have the following values:

      • PUT – Adds or updates files in a database.

      • DELETE – Deletes files in a database.

      All the change requests require a mandatory dbPath attribute that defines the path within the database directory. All database paths must start with a leading / and end with a trailing /. The s3Path attribute defines the s3 source file path and is required for a PUT change type. The s3path must end with a trailing / if it is a directory and must end without a trailing / if it is a file.

      Here are few examples of how you can use the change request object:

      1. This request adds a single sym file at database root location.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/sym", "dbPath":"/"}

      2. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}

      3. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the taq table partition of the database.

        [ { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      4. This request deletes the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        [{ "changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath": "/2020.01.02/"} ]

      5. The DELETE request allows you to delete the existing files under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database, and the PUT request adds a new taq table under it.

        [ {"changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}, {"changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      changeRequests - A list of change request objects that are run in order. A change request object consists of changeType , s3Path, and dbPath. A changeType can have the following values:

      • PUT – Adds or updates files in a database.

      • DELETE – Deletes files in a database.

      All the change requests require a mandatory dbPath attribute that defines the path within the database directory. All database paths must start with a leading / and end with a trailing /. The s3Path attribute defines the s3 source file path and is required for a PUT change type. The s3path must end with a trailing / if it is a directory and must end without a trailing / if it is a file.

      Here are few examples of how you can use the change request object:

      1. This request adds a single sym file at database root location.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/sym", "dbPath":"/"}

      2. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}

      3. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the taq table partition of the database.

        [ { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      4. This request deletes the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        [{ "changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath": "/2020.01.02/"} ]

      5. The DELETE request allows you to delete the existing files under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database, and the PUT request adds a new taq table under it.

        [ {"changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}, {"changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • changeRequests

      CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder changeRequests(ChangeRequest... changeRequests)

      A list of change request objects that are run in order. A change request object consists of changeType , s3Path, and dbPath. A changeType can have the following values:

      • PUT – Adds or updates files in a database.

      • DELETE – Deletes files in a database.

      All the change requests require a mandatory dbPath attribute that defines the path within the database directory. All database paths must start with a leading / and end with a trailing /. The s3Path attribute defines the s3 source file path and is required for a PUT change type. The s3path must end with a trailing / if it is a directory and must end without a trailing / if it is a file.

      Here are few examples of how you can use the change request object:

      1. This request adds a single sym file at database root location.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/sym", "dbPath":"/"}

      2. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}

      3. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the taq table partition of the database.

        [ { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      4. This request deletes the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        [{ "changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath": "/2020.01.02/"} ]

      5. The DELETE request allows you to delete the existing files under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database, and the PUT request adds a new taq table under it.

        [ {"changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}, {"changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      changeRequests - A list of change request objects that are run in order. A change request object consists of changeType , s3Path, and dbPath. A changeType can have the following values:

      • PUT – Adds or updates files in a database.

      • DELETE – Deletes files in a database.

      All the change requests require a mandatory dbPath attribute that defines the path within the database directory. All database paths must start with a leading / and end with a trailing /. The s3Path attribute defines the s3 source file path and is required for a PUT change type. The s3path must end with a trailing / if it is a directory and must end without a trailing / if it is a file.

      Here are few examples of how you can use the change request object:

      1. This request adds a single sym file at database root location.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/sym", "dbPath":"/"}

      2. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}

      3. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the taq table partition of the database.

        [ { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      4. This request deletes the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        [{ "changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath": "/2020.01.02/"} ]

      5. The DELETE request allows you to delete the existing files under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database, and the PUT request adds a new taq table under it.

        [ {"changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}, {"changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • changeRequests

      A list of change request objects that are run in order. A change request object consists of changeType , s3Path, and dbPath. A changeType can have the following values:

      • PUT – Adds or updates files in a database.

      • DELETE – Deletes files in a database.

      All the change requests require a mandatory dbPath attribute that defines the path within the database directory. All database paths must start with a leading / and end with a trailing /. The s3Path attribute defines the s3 source file path and is required for a PUT change type. The s3path must end with a trailing / if it is a directory and must end without a trailing / if it is a file.

      Here are few examples of how you can use the change request object:

      1. This request adds a single sym file at database root location.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/sym", "dbPath":"/"}

      2. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}

      3. This request adds files in the given s3Path under the taq table partition of the database.

        [ { "changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      4. This request deletes the 2020.01.02 partition of the database.

        [{ "changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath": "/2020.01.02/"} ]

      5. The DELETE request allows you to delete the existing files under the 2020.01.02 partition of the database, and the PUT request adds a new taq table under it.

        [ {"changeType": "DELETE", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/"}, {"changeType": "PUT", "s3Path":"s3://bucket/db/2020.01.02/taq/", "dbPath":"/2020.01.02/taq/"}]

      This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the ChangeRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ChangeRequest.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to changeRequests(List<ChangeRequest>).

      changeRequests - a consumer that will call methods on ChangeRequest.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • clientToken

      CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder clientToken(String clientToken)

      A token that ensures idempotency. This token expires in 10 minutes.

      clientToken - A token that ensures idempotency. This token expires in 10 minutes.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • overrideConfiguration

      CreateKxChangesetRequest.Builder overrideConfiguration(AwsRequestOverrideConfiguration overrideConfiguration)
      Description copied from interface: AwsRequest.Builder
      Add an optional request override configuration.
      Specified by:
      overrideConfiguration in interface AwsRequest.Builder
      overrideConfiguration - The override configuration.
      This object for method chaining.
    • overrideConfiguration

      Description copied from interface: AwsRequest.Builder
      Add an optional request override configuration.
      Specified by:
      overrideConfiguration in interface AwsRequest.Builder
      builderConsumer - A Consumer to which an empty AwsRequestOverrideConfiguration.Builder will be given.
      This object for method chaining.