Interface CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder,CheckpointConfigurationUpdate>, SdkBuilder<CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder,CheckpointConfigurationUpdate>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder,CheckpointConfigurationUpdate>
  • Method Details

    • configurationTypeUpdate

      CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder configurationTypeUpdate(String configurationTypeUpdate)

      Describes updates to whether the application uses the default checkpointing behavior of Managed Service for Apache Flink. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to set the CheckpointingEnabled, CheckpointInterval, or MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints parameters.

      If this value is set to DEFAULT, the application will use the following values, even if they are set to other values using APIs or application code:

      • CheckpointingEnabled: true

      • CheckpointInterval: 60000

      • MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints: 5000

      configurationTypeUpdate - Describes updates to whether the application uses the default checkpointing behavior of Managed Service for Apache Flink. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to set the CheckpointingEnabled, CheckpointInterval, or MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints parameters.

      If this value is set to DEFAULT, the application will use the following values, even if they are set to other values using APIs or application code:

      • CheckpointingEnabled: true

      • CheckpointInterval: 60000

      • MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints: 5000

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • configurationTypeUpdate

      CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder configurationTypeUpdate(ConfigurationType configurationTypeUpdate)

      Describes updates to whether the application uses the default checkpointing behavior of Managed Service for Apache Flink. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to set the CheckpointingEnabled, CheckpointInterval, or MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints parameters.

      If this value is set to DEFAULT, the application will use the following values, even if they are set to other values using APIs or application code:

      • CheckpointingEnabled: true

      • CheckpointInterval: 60000

      • MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints: 5000

      configurationTypeUpdate - Describes updates to whether the application uses the default checkpointing behavior of Managed Service for Apache Flink. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to set the CheckpointingEnabled, CheckpointInterval, or MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints parameters.

      If this value is set to DEFAULT, the application will use the following values, even if they are set to other values using APIs or application code:

      • CheckpointingEnabled: true

      • CheckpointInterval: 60000

      • MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints: 5000

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • checkpointingEnabledUpdate

      CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder checkpointingEnabledUpdate(Boolean checkpointingEnabledUpdate)

      Describes updates to whether checkpointing is enabled for an application.

      If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointingEnabled value of true, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

      checkpointingEnabledUpdate - Describes updates to whether checkpointing is enabled for an application.

      If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointingEnabled value of true, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • checkpointIntervalUpdate

      CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder checkpointIntervalUpdate(Long checkpointIntervalUpdate)

      Describes updates to the interval in milliseconds between checkpoint operations.

      If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointInterval value of 60000, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

      checkpointIntervalUpdate - Describes updates to the interval in milliseconds between checkpoint operations.

      If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointInterval value of 60000, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • minPauseBetweenCheckpointsUpdate

      CheckpointConfigurationUpdate.Builder minPauseBetweenCheckpointsUpdate(Long minPauseBetweenCheckpointsUpdate)

      Describes updates to the minimum time in milliseconds after a checkpoint operation completes that a new checkpoint operation can start.

      If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints value of 5000, even if this value is set using this API or in application code.

      minPauseBetweenCheckpointsUpdate - Describes updates to the minimum time in milliseconds after a checkpoint operation completes that a new checkpoint operation can start.

      If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints value of 5000, even if this value is set using this API or in application code.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.