Class CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, SdkPojo, ToCopyableBuilder<CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException.Builder,CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException>

@Generated("") public final class CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException extends KmsException implements ToCopyableBuilder<CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException.Builder,CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException>

The request was rejected because the associated CloudHSM cluster did not meet the configuration requirements for an CloudHSM key store.

  • The CloudHSM cluster must be configured with private subnets in at least two different Availability Zones in the Region.

  • The security group for the cluster (cloudhsm-cluster-<cluster-id>-sg) must include inbound rules and outbound rules that allow TCP traffic on ports 2223-2225. The Source in the inbound rules and the Destination in the outbound rules must match the security group ID. These rules are set by default when you create the CloudHSM cluster. Do not delete or change them. To get information about a particular security group, use the DescribeSecurityGroups operation.

  • The CloudHSM cluster must contain at least as many HSMs as the operation requires. To add HSMs, use the CloudHSM CreateHsm operation.

    For the CreateCustomKeyStore, UpdateCustomKeyStore, and CreateKey operations, the CloudHSM cluster must have at least two active HSMs, each in a different Availability Zone. For the ConnectCustomKeyStore operation, the CloudHSM must contain at least one active HSM.

For information about the requirements for an CloudHSM cluster that is associated with an CloudHSM key store, see Assemble the Prerequisites in the Key Management Service Developer Guide. For information about creating a private subnet for an CloudHSM cluster, see Create a Private Subnet in the CloudHSM User Guide. For information about cluster security groups, see Configure a Default Security Group in the CloudHSM User Guide .

See Also: