Interface DeleteAllowListRequest.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
AwsRequest.Builder, Buildable, CopyableBuilder<DeleteAllowListRequest.Builder,DeleteAllowListRequest>, Macie2Request.Builder, SdkBuilder<DeleteAllowListRequest.Builder,DeleteAllowListRequest>, SdkPojo, SdkRequest.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface DeleteAllowListRequest.Builder extends Macie2Request.Builder, SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<DeleteAllowListRequest.Builder,DeleteAllowListRequest>
  • Method Details

    • id

      The unique identifier for the Amazon Macie resource that the request applies to.

      id - The unique identifier for the Amazon Macie resource that the request applies to.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • ignoreJobChecks

      DeleteAllowListRequest.Builder ignoreJobChecks(String ignoreJobChecks)

      Specifies whether to force deletion of the allow list, even if active classification jobs are configured to use the list.

      When you try to delete an allow list, Amazon Macie checks for classification jobs that use the list and have a status other than COMPLETE or CANCELLED. By default, Macie rejects your request if any jobs meet these criteria. To skip these checks and delete the list, set this value to true. To delete the list only if no active jobs are configured to use it, set this value to false.

      ignoreJobChecks - Specifies whether to force deletion of the allow list, even if active classification jobs are configured to use the list.

      When you try to delete an allow list, Amazon Macie checks for classification jobs that use the list and have a status other than COMPLETE or CANCELLED. By default, Macie rejects your request if any jobs meet these criteria. To skip these checks and delete the list, set this value to true. To delete the list only if no active jobs are configured to use it, set this value to false.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • overrideConfiguration

      DeleteAllowListRequest.Builder overrideConfiguration(AwsRequestOverrideConfiguration overrideConfiguration)
      Description copied from interface: AwsRequest.Builder
      Add an optional request override configuration.
      Specified by:
      overrideConfiguration in interface AwsRequest.Builder
      overrideConfiguration - The override configuration.
      This object for method chaining.
    • overrideConfiguration

      Description copied from interface: AwsRequest.Builder
      Add an optional request override configuration.
      Specified by:
      overrideConfiguration in interface AwsRequest.Builder
      builderConsumer - A Consumer to which an empty AwsRequestOverrideConfiguration.Builder will be given.
      This object for method chaining.