Interface RetrievalConfiguration.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<RetrievalConfiguration.Builder,RetrievalConfiguration>, SdkBuilder<RetrievalConfiguration.Builder,RetrievalConfiguration>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface RetrievalConfiguration.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<RetrievalConfiguration.Builder,RetrievalConfiguration>
  • Method Details

    • externalId

      RetrievalConfiguration.Builder externalId(String externalId)

      The external ID to specify in the trust policy for the IAM role to assume when retrieving sensitive data from affected S3 objects (roleName). This value is null if the value for retrievalMode is CALLER_CREDENTIALS.

      This ID is a unique alphanumeric string that Amazon Macie generates automatically after you configure it to assume an IAM role. For a Macie administrator to retrieve sensitive data from an affected S3 object for a member account, the trust policy for the role in the member account must include an sts:ExternalId condition that requires this ID.

      externalId - The external ID to specify in the trust policy for the IAM role to assume when retrieving sensitive data from affected S3 objects (roleName). This value is null if the value for retrievalMode is CALLER_CREDENTIALS.

      This ID is a unique alphanumeric string that Amazon Macie generates automatically after you configure it to assume an IAM role. For a Macie administrator to retrieve sensitive data from an affected S3 object for a member account, the trust policy for the role in the member account must include an sts:ExternalId condition that requires this ID.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • retrievalMode

      RetrievalConfiguration.Builder retrievalMode(String retrievalMode)

      The access method that's used to retrieve sensitive data from affected S3 objects. Valid values are: ASSUME_ROLE, assume an IAM role that is in the affected Amazon Web Services account and delegates access to Amazon Macie (roleName); and, CALLER_CREDENTIALS, use the credentials of the IAM user who requests the sensitive data.

      retrievalMode - The access method that's used to retrieve sensitive data from affected S3 objects. Valid values are: ASSUME_ROLE, assume an IAM role that is in the affected Amazon Web Services account and delegates access to Amazon Macie (roleName); and, CALLER_CREDENTIALS, use the credentials of the IAM user who requests the sensitive data.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • retrievalMode

      RetrievalConfiguration.Builder retrievalMode(RetrievalMode retrievalMode)

      The access method that's used to retrieve sensitive data from affected S3 objects. Valid values are: ASSUME_ROLE, assume an IAM role that is in the affected Amazon Web Services account and delegates access to Amazon Macie (roleName); and, CALLER_CREDENTIALS, use the credentials of the IAM user who requests the sensitive data.

      retrievalMode - The access method that's used to retrieve sensitive data from affected S3 objects. Valid values are: ASSUME_ROLE, assume an IAM role that is in the affected Amazon Web Services account and delegates access to Amazon Macie (roleName); and, CALLER_CREDENTIALS, use the credentials of the IAM user who requests the sensitive data.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • roleName

      The name of the IAM role that is in the affected Amazon Web Services account and Amazon Macie is allowed to assume when retrieving sensitive data from affected S3 objects for the account. This value is null if the value for retrievalMode is CALLER_CREDENTIALS.

      roleName - The name of the IAM role that is in the affected Amazon Web Services account and Amazon Macie is allowed to assume when retrieving sensitive data from affected S3 objects for the account. This value is null if the value for retrievalMode is CALLER_CREDENTIALS.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.