Interface SearchResourcesSimpleCriterion.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<SearchResourcesSimpleCriterion.Builder,SearchResourcesSimpleCriterion>, SdkBuilder<SearchResourcesSimpleCriterion.Builder,SearchResourcesSimpleCriterion>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface SearchResourcesSimpleCriterion.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<SearchResourcesSimpleCriterion.Builder,SearchResourcesSimpleCriterion>
  • Method Details

    • comparator

      The operator to use in the condition. Valid values are EQ (equals) and NE (not equals).

      comparator - The operator to use in the condition. Valid values are EQ (equals) and NE (not equals).
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • comparator

      The operator to use in the condition. Valid values are EQ (equals) and NE (not equals).

      comparator - The operator to use in the condition. Valid values are EQ (equals) and NE (not equals).
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • key

      The property to use in the condition.

      key - The property to use in the condition.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • key

      The property to use in the condition.

      key - The property to use in the condition.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • values

      An array that lists one or more values to use in the condition. If you specify multiple values, Amazon Macie uses OR logic to join the values. Valid values for each supported property (key) are:

      • ACCOUNT_ID - A string that represents the unique identifier for the Amazon Web Services account that owns the resource.

      • S3_BUCKET_EFFECTIVE_PERMISSION - A string that represents an enumerated value that Macie defines for the BucketPublicAccess.effectivePermission property of an S3 bucket.

      • S3_BUCKET_NAME - A string that represents the name of an S3 bucket.

      • S3_BUCKET_SHARED_ACCESS - A string that represents an enumerated value that Macie defines for the BucketMetadata.sharedAccess property of an S3 bucket.

      Values are case sensitive. Also, Macie doesn't support use of partial values or wildcard characters in values.

      values - An array that lists one or more values to use in the condition. If you specify multiple values, Amazon Macie uses OR logic to join the values. Valid values for each supported property (key) are:

      • ACCOUNT_ID - A string that represents the unique identifier for the Amazon Web Services account that owns the resource.

      • S3_BUCKET_EFFECTIVE_PERMISSION - A string that represents an enumerated value that Macie defines for the BucketPublicAccess.effectivePermission property of an S3 bucket.

      • S3_BUCKET_NAME - A string that represents the name of an S3 bucket.

      • S3_BUCKET_SHARED_ACCESS - A string that represents an enumerated value that Macie defines for the BucketMetadata.sharedAccess property of an S3 bucket.

      Values are case sensitive. Also, Macie doesn't support use of partial values or wildcard characters in values.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • values

      An array that lists one or more values to use in the condition. If you specify multiple values, Amazon Macie uses OR logic to join the values. Valid values for each supported property (key) are:

      • ACCOUNT_ID - A string that represents the unique identifier for the Amazon Web Services account that owns the resource.

      • S3_BUCKET_EFFECTIVE_PERMISSION - A string that represents an enumerated value that Macie defines for the BucketPublicAccess.effectivePermission property of an S3 bucket.

      • S3_BUCKET_NAME - A string that represents the name of an S3 bucket.

      • S3_BUCKET_SHARED_ACCESS - A string that represents an enumerated value that Macie defines for the BucketMetadata.sharedAccess property of an S3 bucket.

      Values are case sensitive. Also, Macie doesn't support use of partial values or wildcard characters in values.

      values - An array that lists one or more values to use in the condition. If you specify multiple values, Amazon Macie uses OR logic to join the values. Valid values for each supported property (key) are:

      • ACCOUNT_ID - A string that represents the unique identifier for the Amazon Web Services account that owns the resource.

      • S3_BUCKET_EFFECTIVE_PERMISSION - A string that represents an enumerated value that Macie defines for the BucketPublicAccess.effectivePermission property of an S3 bucket.

      • S3_BUCKET_NAME - A string that represents the name of an S3 bucket.

      • S3_BUCKET_SHARED_ACCESS - A string that represents an enumerated value that Macie defines for the BucketMetadata.sharedAccess property of an S3 bucket.

      Values are case sensitive. Also, Macie doesn't support use of partial values or wildcard characters in values.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.