Interface CaptionDescription.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<CaptionDescription.Builder,CaptionDescription>, SdkBuilder<CaptionDescription.Builder,CaptionDescription>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface CaptionDescription.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<CaptionDescription.Builder,CaptionDescription>
  • Method Details

    • captionSelectorName

      CaptionDescription.Builder captionSelectorName(String captionSelectorName)
      Specifies which "Caption Selector":#inputs-caption_selector to use from each input when generating captions. The name should be of the format "Caption Selector ", which denotes that the Nth Caption Selector will be used from each input.
      captionSelectorName - Specifies which "Caption Selector":#inputs-caption_selector to use from each input when generating captions. The name should be of the format "Caption Selector ", which denotes that the Nth Caption Selector will be used from each input.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • customLanguageCode

      CaptionDescription.Builder customLanguageCode(String customLanguageCode)
      Specify the language for this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information when automatically selecting the font script for rendering the captions text. For all outputs, you can use an ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 code. For streaming outputs, you can also use any other code in the full RFC-5646 specification. Streaming outputs are those that are in one of the following output groups: CMAF, DASH ISO, Apple HLS, or Microsoft Smooth Streaming.
      customLanguageCode - Specify the language for this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information when automatically selecting the font script for rendering the captions text. For all outputs, you can use an ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 code. For streaming outputs, you can also use any other code in the full RFC-5646 specification. Streaming outputs are those that are in one of the following output groups: CMAF, DASH ISO, Apple HLS, or Microsoft Smooth Streaming.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • destinationSettings

      CaptionDescription.Builder destinationSettings(CaptionDestinationSettings destinationSettings)
      Settings related to one captions tab on the MediaConvert console. Usually, one captions tab corresponds to one output captions track. Depending on your output captions format, one tab might correspond to a set of output captions tracks. For more information, see
      destinationSettings - Settings related to one captions tab on the MediaConvert console. Usually, one captions tab corresponds to one output captions track. Depending on your output captions format, one tab might correspond to a set of output captions tracks. For more information, see
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • destinationSettings

      default CaptionDescription.Builder destinationSettings(Consumer<CaptionDestinationSettings.Builder> destinationSettings)
      Settings related to one captions tab on the MediaConvert console. Usually, one captions tab corresponds to one output captions track. Depending on your output captions format, one tab might correspond to a set of output captions tracks. For more information, see This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the CaptionDestinationSettings.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CaptionDestinationSettings.builder().

      When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to destinationSettings(CaptionDestinationSettings).

      destinationSettings - a consumer that will call methods on CaptionDestinationSettings.Builder
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • languageCode

      CaptionDescription.Builder languageCode(String languageCode)
      Specify the language of this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information to choose the font language for rendering the captions text.
      languageCode - Specify the language of this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information to choose the font language for rendering the captions text.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • languageCode

      CaptionDescription.Builder languageCode(LanguageCode languageCode)
      Specify the language of this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information to choose the font language for rendering the captions text.
      languageCode - Specify the language of this captions output track. For most captions output formats, the encoder puts this language information in the output captions metadata. If your output captions format is DVB-Sub or Burn in, the encoder uses this language information to choose the font language for rendering the captions text.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • languageDescription

      CaptionDescription.Builder languageDescription(String languageDescription)
      Specify a label for this set of output captions. For example, "English", "Director commentary", or "track_2". For streaming outputs, MediaConvert passes this information into destination manifests for display on the end-viewer's player device. For outputs in other output groups, the service ignores this setting.
      languageDescription - Specify a label for this set of output captions. For example, "English", "Director commentary", or "track_2". For streaming outputs, MediaConvert passes this information into destination manifests for display on the end-viewer's player device. For outputs in other output groups, the service ignores this setting.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.