Interface ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationInfo.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationInfo.Builder,ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationInfo>, SdkBuilder<ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationInfo.Builder,ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationInfo>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationInfo.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationInfo.Builder,ServerlessV2ScalingConfigurationInfo>
  • Method Details

    • minCapacity

      The minimum number of Neptune capacity units (NCUs) for a DB instance in a Neptune Serverless cluster. You can specify NCU values in half-step increments, such as 8, 8.5, 9, and so on.

      minCapacity - The minimum number of Neptune capacity units (NCUs) for a DB instance in a Neptune Serverless cluster. You can specify NCU values in half-step increments, such as 8, 8.5, 9, and so on.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • maxCapacity

      The maximum number of Neptune capacity units (NCUs) for a DB instance in a Neptune Serverless cluster. You can specify NCU values in half-step increments, such as 40, 40.5, 41, and so on.

      maxCapacity - The maximum number of Neptune capacity units (NCUs) for a DB instance in a Neptune Serverless cluster. You can specify NCU values in half-step increments, such as 40, 40.5, 41, and so on.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.