Interface EndpointMessageResult.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<EndpointMessageResult.Builder,EndpointMessageResult>, SdkBuilder<EndpointMessageResult.Builder,EndpointMessageResult>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface EndpointMessageResult.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<EndpointMessageResult.Builder,EndpointMessageResult>
  • Method Details

    • address

      The endpoint address that the message was delivered to.

      address - The endpoint address that the message was delivered to.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • deliveryStatus

      EndpointMessageResult.Builder deliveryStatus(String deliveryStatus)

      The delivery status of the message. Possible values are:

      • DUPLICATE - The endpoint address is a duplicate of another endpoint address. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • OPT_OUT - The user who's associated with the endpoint has opted out of receiving messages from you. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • PERMANENT_FAILURE - An error occurred when delivering the message to the endpoint. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • SUCCESSFUL - The message was successfully delivered to the endpoint.

      • TEMPORARY_FAILURE - A temporary error occurred. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • THROTTLED - Amazon Pinpoint throttled the operation to send the message to the endpoint.

      • UNKNOWN_FAILURE - An unknown error occurred.

      deliveryStatus - The delivery status of the message. Possible values are:

      • DUPLICATE - The endpoint address is a duplicate of another endpoint address. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • OPT_OUT - The user who's associated with the endpoint has opted out of receiving messages from you. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • PERMANENT_FAILURE - An error occurred when delivering the message to the endpoint. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • SUCCESSFUL - The message was successfully delivered to the endpoint.

      • TEMPORARY_FAILURE - A temporary error occurred. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • THROTTLED - Amazon Pinpoint throttled the operation to send the message to the endpoint.

      • UNKNOWN_FAILURE - An unknown error occurred.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • deliveryStatus

      EndpointMessageResult.Builder deliveryStatus(DeliveryStatus deliveryStatus)

      The delivery status of the message. Possible values are:

      • DUPLICATE - The endpoint address is a duplicate of another endpoint address. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • OPT_OUT - The user who's associated with the endpoint has opted out of receiving messages from you. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • PERMANENT_FAILURE - An error occurred when delivering the message to the endpoint. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • SUCCESSFUL - The message was successfully delivered to the endpoint.

      • TEMPORARY_FAILURE - A temporary error occurred. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • THROTTLED - Amazon Pinpoint throttled the operation to send the message to the endpoint.

      • UNKNOWN_FAILURE - An unknown error occurred.

      deliveryStatus - The delivery status of the message. Possible values are:

      • DUPLICATE - The endpoint address is a duplicate of another endpoint address. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • OPT_OUT - The user who's associated with the endpoint has opted out of receiving messages from you. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • PERMANENT_FAILURE - An error occurred when delivering the message to the endpoint. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • SUCCESSFUL - The message was successfully delivered to the endpoint.

      • TEMPORARY_FAILURE - A temporary error occurred. Amazon Pinpoint won't attempt to send the message again.

      • THROTTLED - Amazon Pinpoint throttled the operation to send the message to the endpoint.

      • UNKNOWN_FAILURE - An unknown error occurred.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • messageId

      EndpointMessageResult.Builder messageId(String messageId)

      The unique identifier for the message that was sent.

      messageId - The unique identifier for the message that was sent.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • statusCode

      EndpointMessageResult.Builder statusCode(Integer statusCode)

      The downstream service status code for delivering the message.

      statusCode - The downstream service status code for delivering the message.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • statusMessage

      EndpointMessageResult.Builder statusMessage(String statusMessage)

      The status message for delivering the message.

      statusMessage - The status message for delivering the message.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • updatedToken

      EndpointMessageResult.Builder updatedToken(String updatedToken)

      For push notifications that are sent through the GCM channel, specifies whether the endpoint's device registration token was updated as part of delivering the message.

      updatedToken - For push notifications that are sent through the GCM channel, specifies whether the endpoint's device registration token was updated as part of delivering the message.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.