Interface DashboardVisualId.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<DashboardVisualId.Builder,DashboardVisualId>, SdkBuilder<DashboardVisualId.Builder,DashboardVisualId>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface DashboardVisualId.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<DashboardVisualId.Builder,DashboardVisualId>
  • Method Details

    • dashboardId

      DashboardVisualId.Builder dashboardId(String dashboardId)

      The ID of the dashboard that has the visual that you want to embed. The DashboardId can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console. You can also get the DashboardId with a ListDashboards API operation.

      dashboardId - The ID of the dashboard that has the visual that you want to embed. The DashboardId can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console. You can also get the DashboardId with a ListDashboards API operation.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • sheetId

      The ID of the sheet that the has visual that you want to embed. The SheetId can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console.

      sheetId - The ID of the sheet that the has visual that you want to embed. The SheetId can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • visualId

      DashboardVisualId.Builder visualId(String visualId)

      The ID of the visual that you want to embed. The VisualID can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console.

      visualId - The ID of the visual that you want to embed. The VisualID can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.