Interface DataPathType.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<DataPathType.Builder,DataPathType>, SdkBuilder<DataPathType.Builder,DataPathType>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface DataPathType.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<DataPathType.Builder,DataPathType>
  • Method Details

    • pivotTableDataPathType

      DataPathType.Builder pivotTableDataPathType(String pivotTableDataPathType)

      The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

      • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY.

      • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.

      • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.

      • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell.

      pivotTableDataPathType - The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

      • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY.

      • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.

      • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.

      • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also:
    • pivotTableDataPathType

      DataPathType.Builder pivotTableDataPathType(PivotTableDataPathType pivotTableDataPathType)

      The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

      • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY.

      • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.

      • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.

      • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell.

      pivotTableDataPathType - The type of data path value utilized in a pivot table. Choose one of the following options:

      • HIERARCHY_ROWS_LAYOUT_COLUMN - The type of data path for the rows layout column, when RowsLayout is set to HIERARCHY.

      • MULTIPLE_ROW_METRICS_COLUMN - The type of data path for the metric column when the row is set to Metric Placement.

      • EMPTY_COLUMN_HEADER - The type of data path for the column with empty column header, when there is no field in ColumnsFieldWell and the row is set to Metric Placement.

      • COUNT_METRIC_COLUMN - The type of data path for the column with COUNT as the metric, when there is no field in the ValuesFieldWell.

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      See Also: