Interface RedshiftIAMParameters.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<RedshiftIAMParameters.Builder,RedshiftIAMParameters>, SdkBuilder<RedshiftIAMParameters.Builder,RedshiftIAMParameters>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface RedshiftIAMParameters.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<RedshiftIAMParameters.Builder,RedshiftIAMParameters>
  • Method Details

    • roleArn

      Use the RoleArn structure to allow Amazon QuickSight to call redshift:GetClusterCredentials on your cluster. The calling principal must have iam:PassRole access to pass the role to Amazon QuickSight. The role's trust policy must allow the Amazon QuickSight service principal to assume the role.

      roleArn - Use the RoleArn structure to allow Amazon QuickSight to call redshift:GetClusterCredentials on your cluster. The calling principal must have iam:PassRole access to pass the role to Amazon QuickSight. The role's trust policy must allow the Amazon QuickSight service principal to assume the role.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • databaseUser

      RedshiftIAMParameters.Builder databaseUser(String databaseUser)

      The user whose permissions and group memberships will be used by Amazon QuickSight to access the cluster. If this user already exists in your database, Amazon QuickSight is granted the same permissions that the user has. If the user doesn't exist, set the value of AutoCreateDatabaseUser to True to create a new user with PUBLIC permissions.

      databaseUser - The user whose permissions and group memberships will be used by Amazon QuickSight to access the cluster. If this user already exists in your database, Amazon QuickSight is granted the same permissions that the user has. If the user doesn't exist, set the value of AutoCreateDatabaseUser to True to create a new user with PUBLIC permissions.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • databaseGroups

      RedshiftIAMParameters.Builder databaseGroups(Collection<String> databaseGroups)

      A list of groups whose permissions will be granted to Amazon QuickSight to access the cluster. These permissions are combined with the permissions granted to Amazon QuickSight by the DatabaseUser. If you choose to include this parameter, the RoleArn must grant access to redshift:JoinGroup.

      databaseGroups - A list of groups whose permissions will be granted to Amazon QuickSight to access the cluster. These permissions are combined with the permissions granted to Amazon QuickSight by the DatabaseUser. If you choose to include this parameter, the RoleArn must grant access to redshift:JoinGroup.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • databaseGroups

      RedshiftIAMParameters.Builder databaseGroups(String... databaseGroups)

      A list of groups whose permissions will be granted to Amazon QuickSight to access the cluster. These permissions are combined with the permissions granted to Amazon QuickSight by the DatabaseUser. If you choose to include this parameter, the RoleArn must grant access to redshift:JoinGroup.

      databaseGroups - A list of groups whose permissions will be granted to Amazon QuickSight to access the cluster. These permissions are combined with the permissions granted to Amazon QuickSight by the DatabaseUser. If you choose to include this parameter, the RoleArn must grant access to redshift:JoinGroup.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • autoCreateDatabaseUser

      RedshiftIAMParameters.Builder autoCreateDatabaseUser(Boolean autoCreateDatabaseUser)

      Automatically creates a database user. If your database doesn't have a DatabaseUser, set this parameter to True. If there is no DatabaseUser, Amazon QuickSight can't connect to your cluster. The RoleArn that you use for this operation must grant access to redshift:CreateClusterUser to successfully create the user.

      autoCreateDatabaseUser - Automatically creates a database user. If your database doesn't have a DatabaseUser, set this parameter to True. If there is no DatabaseUser, Amazon QuickSight can't connect to your cluster. The RoleArn that you use for this operation must grant access to redshift:CreateClusterUser to successfully create the user.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.