Interface RestoreStatus.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<RestoreStatus.Builder,RestoreStatus>, SdkBuilder<RestoreStatus.Builder,RestoreStatus>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface RestoreStatus.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<RestoreStatus.Builder,RestoreStatus>
  • Method Details

    • status

      RestoreStatus.Builder status(String status)

      The status of the restore action. Returns starting, restoring, completed, or failed.

      status - The status of the restore action. Returns starting, restoring, completed, or failed.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • currentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond

      RestoreStatus.Builder currentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond(Double currentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond)

      The number of megabytes per second being transferred from the backup storage. Returns the average rate for a completed backup. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.

      currentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond - The number of megabytes per second being transferred from the backup storage. Returns the average rate for a completed backup. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • snapshotSizeInMegaBytes

      RestoreStatus.Builder snapshotSizeInMegaBytes(Long snapshotSizeInMegaBytes)

      The size of the set of snapshot data used to restore the cluster. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.

      snapshotSizeInMegaBytes - The size of the set of snapshot data used to restore the cluster. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • progressInMegaBytes

      RestoreStatus.Builder progressInMegaBytes(Long progressInMegaBytes)

      The number of megabytes that have been transferred from snapshot storage. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.

      progressInMegaBytes - The number of megabytes that have been transferred from snapshot storage. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • elapsedTimeInSeconds

      RestoreStatus.Builder elapsedTimeInSeconds(Long elapsedTimeInSeconds)

      The amount of time an in-progress restore has been running, or the amount of time it took a completed restore to finish. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.

      elapsedTimeInSeconds - The amount of time an in-progress restore has been running, or the amount of time it took a completed restore to finish. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • estimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds

      RestoreStatus.Builder estimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds(Long estimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds)

      The estimate of the time remaining before the restore will complete. Returns 0 for a completed restore. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.

      estimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds - The estimate of the time remaining before the restore will complete. Returns 0 for a completed restore. This field is only updated when you restore to DC2 and DS2 node types.
      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.