Interface S3ExpressAuthScheme

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CrtS3ExpressNoOpAuthScheme, DefaultS3ExpressAuthScheme

public interface S3ExpressAuthScheme extends AuthScheme<S3ExpressSessionCredentials>
An auth scheme for faster authentication when interacting with S3 express.

This authentication scheme performs pre-authentication with S3 express using S3Client.createSession( These S3ExpressSessionCredentials are cached for future requests to the same bucket that are using the same credential provider.

By default, this auth scheme is included on every S3Client instance and does not need to be explicitly enabled. If S3 express authentication is not desired for any reason, you can disable it on the client with S3BaseClientBuilder.disableS3ExpressSessionAuth(Boolean). When disabled, normal sigv4 will be used instead.

See Also: