Interface AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails.Builder

All Superinterfaces:
Buildable, CopyableBuilder<AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails.Builder,AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails>, SdkBuilder<AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails.Builder,AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails>, SdkPojo
Enclosing class:

public static interface AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails.Builder extends SdkPojo, CopyableBuilder<AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails.Builder,AwsEcsServiceDeploymentControllerDetails>
  • Method Details

    • type

      The rolling update (ECS) deployment type replaces the current running version of the container with the latest version.

      The blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) deployment type uses the blue/green deployment model that is powered by CodeDeploy. This deployment model a new deployment of a service can be verified before production traffic is sent to it.

      The external (EXTERNAL) deployment type allows the use of any third-party deployment controller for full control over the deployment process for an Amazon ECS service.

      Valid values: ECS | CODE_DEPLOY | EXTERNAL

      type - The rolling update (ECS) deployment type replaces the current running version of the container with the latest version.

      The blue/green (CODE_DEPLOY) deployment type uses the blue/green deployment model that is powered by CodeDeploy. This deployment model a new deployment of a service can be verified before production traffic is sent to it.

      The external (EXTERNAL) deployment type allows the use of any third-party deployment controller for full control over the deployment process for an Amazon ECS service.

      Valid values: ECS | CODE_DEPLOY | EXTERNAL

      Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.