Interface SsoOidcAsyncClient

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, AwsClient, SdkAutoCloseable, SdkClient

@Generated("") @ThreadSafe public interface SsoOidcAsyncClient extends AwsClient
Service client for accessing SSO OIDC asynchronously. This can be created using the static builder() method.The asynchronous client performs non-blocking I/O when configured with any SdkAsyncHttpClient supported in the SDK. However, full non-blocking is not guaranteed as the async client may perform blocking calls in some cases such as credentials retrieval and endpoint discovery as part of the async API call.

IAM Identity Center OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a web service that enables a client (such as CLI or a native application) to register with IAM Identity Center. The service also enables the client to fetch the user’s access token upon successful authentication and authorization with IAM Identity Center.

IAM Identity Center uses the sso and identitystore API namespaces.

Considerations for Using This Guide

Before you begin using this guide, we recommend that you first review the following important information about how the IAM Identity Center OIDC service works.

  • The IAM Identity Center OIDC service currently implements only the portions of the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant standard ( that are necessary to enable single sign-on authentication with the CLI.

  • With older versions of the CLI, the service only emits OIDC access tokens, so to obtain a new token, users must explicitly re-authenticate. To access the OIDC flow that supports token refresh and doesn’t require re-authentication, update to the latest CLI version (1.27.10 for CLI V1 and 2.9.0 for CLI V2) with support for OIDC token refresh and configurable IAM Identity Center session durations. For more information, see Configure Amazon Web Services access portal session duration .

  • The access tokens provided by this service grant access to all Amazon Web Services account entitlements assigned to an IAM Identity Center user, not just a particular application.

  • The documentation in this guide does not describe the mechanism to convert the access token into Amazon Web Services Auth (“sigv4”) credentials for use with IAM-protected Amazon Web Services service endpoints. For more information, see GetRoleCredentials in the IAM Identity Center Portal API Reference Guide.

For general information about IAM Identity Center, see What is IAM Identity Center? in the IAM Identity Center User Guide.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • createToken

      default CompletableFuture<CreateTokenResponse> createToken(CreateTokenRequest createTokenRequest)

      Creates and returns access and refresh tokens for clients that are authenticated using client secrets. The access token can be used to fetch short-term credentials for the assigned AWS accounts or to access application APIs using bearer authentication.

      createTokenRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateToken operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidRequestException Indicates that something is wrong with the input to the request. For example, a required parameter might be missing or out of range.
      • InvalidClientException Indicates that the clientId or clientSecret in the request is invalid. For example, this can occur when a client sends an incorrect clientId or an expired clientSecret.
      • InvalidGrantException Indicates that a request contains an invalid grant. This can occur if a client makes a CreateToken request with an invalid grant type.
      • UnauthorizedClientException Indicates that the client is not currently authorized to make the request. This can happen when a clientId is not issued for a public client.
      • UnsupportedGrantTypeException Indicates that the grant type in the request is not supported by the service.
      • InvalidScopeException Indicates that the scope provided in the request is invalid.
      • AuthorizationPendingException Indicates that a request to authorize a client with an access user session token is pending.
      • SlowDownException Indicates that the client is making the request too frequently and is more than the service can handle.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • ExpiredTokenException Indicates that the token issued by the service is expired and is no longer valid.
      • InternalServerException Indicates that an error from the service occurred while trying to process a request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • SsoOidcException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createToken

      default CompletableFuture<CreateTokenResponse> createToken(Consumer<CreateTokenRequest.Builder> createTokenRequest)

      Creates and returns access and refresh tokens for clients that are authenticated using client secrets. The access token can be used to fetch short-term credentials for the assigned AWS accounts or to access application APIs using bearer authentication.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateTokenRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateTokenRequest.builder()

      createTokenRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateTokenRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateToken operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidRequestException Indicates that something is wrong with the input to the request. For example, a required parameter might be missing or out of range.
      • InvalidClientException Indicates that the clientId or clientSecret in the request is invalid. For example, this can occur when a client sends an incorrect clientId or an expired clientSecret.
      • InvalidGrantException Indicates that a request contains an invalid grant. This can occur if a client makes a CreateToken request with an invalid grant type.
      • UnauthorizedClientException Indicates that the client is not currently authorized to make the request. This can happen when a clientId is not issued for a public client.
      • UnsupportedGrantTypeException Indicates that the grant type in the request is not supported by the service.
      • InvalidScopeException Indicates that the scope provided in the request is invalid.
      • AuthorizationPendingException Indicates that a request to authorize a client with an access user session token is pending.
      • SlowDownException Indicates that the client is making the request too frequently and is more than the service can handle.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • ExpiredTokenException Indicates that the token issued by the service is expired and is no longer valid.
      • InternalServerException Indicates that an error from the service occurred while trying to process a request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • SsoOidcException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createTokenWithIAM

      default CompletableFuture<CreateTokenWithIamResponse> createTokenWithIAM(CreateTokenWithIamRequest createTokenWithIamRequest)

      Creates and returns access and refresh tokens for clients and applications that are authenticated using IAM entities. The access token can be used to fetch short-term credentials for the assigned Amazon Web Services accounts or to access application APIs using bearer authentication.

      createTokenWithIamRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateTokenWithIAM operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidRequestException Indicates that something is wrong with the input to the request. For example, a required parameter might be missing or out of range.
      • InvalidClientException Indicates that the clientId or clientSecret in the request is invalid. For example, this can occur when a client sends an incorrect clientId or an expired clientSecret.
      • InvalidGrantException Indicates that a request contains an invalid grant. This can occur if a client makes a CreateToken request with an invalid grant type.
      • UnauthorizedClientException Indicates that the client is not currently authorized to make the request. This can happen when a clientId is not issued for a public client.
      • UnsupportedGrantTypeException Indicates that the grant type in the request is not supported by the service.
      • InvalidScopeException Indicates that the scope provided in the request is invalid.
      • AuthorizationPendingException Indicates that a request to authorize a client with an access user session token is pending.
      • SlowDownException Indicates that the client is making the request too frequently and is more than the service can handle.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • ExpiredTokenException Indicates that the token issued by the service is expired and is no longer valid.
      • InternalServerException Indicates that an error from the service occurred while trying to process a request.
      • InvalidRequestRegionException Indicates that a token provided as input to the request was issued by and is only usable by calling IAM Identity Center endpoints in another region.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • SsoOidcException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createTokenWithIAM

      default CompletableFuture<CreateTokenWithIamResponse> createTokenWithIAM(Consumer<CreateTokenWithIamRequest.Builder> createTokenWithIamRequest)

      Creates and returns access and refresh tokens for clients and applications that are authenticated using IAM entities. The access token can be used to fetch short-term credentials for the assigned Amazon Web Services accounts or to access application APIs using bearer authentication.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateTokenWithIamRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateTokenWithIamRequest.builder()

      createTokenWithIamRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateTokenWithIamRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateTokenWithIAM operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidRequestException Indicates that something is wrong with the input to the request. For example, a required parameter might be missing or out of range.
      • InvalidClientException Indicates that the clientId or clientSecret in the request is invalid. For example, this can occur when a client sends an incorrect clientId or an expired clientSecret.
      • InvalidGrantException Indicates that a request contains an invalid grant. This can occur if a client makes a CreateToken request with an invalid grant type.
      • UnauthorizedClientException Indicates that the client is not currently authorized to make the request. This can happen when a clientId is not issued for a public client.
      • UnsupportedGrantTypeException Indicates that the grant type in the request is not supported by the service.
      • InvalidScopeException Indicates that the scope provided in the request is invalid.
      • AuthorizationPendingException Indicates that a request to authorize a client with an access user session token is pending.
      • SlowDownException Indicates that the client is making the request too frequently and is more than the service can handle.
      • AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
      • ExpiredTokenException Indicates that the token issued by the service is expired and is no longer valid.
      • InternalServerException Indicates that an error from the service occurred while trying to process a request.
      • InvalidRequestRegionException Indicates that a token provided as input to the request was issued by and is only usable by calling IAM Identity Center endpoints in another region.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • SsoOidcException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • registerClient

      default CompletableFuture<RegisterClientResponse> registerClient(RegisterClientRequest registerClientRequest)

      Registers a client with IAM Identity Center. This allows clients to initiate device authorization. The output should be persisted for reuse through many authentication requests.

      registerClientRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the RegisterClient operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidRequestException Indicates that something is wrong with the input to the request. For example, a required parameter might be missing or out of range.
      • InvalidScopeException Indicates that the scope provided in the request is invalid.
      • InvalidClientMetadataException Indicates that the client information sent in the request during registration is invalid.
      • InternalServerException Indicates that an error from the service occurred while trying to process a request.
      • InvalidRedirectUriException Indicates that one or more redirect URI in the request is not supported for this operation.
      • UnsupportedGrantTypeException Indicates that the grant type in the request is not supported by the service.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • SsoOidcException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • registerClient

      default CompletableFuture<RegisterClientResponse> registerClient(Consumer<RegisterClientRequest.Builder> registerClientRequest)

      Registers a client with IAM Identity Center. This allows clients to initiate device authorization. The output should be persisted for reuse through many authentication requests.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the RegisterClientRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via RegisterClientRequest.builder()

      registerClientRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on RegisterClientRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the RegisterClient operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidRequestException Indicates that something is wrong with the input to the request. For example, a required parameter might be missing or out of range.
      • InvalidScopeException Indicates that the scope provided in the request is invalid.
      • InvalidClientMetadataException Indicates that the client information sent in the request during registration is invalid.
      • InternalServerException Indicates that an error from the service occurred while trying to process a request.
      • InvalidRedirectUriException Indicates that one or more redirect URI in the request is not supported for this operation.
      • UnsupportedGrantTypeException Indicates that the grant type in the request is not supported by the service.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • SsoOidcException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • startDeviceAuthorization

      default CompletableFuture<StartDeviceAuthorizationResponse> startDeviceAuthorization(StartDeviceAuthorizationRequest startDeviceAuthorizationRequest)

      Initiates device authorization by requesting a pair of verification codes from the authorization service.

      startDeviceAuthorizationRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the StartDeviceAuthorization operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidRequestException Indicates that something is wrong with the input to the request. For example, a required parameter might be missing or out of range.
      • InvalidClientException Indicates that the clientId or clientSecret in the request is invalid. For example, this can occur when a client sends an incorrect clientId or an expired clientSecret.
      • UnauthorizedClientException Indicates that the client is not currently authorized to make the request. This can happen when a clientId is not issued for a public client.
      • SlowDownException Indicates that the client is making the request too frequently and is more than the service can handle.
      • InternalServerException Indicates that an error from the service occurred while trying to process a request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • SsoOidcException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • startDeviceAuthorization

      default CompletableFuture<StartDeviceAuthorizationResponse> startDeviceAuthorization(Consumer<StartDeviceAuthorizationRequest.Builder> startDeviceAuthorizationRequest)

      Initiates device authorization by requesting a pair of verification codes from the authorization service.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the StartDeviceAuthorizationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via StartDeviceAuthorizationRequest.builder()

      startDeviceAuthorizationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on StartDeviceAuthorizationRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the StartDeviceAuthorization operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • InvalidRequestException Indicates that something is wrong with the input to the request. For example, a required parameter might be missing or out of range.
      • InvalidClientException Indicates that the clientId or clientSecret in the request is invalid. For example, this can occur when a client sends an incorrect clientId or an expired clientSecret.
      • UnauthorizedClientException Indicates that the client is not currently authorized to make the request. This can happen when a clientId is not issued for a public client.
      • SlowDownException Indicates that the client is making the request too frequently and is more than the service can handle.
      • InternalServerException Indicates that an error from the service occurred while trying to process a request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • SsoOidcException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • serviceClientConfiguration

      default SsoOidcServiceClientConfiguration serviceClientConfiguration()
      Description copied from interface: SdkClient
      The SDK service client configuration exposes client settings to the user, e.g., ClientOverrideConfiguration
      Specified by:
      serviceClientConfiguration in interface AwsClient
      Specified by:
      serviceClientConfiguration in interface SdkClient
    • create

      static SsoOidcAsyncClient create()
      Create a SsoOidcAsyncClient with the region loaded from the DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain and credentials loaded from the DefaultCredentialsProvider.
    • builder

      static SsoOidcAsyncClientBuilder builder()
      Create a builder that can be used to configure and create a SsoOidcAsyncClient.