Interface WafAsyncClient

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, AwsClient, SdkAutoCloseable, SdkClient

@Generated("") @ThreadSafe public interface WafAsyncClient extends AwsClient
Service client for accessing WAF asynchronously. This can be created using the static builder() method.The asynchronous client performs non-blocking I/O when configured with any SdkAsyncHttpClient supported in the SDK. However, full non-blocking is not guaranteed as the async client may perform blocking calls in some cases such as credentials retrieval and endpoint discovery as part of the async API call.

This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

This is the AWS WAF Classic API Reference for using AWS WAF Classic with Amazon CloudFront. The AWS WAF Classic actions and data types listed in the reference are available for protecting Amazon CloudFront distributions. You can use these actions and data types via the endpoint This guide is for developers who need detailed information about the AWS WAF Classic API actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about AWS WAF Classic features and an overview of how to use the AWS WAF Classic API, see the AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • createByteMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateByteMatchSetResponse> createByteMatchSet(CreateByteMatchSetRequest createByteMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a ByteMatchSet. You then use UpdateByteMatchSet to identify the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect, such as the values of the User-Agent header or the query string. For example, you can create a ByteMatchSet that matches any requests with User-Agent headers that contain the string BadBot. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a ByteMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateByteMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateByteMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateByteMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateByteMatchSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createByteMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateByteMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createByteMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateByteMatchSetResponse> createByteMatchSet(Consumer<CreateByteMatchSetRequest.Builder> createByteMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a ByteMatchSet. You then use UpdateByteMatchSet to identify the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect, such as the values of the User-Agent header or the query string. For example, you can create a ByteMatchSet that matches any requests with User-Agent headers that contain the string BadBot. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a ByteMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateByteMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateByteMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateByteMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateByteMatchSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateByteMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateByteMatchSetRequest.builder()

      createByteMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateByteMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateByteMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createGeoMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateGeoMatchSetResponse> createGeoMatchSet(CreateGeoMatchSetRequest createGeoMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates an GeoMatchSet, which you use to specify which web requests you want to allow or block based on the country that the requests originate from. For example, if you're receiving a lot of requests from one or more countries and you want to block the requests, you can create an GeoMatchSet that contains those countries and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure a GeoMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateGeoMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateGeoMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateGeoMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateGeoMatchSetSet request to specify the countries that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createGeoMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateGeoMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createGeoMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateGeoMatchSetResponse> createGeoMatchSet(Consumer<CreateGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder> createGeoMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates an GeoMatchSet, which you use to specify which web requests you want to allow or block based on the country that the requests originate from. For example, if you're receiving a lot of requests from one or more countries and you want to block the requests, you can create an GeoMatchSet that contains those countries and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure a GeoMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateGeoMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateGeoMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateGeoMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateGeoMatchSetSet request to specify the countries that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateGeoMatchSetRequest.builder()

      createGeoMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateGeoMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createIPSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateIpSetResponse> createIPSet(CreateIpSetRequest createIpSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates an IPSet, which you use to specify which web requests that you want to allow or block based on the IP addresses that the requests originate from. For example, if you're receiving a lot of requests from one or more individual IP addresses or one or more ranges of IP addresses and you want to block the requests, you can create an IPSet that contains those IP addresses and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure an IPSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateIPSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateIPSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateIPSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateIPSet request to specify the IP addresses that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createIpSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateIPSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createIPSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateIpSetResponse> createIPSet(Consumer<CreateIpSetRequest.Builder> createIpSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates an IPSet, which you use to specify which web requests that you want to allow or block based on the IP addresses that the requests originate from. For example, if you're receiving a lot of requests from one or more individual IP addresses or one or more ranges of IP addresses and you want to block the requests, you can create an IPSet that contains those IP addresses and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure an IPSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateIPSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateIPSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateIPSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateIPSet request to specify the IP addresses that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateIpSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateIpSetRequest.builder()

      createIpSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateIpSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateIPSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRateBasedRule

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRateBasedRuleResponse> createRateBasedRule(CreateRateBasedRuleRequest createRateBasedRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a RateBasedRule. The RateBasedRule contains a RateLimit, which specifies the maximum number of requests that AWS WAF allows from a specified IP address in a five-minute period. The RateBasedRule also contains the IPSet objects, ByteMatchSet objects, and other predicates that identify the requests that you want to count or block if these requests exceed the RateLimit.

      If you add more than one predicate to a RateBasedRule, a request not only must exceed the RateLimit, but it also must match all the conditions to be counted or blocked. For example, suppose you add the following to a RateBasedRule:

      • An IPSet that matches the IP address

      • A ByteMatchSet that matches BadBot in the User-Agent header

      Further, you specify a RateLimit of 1,000.

      You then add the RateBasedRule to a WebACL and specify that you want to block requests that meet the conditions in the rule. For a request to be blocked, it must come from the IP address and the User-Agent header in the request must contain the value BadBot. Further, requests that match these two conditions must be received at a rate of more than 1,000 requests every five minutes. If both conditions are met and the rate is exceeded, AWS WAF blocks the requests. If the rate drops below 1,000 for a five-minute period, AWS WAF no longer blocks the requests.

      As a second example, suppose you want to limit requests to a particular page on your site. To do this, you could add the following to a RateBasedRule:

      • A ByteMatchSet with FieldToMatch of URI

      • A PositionalConstraint of STARTS_WITH

      • A TargetString of login

      Further, you specify a RateLimit of 1,000.

      By adding this RateBasedRule to a WebACL, you could limit requests to your login page without affecting the rest of your site.

      To create and configure a RateBasedRule, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the predicates that you want to include in the rule. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet, CreateIPSet, and CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateRule request.

      3. Submit a CreateRateBasedRule request.

      4. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRule request.

      5. Submit an UpdateRateBasedRule request to specify the predicates that you want to include in the rule.

      6. Create and update a WebACL that contains the RateBasedRule. For more information, see CreateWebACL.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createRateBasedRuleRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRateBasedRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • WafBadRequestException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRateBasedRule

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRateBasedRuleResponse> createRateBasedRule(Consumer<CreateRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder> createRateBasedRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a RateBasedRule. The RateBasedRule contains a RateLimit, which specifies the maximum number of requests that AWS WAF allows from a specified IP address in a five-minute period. The RateBasedRule also contains the IPSet objects, ByteMatchSet objects, and other predicates that identify the requests that you want to count or block if these requests exceed the RateLimit.

      If you add more than one predicate to a RateBasedRule, a request not only must exceed the RateLimit, but it also must match all the conditions to be counted or blocked. For example, suppose you add the following to a RateBasedRule:

      • An IPSet that matches the IP address

      • A ByteMatchSet that matches BadBot in the User-Agent header

      Further, you specify a RateLimit of 1,000.

      You then add the RateBasedRule to a WebACL and specify that you want to block requests that meet the conditions in the rule. For a request to be blocked, it must come from the IP address and the User-Agent header in the request must contain the value BadBot. Further, requests that match these two conditions must be received at a rate of more than 1,000 requests every five minutes. If both conditions are met and the rate is exceeded, AWS WAF blocks the requests. If the rate drops below 1,000 for a five-minute period, AWS WAF no longer blocks the requests.

      As a second example, suppose you want to limit requests to a particular page on your site. To do this, you could add the following to a RateBasedRule:

      • A ByteMatchSet with FieldToMatch of URI

      • A PositionalConstraint of STARTS_WITH

      • A TargetString of login

      Further, you specify a RateLimit of 1,000.

      By adding this RateBasedRule to a WebACL, you could limit requests to your login page without affecting the rest of your site.

      To create and configure a RateBasedRule, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the predicates that you want to include in the rule. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet, CreateIPSet, and CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateRule request.

      3. Submit a CreateRateBasedRule request.

      4. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRule request.

      5. Submit an UpdateRateBasedRule request to specify the predicates that you want to include in the rule.

      6. Create and update a WebACL that contains the RateBasedRule. For more information, see CreateWebACL.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateRateBasedRuleRequest.builder()

      createRateBasedRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRateBasedRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • WafBadRequestException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRegexMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRegexMatchSetResponse> createRegexMatchSet(CreateRegexMatchSetRequest createRegexMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a RegexMatchSet. You then use UpdateRegexMatchSet to identify the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect, such as the values of the User-Agent header or the query string. For example, you can create a RegexMatchSet that contains a RegexMatchTuple that looks for any requests with User-Agent headers that match a RegexPatternSet with pattern B[a@]dB[o0]t. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a RegexMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateRegexMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateRegexMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRegexMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateRegexMatchSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value, using a RegexPatternSet, that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createRegexMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRegexMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRegexMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRegexMatchSetResponse> createRegexMatchSet(Consumer<CreateRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder> createRegexMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a RegexMatchSet. You then use UpdateRegexMatchSet to identify the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect, such as the values of the User-Agent header or the query string. For example, you can create a RegexMatchSet that contains a RegexMatchTuple that looks for any requests with User-Agent headers that match a RegexPatternSet with pattern B[a@]dB[o0]t. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a RegexMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateRegexMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateRegexMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRegexMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateRegexMatchSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value, using a RegexPatternSet, that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateRegexMatchSetRequest.builder()

      createRegexMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRegexMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRegexPatternSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRegexPatternSetResponse> createRegexPatternSet(CreateRegexPatternSetRequest createRegexPatternSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a RegexPatternSet. You then use UpdateRegexPatternSet to specify the regular expression (regex) pattern that you want AWS WAF to search for, such as B[a@]dB[o0]t. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a RegexPatternSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateRegexPatternSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateRegexPatternSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRegexPatternSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateRegexPatternSet request to specify the string that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createRegexPatternSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRegexPatternSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRegexPatternSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRegexPatternSetResponse> createRegexPatternSet(Consumer<CreateRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder> createRegexPatternSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a RegexPatternSet. You then use UpdateRegexPatternSet to specify the regular expression (regex) pattern that you want AWS WAF to search for, such as B[a@]dB[o0]t. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a RegexPatternSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateRegexPatternSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateRegexPatternSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRegexPatternSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateRegexPatternSet request to specify the string that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateRegexPatternSetRequest.builder()

      createRegexPatternSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRegexPatternSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRule

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRuleResponse> createRule(CreateRuleRequest createRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a Rule, which contains the IPSet objects, ByteMatchSet objects, and other predicates that identify the requests that you want to block. If you add more than one predicate to a Rule, a request must match all of the specifications to be allowed or blocked. For example, suppose that you add the following to a Rule:

      • An IPSet that matches the IP address

      • A ByteMatchSet that matches BadBot in the User-Agent header

      You then add the Rule to a WebACL and specify that you want to blocks requests that satisfy the Rule. For a request to be blocked, it must come from the IP address and the User-Agent header in the request must contain the value BadBot.

      To create and configure a Rule, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the predicates that you want to include in the Rule. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet, CreateIPSet, and CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateRule request.

      3. Submit a CreateRule request.

      4. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRule request.

      5. Submit an UpdateRule request to specify the predicates that you want to include in the Rule.

      6. Create and update a WebACL that contains the Rule. For more information, see CreateWebACL.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createRuleRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • WafBadRequestException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRule

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRuleResponse> createRule(Consumer<CreateRuleRequest.Builder> createRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a Rule, which contains the IPSet objects, ByteMatchSet objects, and other predicates that identify the requests that you want to block. If you add more than one predicate to a Rule, a request must match all of the specifications to be allowed or blocked. For example, suppose that you add the following to a Rule:

      • An IPSet that matches the IP address

      • A ByteMatchSet that matches BadBot in the User-Agent header

      You then add the Rule to a WebACL and specify that you want to blocks requests that satisfy the Rule. For a request to be blocked, it must come from the IP address and the User-Agent header in the request must contain the value BadBot.

      To create and configure a Rule, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the predicates that you want to include in the Rule. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet, CreateIPSet, and CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateRule request.

      3. Submit a CreateRule request.

      4. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRule request.

      5. Submit an UpdateRule request to specify the predicates that you want to include in the Rule.

      6. Create and update a WebACL that contains the Rule. For more information, see CreateWebACL.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateRuleRequest.builder()

      createRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateRuleRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • WafBadRequestException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRuleGroupResponse> createRuleGroup(CreateRuleGroupRequest createRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a RuleGroup. A rule group is a collection of predefined rules that you add to a web ACL. You use UpdateRuleGroup to add rules to the rule group.

      Rule groups are subject to the following limits:

      • Three rule groups per account. You can request an increase to this limit by contacting customer support.

      • One rule group per web ACL.

      • Ten rules per rule group.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createRuleGroupRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • WafTagOperationException
      • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
      • WafBadRequestException
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<CreateRuleGroupResponse> createRuleGroup(Consumer<CreateRuleGroupRequest.Builder> createRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a RuleGroup. A rule group is a collection of predefined rules that you add to a web ACL. You use UpdateRuleGroup to add rules to the rule group.

      Rule groups are subject to the following limits:

      • Three rule groups per account. You can request an increase to this limit by contacting customer support.

      • One rule group per web ACL.

      • Ten rules per rule group.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateRuleGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateRuleGroupRequest.builder()

      createRuleGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateRuleGroupRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • WafTagOperationException
      • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
      • WafBadRequestException
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createSizeConstraintSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateSizeConstraintSetResponse> createSizeConstraintSet(CreateSizeConstraintSetRequest createSizeConstraintSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a SizeConstraintSet. You then use UpdateSizeConstraintSet to identify the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to check for length, such as the length of the User-Agent header or the length of the query string. For example, you can create a SizeConstraintSet that matches any requests that have a query string that is longer than 100 bytes. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a SizeConstraintSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateSizeConstraintSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateSizeConstraintSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateSizeConstraintSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateSizeConstraintSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createSizeConstraintSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateSizeConstraintSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createSizeConstraintSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateSizeConstraintSetResponse> createSizeConstraintSet(Consumer<CreateSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder> createSizeConstraintSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a SizeConstraintSet. You then use UpdateSizeConstraintSet to identify the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to check for length, such as the length of the User-Agent header or the length of the query string. For example, you can create a SizeConstraintSet that matches any requests that have a query string that is longer than 100 bytes. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a SizeConstraintSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateSizeConstraintSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateSizeConstraintSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateSizeConstraintSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateSizeConstraintSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateSizeConstraintSetRequest.builder()

      createSizeConstraintSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateSizeConstraintSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createSqlInjectionMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateSqlInjectionMatchSetResponse> createSqlInjectionMatchSet(CreateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest createSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a SqlInjectionMatchSet, which you use to allow, block, or count requests that contain snippets of SQL code in a specified part of web requests. AWS WAF searches for character sequences that are likely to be malicious strings.

      To create and configure a SqlInjectionMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet request to specify the parts of web requests in which you want to allow, block, or count malicious SQL code.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest - A request to create a SqlInjectionMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createSqlInjectionMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateSqlInjectionMatchSetResponse> createSqlInjectionMatchSet(Consumer<CreateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder> createSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a SqlInjectionMatchSet, which you use to allow, block, or count requests that contain snippets of SQL code in a specified part of web requests. AWS WAF searches for character sequences that are likely to be malicious strings.

      To create and configure a SqlInjectionMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet request to specify the parts of web requests in which you want to allow, block, or count malicious SQL code.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.builder()

      createSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to create a SqlInjectionMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createWebACL

      default CompletableFuture<CreateWebAclResponse> createWebACL(CreateWebAclRequest createWebAclRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a WebACL, which contains the Rules that identify the CloudFront web requests that you want to allow, block, or count. AWS WAF evaluates Rules in order based on the value of Priority for each Rule.

      You also specify a default action, either ALLOW or BLOCK. If a web request doesn't match any of the Rules in a WebACL, AWS WAF responds to the request with the default action.

      To create and configure a WebACL, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the ByteMatchSet objects and other predicates that you want to include in Rules. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet, UpdateByteMatchSet, CreateIPSet, UpdateIPSet, CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet, and UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Create and update the Rules that you want to include in the WebACL. For more information, see CreateRule and UpdateRule.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateWebACL request.

      4. Submit a CreateWebACL request.

      5. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateWebACL request.

      6. Submit an UpdateWebACL request to specify the Rules that you want to include in the WebACL, to specify the default action, and to associate the WebACL with a CloudFront distribution.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createWebAclRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateWebACL operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • WafBadRequestException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createWebACL

      default CompletableFuture<CreateWebAclResponse> createWebACL(Consumer<CreateWebAclRequest.Builder> createWebAclRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates a WebACL, which contains the Rules that identify the CloudFront web requests that you want to allow, block, or count. AWS WAF evaluates Rules in order based on the value of Priority for each Rule.

      You also specify a default action, either ALLOW or BLOCK. If a web request doesn't match any of the Rules in a WebACL, AWS WAF responds to the request with the default action.

      To create and configure a WebACL, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the ByteMatchSet objects and other predicates that you want to include in Rules. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet, UpdateByteMatchSet, CreateIPSet, UpdateIPSet, CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet, and UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Create and update the Rules that you want to include in the WebACL. For more information, see CreateRule and UpdateRule.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateWebACL request.

      4. Submit a CreateWebACL request.

      5. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateWebACL request.

      6. Submit an UpdateWebACL request to specify the Rules that you want to include in the WebACL, to specify the default action, and to associate the WebACL with a CloudFront distribution.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateWebAclRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateWebAclRequest.builder()

      createWebAclRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateWebAclRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateWebACL operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • WafBadRequestException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createWebACLMigrationStack

      default CompletableFuture<CreateWebAclMigrationStackResponse> createWebACLMigrationStack(CreateWebAclMigrationStackRequest createWebAclMigrationStackRequest)

      Creates an AWS CloudFormation WAFV2 template for the specified web ACL in the specified Amazon S3 bucket. Then, in CloudFormation, you create a stack from the template, to create the web ACL and its resources in AWS WAFV2. Use this to migrate your AWS WAF Classic web ACL to the latest version of AWS WAF.

      This is part of a larger migration procedure for web ACLs from AWS WAF Classic to the latest version of AWS WAF. For the full procedure, including caveats and manual steps to complete the migration and switch over to the new web ACL, see Migrating your AWS WAF Classic resources to AWS WAF in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createWebAclMigrationStackRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateWebACLMigrationStack operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

          • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

          • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
          • WafEntityMigrationException The operation failed due to a problem with the migration. The failure cause is provided in the exception, in the MigrationErrorType:

            • ENTITY_NOT_SUPPORTED - The web ACL has an unsupported entity but the IgnoreUnsupportedType is not set to true.

            • ENTITY_NOT_FOUND - The web ACL doesn't exist.

            • S3_BUCKET_NO_PERMISSION - You don't have permission to perform the PutObject action to the specified Amazon S3 bucket.

            • S3_BUCKET_NOT_ACCESSIBLE - The bucket policy doesn't allow AWS WAF to perform the PutObject action in the bucket.

            • S3_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND - The S3 bucket doesn't exist.

            • S3_BUCKET_INVALID_REGION - The S3 bucket is not in the same Region as the web ACL.

            • S3_INTERNAL_ERROR - AWS WAF failed to create the template in the S3 bucket for another reason.

            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createWebACLMigrationStack

      default CompletableFuture<CreateWebAclMigrationStackResponse> createWebACLMigrationStack(Consumer<CreateWebAclMigrationStackRequest.Builder> createWebAclMigrationStackRequest)

      Creates an AWS CloudFormation WAFV2 template for the specified web ACL in the specified Amazon S3 bucket. Then, in CloudFormation, you create a stack from the template, to create the web ACL and its resources in AWS WAFV2. Use this to migrate your AWS WAF Classic web ACL to the latest version of AWS WAF.

      This is part of a larger migration procedure for web ACLs from AWS WAF Classic to the latest version of AWS WAF. For the full procedure, including caveats and manual steps to complete the migration and switch over to the new web ACL, see Migrating your AWS WAF Classic resources to AWS WAF in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateWebAclMigrationStackRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateWebAclMigrationStackRequest.builder()

      createWebAclMigrationStackRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateWebAclMigrationStackRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateWebACLMigrationStack operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

          • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

          • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
          • WafEntityMigrationException The operation failed due to a problem with the migration. The failure cause is provided in the exception, in the MigrationErrorType:

            • ENTITY_NOT_SUPPORTED - The web ACL has an unsupported entity but the IgnoreUnsupportedType is not set to true.

            • ENTITY_NOT_FOUND - The web ACL doesn't exist.

            • S3_BUCKET_NO_PERMISSION - You don't have permission to perform the PutObject action to the specified Amazon S3 bucket.

            • S3_BUCKET_NOT_ACCESSIBLE - The bucket policy doesn't allow AWS WAF to perform the PutObject action in the bucket.

            • S3_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND - The S3 bucket doesn't exist.

            • S3_BUCKET_INVALID_REGION - The S3 bucket is not in the same Region as the web ACL.

            • S3_INTERNAL_ERROR - AWS WAF failed to create the template in the S3 bucket for another reason.

            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createXssMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateXssMatchSetResponse> createXssMatchSet(CreateXssMatchSetRequest createXssMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates an XssMatchSet, which you use to allow, block, or count requests that contain cross-site scripting attacks in the specified part of web requests. AWS WAF searches for character sequences that are likely to be malicious strings.

      To create and configure an XssMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateXssMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateXssMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateXssMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateXssMatchSet request to specify the parts of web requests in which you want to allow, block, or count cross-site scripting attacks.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      createXssMatchSetRequest - A request to create an XssMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateXssMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • createXssMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<CreateXssMatchSetResponse> createXssMatchSet(Consumer<CreateXssMatchSetRequest.Builder> createXssMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Creates an XssMatchSet, which you use to allow, block, or count requests that contain cross-site scripting attacks in the specified part of web requests. AWS WAF searches for character sequences that are likely to be malicious strings.

      To create and configure an XssMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a CreateXssMatchSet request.

      2. Submit a CreateXssMatchSet request.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateXssMatchSet request.

      4. Submit an UpdateXssMatchSet request to specify the parts of web requests in which you want to allow, block, or count cross-site scripting attacks.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the CreateXssMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via CreateXssMatchSetRequest.builder()

      createXssMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on CreateXssMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to create an XssMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the CreateXssMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteByteMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteByteMatchSetResponse> deleteByteMatchSet(DeleteByteMatchSetRequest deleteByteMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a ByteMatchSet. You can't delete a ByteMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any ByteMatchTuple objects (any filters).

      If you just want to remove a ByteMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a ByteMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the ByteMatchSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateByteMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteByteMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteByteMatchSet request.

      deleteByteMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteByteMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteByteMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteByteMatchSetResponse> deleteByteMatchSet(Consumer<DeleteByteMatchSetRequest.Builder> deleteByteMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a ByteMatchSet. You can't delete a ByteMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any ByteMatchTuple objects (any filters).

      If you just want to remove a ByteMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a ByteMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the ByteMatchSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateByteMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteByteMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteByteMatchSet request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteByteMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteByteMatchSetRequest.builder()

      deleteByteMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteByteMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteByteMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteGeoMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteGeoMatchSetResponse> deleteGeoMatchSet(DeleteGeoMatchSetRequest deleteGeoMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a GeoMatchSet. You can't delete a GeoMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any countries.

      If you just want to remove a GeoMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a GeoMatchSet from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the GeoMatchSet to remove any countries. For more information, see UpdateGeoMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteGeoMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteGeoMatchSet request.

      deleteGeoMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteGeoMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteGeoMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteGeoMatchSetResponse> deleteGeoMatchSet(Consumer<DeleteGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder> deleteGeoMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a GeoMatchSet. You can't delete a GeoMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any countries.

      If you just want to remove a GeoMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a GeoMatchSet from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the GeoMatchSet to remove any countries. For more information, see UpdateGeoMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteGeoMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteGeoMatchSet request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteGeoMatchSetRequest.builder()

      deleteGeoMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteGeoMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteIPSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteIpSetResponse> deleteIPSet(DeleteIpSetRequest deleteIpSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes an IPSet. You can't delete an IPSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any IP addresses.

      If you just want to remove an IPSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete an IPSet from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the IPSet to remove IP address ranges, if any. For more information, see UpdateIPSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteIPSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteIPSet request.

      deleteIpSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteIPSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteIPSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteIpSetResponse> deleteIPSet(Consumer<DeleteIpSetRequest.Builder> deleteIpSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes an IPSet. You can't delete an IPSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any IP addresses.

      If you just want to remove an IPSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete an IPSet from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the IPSet to remove IP address ranges, if any. For more information, see UpdateIPSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteIPSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteIPSet request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteIpSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteIpSetRequest.builder()

      deleteIpSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteIpSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteIPSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteLoggingConfiguration

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteLoggingConfigurationResponse> deleteLoggingConfiguration(DeleteLoggingConfigurationRequest deleteLoggingConfigurationRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes the LoggingConfiguration from the specified web ACL.

      deleteLoggingConfigurationRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteLoggingConfiguration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteLoggingConfiguration

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteLoggingConfigurationResponse> deleteLoggingConfiguration(Consumer<DeleteLoggingConfigurationRequest.Builder> deleteLoggingConfigurationRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes the LoggingConfiguration from the specified web ACL.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteLoggingConfigurationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteLoggingConfigurationRequest.builder()

      deleteLoggingConfigurationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteLoggingConfigurationRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteLoggingConfiguration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deletePermissionPolicy

      default CompletableFuture<DeletePermissionPolicyResponse> deletePermissionPolicy(DeletePermissionPolicyRequest deletePermissionPolicyRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes an IAM policy from the specified RuleGroup.

      The user making the request must be the owner of the RuleGroup.

      deletePermissionPolicyRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeletePermissionPolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deletePermissionPolicy

      default CompletableFuture<DeletePermissionPolicyResponse> deletePermissionPolicy(Consumer<DeletePermissionPolicyRequest.Builder> deletePermissionPolicyRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes an IAM policy from the specified RuleGroup.

      The user making the request must be the owner of the RuleGroup.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeletePermissionPolicyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeletePermissionPolicyRequest.builder()

      deletePermissionPolicyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeletePermissionPolicyRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeletePermissionPolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRateBasedRule

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRateBasedRuleResponse> deleteRateBasedRule(DeleteRateBasedRuleRequest deleteRateBasedRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a RateBasedRule. You can't delete a rule if it's still used in any WebACL objects or if it still includes any predicates, such as ByteMatchSet objects.

      If you just want to remove a rule from a WebACL, use UpdateWebACL.

      To permanently delete a RateBasedRule from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the RateBasedRule to remove predicates, if any. For more information, see UpdateRateBasedRule.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteRateBasedRule request.

      3. Submit a DeleteRateBasedRule request.

      deleteRateBasedRuleRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRateBasedRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • WafTagOperationException
          • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRateBasedRule

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRateBasedRuleResponse> deleteRateBasedRule(Consumer<DeleteRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder> deleteRateBasedRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a RateBasedRule. You can't delete a rule if it's still used in any WebACL objects or if it still includes any predicates, such as ByteMatchSet objects.

      If you just want to remove a rule from a WebACL, use UpdateWebACL.

      To permanently delete a RateBasedRule from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the RateBasedRule to remove predicates, if any. For more information, see UpdateRateBasedRule.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteRateBasedRule request.

      3. Submit a DeleteRateBasedRule request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteRateBasedRuleRequest.builder()

      deleteRateBasedRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRateBasedRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • WafTagOperationException
          • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRegexMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRegexMatchSetResponse> deleteRegexMatchSet(DeleteRegexMatchSetRequest deleteRegexMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a RegexMatchSet. You can't delete a RegexMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any RegexMatchTuples objects (any filters).

      If you just want to remove a RegexMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a RegexMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the RegexMatchSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateRegexMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteRegexMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteRegexMatchSet request.

      deleteRegexMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRegexMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRegexMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRegexMatchSetResponse> deleteRegexMatchSet(Consumer<DeleteRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder> deleteRegexMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a RegexMatchSet. You can't delete a RegexMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any RegexMatchTuples objects (any filters).

      If you just want to remove a RegexMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a RegexMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the RegexMatchSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateRegexMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteRegexMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteRegexMatchSet request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteRegexMatchSetRequest.builder()

      deleteRegexMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRegexMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRegexPatternSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRegexPatternSetResponse> deleteRegexPatternSet(DeleteRegexPatternSetRequest deleteRegexPatternSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a RegexPatternSet. You can't delete a RegexPatternSet if it's still used in any RegexMatchSet or if the RegexPatternSet is not empty.

      deleteRegexPatternSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRegexPatternSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRegexPatternSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRegexPatternSetResponse> deleteRegexPatternSet(Consumer<DeleteRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder> deleteRegexPatternSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a RegexPatternSet. You can't delete a RegexPatternSet if it's still used in any RegexMatchSet or if the RegexPatternSet is not empty.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteRegexPatternSetRequest.builder()

      deleteRegexPatternSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRegexPatternSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRule

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRuleResponse> deleteRule(DeleteRuleRequest deleteRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a Rule. You can't delete a Rule if it's still used in any WebACL objects or if it still includes any predicates, such as ByteMatchSet objects.

      If you just want to remove a Rule from a WebACL, use UpdateWebACL.

      To permanently delete a Rule from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the Rule to remove predicates, if any. For more information, see UpdateRule.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteRule request.

      3. Submit a DeleteRule request.

      deleteRuleRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • WafTagOperationException
          • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRule

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRuleResponse> deleteRule(Consumer<DeleteRuleRequest.Builder> deleteRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a Rule. You can't delete a Rule if it's still used in any WebACL objects or if it still includes any predicates, such as ByteMatchSet objects.

      If you just want to remove a Rule from a WebACL, use UpdateWebACL.

      To permanently delete a Rule from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the Rule to remove predicates, if any. For more information, see UpdateRule.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteRule request.

      3. Submit a DeleteRule request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteRuleRequest.builder()

      deleteRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteRuleRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • WafTagOperationException
          • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRuleGroupResponse> deleteRuleGroup(DeleteRuleGroupRequest deleteRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a RuleGroup. You can't delete a RuleGroup if it's still used in any WebACL objects or if it still includes any rules.

      If you just want to remove a RuleGroup from a WebACL, use UpdateWebACL.

      To permanently delete a RuleGroup from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the RuleGroup to remove rules, if any. For more information, see UpdateRuleGroup.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteRuleGroup request.

      3. Submit a DeleteRuleGroup request.

      deleteRuleGroupRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

            • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

            • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

            • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

            • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

            • WafTagOperationException
            • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteRuleGroupResponse> deleteRuleGroup(Consumer<DeleteRuleGroupRequest.Builder> deleteRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a RuleGroup. You can't delete a RuleGroup if it's still used in any WebACL objects or if it still includes any rules.

      If you just want to remove a RuleGroup from a WebACL, use UpdateWebACL.

      To permanently delete a RuleGroup from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the RuleGroup to remove rules, if any. For more information, see UpdateRuleGroup.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteRuleGroup request.

      3. Submit a DeleteRuleGroup request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteRuleGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteRuleGroupRequest.builder()

      deleteRuleGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteRuleGroupRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

            • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

            • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

            • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

            • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

            • WafTagOperationException
            • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteSizeConstraintSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteSizeConstraintSetResponse> deleteSizeConstraintSet(DeleteSizeConstraintSetRequest deleteSizeConstraintSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a SizeConstraintSet. You can't delete a SizeConstraintSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any SizeConstraint objects (any filters).

      If you just want to remove a SizeConstraintSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a SizeConstraintSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the SizeConstraintSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateSizeConstraintSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteSizeConstraintSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteSizeConstraintSet request.

      deleteSizeConstraintSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteSizeConstraintSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteSizeConstraintSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteSizeConstraintSetResponse> deleteSizeConstraintSet(Consumer<DeleteSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder> deleteSizeConstraintSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a SizeConstraintSet. You can't delete a SizeConstraintSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still includes any SizeConstraint objects (any filters).

      If you just want to remove a SizeConstraintSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a SizeConstraintSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the SizeConstraintSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateSizeConstraintSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteSizeConstraintSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteSizeConstraintSet request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteSizeConstraintSetRequest.builder()

      deleteSizeConstraintSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteSizeConstraintSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteSqlInjectionMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSetResponse> deleteSqlInjectionMatchSet(DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest deleteSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a SqlInjectionMatchSet. You can't delete a SqlInjectionMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still contains any SqlInjectionMatchTuple objects.

      If you just want to remove a SqlInjectionMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a SqlInjectionMatchSet from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the SqlInjectionMatchSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      deleteSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest - A request to delete a SqlInjectionMatchSet from AWS WAF.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteSqlInjectionMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSetResponse> deleteSqlInjectionMatchSet(Consumer<DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder> deleteSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a SqlInjectionMatchSet. You can't delete a SqlInjectionMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still contains any SqlInjectionMatchTuple objects.

      If you just want to remove a SqlInjectionMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete a SqlInjectionMatchSet from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the SqlInjectionMatchSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.builder()

      deleteSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to delete a SqlInjectionMatchSet from AWS WAF.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteWebACL

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteWebAclResponse> deleteWebACL(DeleteWebAclRequest deleteWebAclRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a WebACL. You can't delete a WebACL if it still contains any Rules.

      To delete a WebACL, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the WebACL to remove Rules, if any. For more information, see UpdateWebACL.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteWebACL request.

      3. Submit a DeleteWebACL request.

      deleteWebAclRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteWebACL operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • WafTagOperationException
          • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteWebACL

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteWebAclResponse> deleteWebACL(Consumer<DeleteWebAclRequest.Builder> deleteWebAclRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes a WebACL. You can't delete a WebACL if it still contains any Rules.

      To delete a WebACL, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the WebACL to remove Rules, if any. For more information, see UpdateWebACL.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteWebACL request.

      3. Submit a DeleteWebACL request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteWebAclRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteWebAclRequest.builder()

      deleteWebAclRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteWebAclRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteWebACL operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • WafTagOperationException
          • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteXssMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteXssMatchSetResponse> deleteXssMatchSet(DeleteXssMatchSetRequest deleteXssMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes an XssMatchSet. You can't delete an XssMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still contains any XssMatchTuple objects.

      If you just want to remove an XssMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete an XssMatchSet from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the XssMatchSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateXssMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteXssMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteXssMatchSet request.

      deleteXssMatchSetRequest - A request to delete an XssMatchSet from AWS WAF.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteXssMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • deleteXssMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<DeleteXssMatchSetResponse> deleteXssMatchSet(Consumer<DeleteXssMatchSetRequest.Builder> deleteXssMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Permanently deletes an XssMatchSet. You can't delete an XssMatchSet if it's still used in any Rules or if it still contains any XssMatchTuple objects.

      If you just want to remove an XssMatchSet from a Rule, use UpdateRule.

      To permanently delete an XssMatchSet from AWS WAF, perform the following steps:

      1. Update the XssMatchSet to remove filters, if any. For more information, see UpdateXssMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of a DeleteXssMatchSet request.

      3. Submit a DeleteXssMatchSet request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the DeleteXssMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DeleteXssMatchSetRequest.builder()

      deleteXssMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on DeleteXssMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to delete an XssMatchSet from AWS WAF.
      A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteXssMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

        • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

        • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

        • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
        • WafNonEmptyEntityException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that isn't empty. For example:

          • You tried to delete a WebACL that still contains one or more Rule objects.

          • You tried to delete a Rule that still contains one or more ByteMatchSet objects or other predicates.

          • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that contains one or more ByteMatchTuple objects.

          • You tried to delete an IPSet that references one or more IP addresses.

          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getByteMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetByteMatchSetResponse> getByteMatchSet(GetByteMatchSetRequest getByteMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the ByteMatchSet specified by ByteMatchSetId.

      getByteMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetByteMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getByteMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetByteMatchSetResponse> getByteMatchSet(Consumer<GetByteMatchSetRequest.Builder> getByteMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the ByteMatchSet specified by ByteMatchSetId.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetByteMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetByteMatchSetRequest.builder()

      getByteMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetByteMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetByteMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getChangeToken

      default CompletableFuture<GetChangeTokenResponse> getChangeToken(GetChangeTokenRequest getChangeTokenRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      When you want to create, update, or delete AWS WAF objects, get a change token and include the change token in the create, update, or delete request. Change tokens ensure that your application doesn't submit conflicting requests to AWS WAF.

      Each create, update, or delete request must use a unique change token. If your application submits a GetChangeToken request and then submits a second GetChangeToken request before submitting a create, update, or delete request, the second GetChangeToken request returns the same value as the first GetChangeToken request.

      When you use a change token in a create, update, or delete request, the status of the change token changes to PENDING, which indicates that AWS WAF is propagating the change to all AWS WAF servers. Use GetChangeTokenStatus to determine the status of your change token.

      getChangeTokenRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetChangeToken operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getChangeToken

      default CompletableFuture<GetChangeTokenResponse> getChangeToken(Consumer<GetChangeTokenRequest.Builder> getChangeTokenRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      When you want to create, update, or delete AWS WAF objects, get a change token and include the change token in the create, update, or delete request. Change tokens ensure that your application doesn't submit conflicting requests to AWS WAF.

      Each create, update, or delete request must use a unique change token. If your application submits a GetChangeToken request and then submits a second GetChangeToken request before submitting a create, update, or delete request, the second GetChangeToken request returns the same value as the first GetChangeToken request.

      When you use a change token in a create, update, or delete request, the status of the change token changes to PENDING, which indicates that AWS WAF is propagating the change to all AWS WAF servers. Use GetChangeTokenStatus to determine the status of your change token.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetChangeTokenRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetChangeTokenRequest.builder()

      getChangeTokenRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetChangeTokenRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetChangeToken operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getChangeToken

      default CompletableFuture<GetChangeTokenResponse> getChangeToken()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      When you want to create, update, or delete AWS WAF objects, get a change token and include the change token in the create, update, or delete request. Change tokens ensure that your application doesn't submit conflicting requests to AWS WAF.

      Each create, update, or delete request must use a unique change token. If your application submits a GetChangeToken request and then submits a second GetChangeToken request before submitting a create, update, or delete request, the second GetChangeToken request returns the same value as the first GetChangeToken request.

      When you use a change token in a create, update, or delete request, the status of the change token changes to PENDING, which indicates that AWS WAF is propagating the change to all AWS WAF servers. Use GetChangeTokenStatus to determine the status of your change token.

      A Java Future containing the result of the GetChangeToken operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getChangeTokenStatus

      default CompletableFuture<GetChangeTokenStatusResponse> getChangeTokenStatus(GetChangeTokenStatusRequest getChangeTokenStatusRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the status of a ChangeToken that you got by calling GetChangeToken. ChangeTokenStatus is one of the following values:

      • PROVISIONED: You requested the change token by calling GetChangeToken, but you haven't used it yet in a call to create, update, or delete an AWS WAF object.

      • PENDING: AWS WAF is propagating the create, update, or delete request to all AWS WAF servers.

      • INSYNC: Propagation is complete.

      getChangeTokenStatusRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetChangeTokenStatus operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getChangeTokenStatus

      default CompletableFuture<GetChangeTokenStatusResponse> getChangeTokenStatus(Consumer<GetChangeTokenStatusRequest.Builder> getChangeTokenStatusRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the status of a ChangeToken that you got by calling GetChangeToken. ChangeTokenStatus is one of the following values:

      • PROVISIONED: You requested the change token by calling GetChangeToken, but you haven't used it yet in a call to create, update, or delete an AWS WAF object.

      • PENDING: AWS WAF is propagating the create, update, or delete request to all AWS WAF servers.

      • INSYNC: Propagation is complete.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetChangeTokenStatusRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetChangeTokenStatusRequest.builder()

      getChangeTokenStatusRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetChangeTokenStatusRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetChangeTokenStatus operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getGeoMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetGeoMatchSetResponse> getGeoMatchSet(GetGeoMatchSetRequest getGeoMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the GeoMatchSet that is specified by GeoMatchSetId.

      getGeoMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetGeoMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getGeoMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetGeoMatchSetResponse> getGeoMatchSet(Consumer<GetGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder> getGeoMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the GeoMatchSet that is specified by GeoMatchSetId.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetGeoMatchSetRequest.builder()

      getGeoMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetGeoMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getIPSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetIpSetResponse> getIPSet(GetIpSetRequest getIpSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the IPSet that is specified by IPSetId.

      getIpSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetIPSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getIPSet

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the IPSet that is specified by IPSetId.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetIpSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetIpSetRequest.builder()

      getIpSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetIpSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetIPSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getLoggingConfiguration

      default CompletableFuture<GetLoggingConfigurationResponse> getLoggingConfiguration(GetLoggingConfigurationRequest getLoggingConfigurationRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the LoggingConfiguration for the specified web ACL.

      getLoggingConfigurationRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetLoggingConfiguration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getLoggingConfiguration

      default CompletableFuture<GetLoggingConfigurationResponse> getLoggingConfiguration(Consumer<GetLoggingConfigurationRequest.Builder> getLoggingConfigurationRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the LoggingConfiguration for the specified web ACL.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetLoggingConfigurationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetLoggingConfigurationRequest.builder()

      getLoggingConfigurationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetLoggingConfigurationRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetLoggingConfiguration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getPermissionPolicy

      default CompletableFuture<GetPermissionPolicyResponse> getPermissionPolicy(GetPermissionPolicyRequest getPermissionPolicyRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the IAM policy attached to the RuleGroup.

      getPermissionPolicyRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetPermissionPolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getPermissionPolicy

      default CompletableFuture<GetPermissionPolicyResponse> getPermissionPolicy(Consumer<GetPermissionPolicyRequest.Builder> getPermissionPolicyRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the IAM policy attached to the RuleGroup.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetPermissionPolicyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetPermissionPolicyRequest.builder()

      getPermissionPolicyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetPermissionPolicyRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetPermissionPolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRateBasedRule

      default CompletableFuture<GetRateBasedRuleResponse> getRateBasedRule(GetRateBasedRuleRequest getRateBasedRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the RateBasedRule that is specified by the RuleId that you included in the GetRateBasedRule request.

      getRateBasedRuleRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRateBasedRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRateBasedRule

      default CompletableFuture<GetRateBasedRuleResponse> getRateBasedRule(Consumer<GetRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder> getRateBasedRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the RateBasedRule that is specified by the RuleId that you included in the GetRateBasedRule request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetRateBasedRuleRequest.builder()

      getRateBasedRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRateBasedRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRateBasedRuleManagedKeys

      default CompletableFuture<GetRateBasedRuleManagedKeysResponse> getRateBasedRuleManagedKeys(GetRateBasedRuleManagedKeysRequest getRateBasedRuleManagedKeysRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of IP addresses currently being blocked by the RateBasedRule that is specified by the RuleId. The maximum number of managed keys that will be blocked is 10,000. If more than 10,000 addresses exceed the rate limit, the 10,000 addresses with the highest rates will be blocked.

      getRateBasedRuleManagedKeysRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRateBasedRuleManagedKeys operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRateBasedRuleManagedKeys

      default CompletableFuture<GetRateBasedRuleManagedKeysResponse> getRateBasedRuleManagedKeys(Consumer<GetRateBasedRuleManagedKeysRequest.Builder> getRateBasedRuleManagedKeysRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of IP addresses currently being blocked by the RateBasedRule that is specified by the RuleId. The maximum number of managed keys that will be blocked is 10,000. If more than 10,000 addresses exceed the rate limit, the 10,000 addresses with the highest rates will be blocked.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetRateBasedRuleManagedKeysRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetRateBasedRuleManagedKeysRequest.builder()

      getRateBasedRuleManagedKeysRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetRateBasedRuleManagedKeysRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRateBasedRuleManagedKeys operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRegexMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetRegexMatchSetResponse> getRegexMatchSet(GetRegexMatchSetRequest getRegexMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the RegexMatchSet specified by RegexMatchSetId.

      getRegexMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRegexMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRegexMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetRegexMatchSetResponse> getRegexMatchSet(Consumer<GetRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder> getRegexMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the RegexMatchSet specified by RegexMatchSetId.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetRegexMatchSetRequest.builder()

      getRegexMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRegexMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRegexPatternSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetRegexPatternSetResponse> getRegexPatternSet(GetRegexPatternSetRequest getRegexPatternSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the RegexPatternSet specified by RegexPatternSetId.

      getRegexPatternSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRegexPatternSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRegexPatternSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetRegexPatternSetResponse> getRegexPatternSet(Consumer<GetRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder> getRegexPatternSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the RegexPatternSet specified by RegexPatternSetId.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetRegexPatternSetRequest.builder()

      getRegexPatternSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRegexPatternSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRule

      default CompletableFuture<GetRuleResponse> getRule(GetRuleRequest getRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the Rule that is specified by the RuleId that you included in the GetRule request.

      getRuleRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRule

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the Rule that is specified by the RuleId that you included in the GetRule request.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetRuleRequest.builder()

      getRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetRuleRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<GetRuleGroupResponse> getRuleGroup(GetRuleGroupRequest getRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the RuleGroup that is specified by the RuleGroupId that you included in the GetRuleGroup request.

      To view the rules in a rule group, use ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroup.

      getRuleGroupRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<GetRuleGroupResponse> getRuleGroup(Consumer<GetRuleGroupRequest.Builder> getRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the RuleGroup that is specified by the RuleGroupId that you included in the GetRuleGroup request.

      To view the rules in a rule group, use ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroup.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetRuleGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetRuleGroupRequest.builder()

      getRuleGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetRuleGroupRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getSampledRequests

      default CompletableFuture<GetSampledRequestsResponse> getSampledRequests(GetSampledRequestsRequest getSampledRequestsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Gets detailed information about a specified number of requests--a sample--that AWS WAF randomly selects from among the first 5,000 requests that your AWS resource received during a time range that you choose. You can specify a sample size of up to 500 requests, and you can specify any time range in the previous three hours.

      GetSampledRequests returns a time range, which is usually the time range that you specified. However, if your resource (such as a CloudFront distribution) received 5,000 requests before the specified time range elapsed, GetSampledRequests returns an updated time range. This new time range indicates the actual period during which AWS WAF selected the requests in the sample.

      getSampledRequestsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetSampledRequests operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getSampledRequests

      default CompletableFuture<GetSampledRequestsResponse> getSampledRequests(Consumer<GetSampledRequestsRequest.Builder> getSampledRequestsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Gets detailed information about a specified number of requests--a sample--that AWS WAF randomly selects from among the first 5,000 requests that your AWS resource received during a time range that you choose. You can specify a sample size of up to 500 requests, and you can specify any time range in the previous three hours.

      GetSampledRequests returns a time range, which is usually the time range that you specified. However, if your resource (such as a CloudFront distribution) received 5,000 requests before the specified time range elapsed, GetSampledRequests returns an updated time range. This new time range indicates the actual period during which AWS WAF selected the requests in the sample.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetSampledRequestsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetSampledRequestsRequest.builder()

      getSampledRequestsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetSampledRequestsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetSampledRequests operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getSizeConstraintSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetSizeConstraintSetResponse> getSizeConstraintSet(GetSizeConstraintSetRequest getSizeConstraintSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the SizeConstraintSet specified by SizeConstraintSetId.

      getSizeConstraintSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetSizeConstraintSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getSizeConstraintSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetSizeConstraintSetResponse> getSizeConstraintSet(Consumer<GetSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder> getSizeConstraintSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the SizeConstraintSet specified by SizeConstraintSetId.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetSizeConstraintSetRequest.builder()

      getSizeConstraintSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetSizeConstraintSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getSqlInjectionMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetSqlInjectionMatchSetResponse> getSqlInjectionMatchSet(GetSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest getSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the SqlInjectionMatchSet that is specified by SqlInjectionMatchSetId.

      getSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest - A request to get a SqlInjectionMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetSqlInjectionMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getSqlInjectionMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetSqlInjectionMatchSetResponse> getSqlInjectionMatchSet(Consumer<GetSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder> getSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the SqlInjectionMatchSet that is specified by SqlInjectionMatchSetId.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.builder()

      getSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to get a SqlInjectionMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetSqlInjectionMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getWebACL

      default CompletableFuture<GetWebAclResponse> getWebACL(GetWebAclRequest getWebAclRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the WebACL that is specified by WebACLId.

      getWebAclRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetWebACL operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getWebACL

      default CompletableFuture<GetWebAclResponse> getWebACL(Consumer<GetWebAclRequest.Builder> getWebAclRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the WebACL that is specified by WebACLId.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetWebAclRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetWebAclRequest.builder()

      getWebAclRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetWebAclRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetWebACL operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getXssMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetXssMatchSetResponse> getXssMatchSet(GetXssMatchSetRequest getXssMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the XssMatchSet that is specified by XssMatchSetId.

      getXssMatchSetRequest - A request to get an XssMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetXssMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • getXssMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<GetXssMatchSetResponse> getXssMatchSet(Consumer<GetXssMatchSetRequest.Builder> getXssMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns the XssMatchSet that is specified by XssMatchSetId.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the GetXssMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via GetXssMatchSetRequest.builder()

      getXssMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on GetXssMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to get an XssMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the GetXssMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listActivatedRulesInRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroupResponse> listActivatedRulesInRuleGroup(ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroupRequest listActivatedRulesInRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of ActivatedRule objects.

      listActivatedRulesInRuleGroupRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listActivatedRulesInRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroupResponse> listActivatedRulesInRuleGroup(Consumer<ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroupRequest.Builder> listActivatedRulesInRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of ActivatedRule objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroupRequest.builder()

      listActivatedRulesInRuleGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroupRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListActivatedRulesInRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listByteMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListByteMatchSetsResponse> listByteMatchSets(ListByteMatchSetsRequest listByteMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of ByteMatchSetSummary objects.

      listByteMatchSetsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListByteMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listByteMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListByteMatchSetsResponse> listByteMatchSets(Consumer<ListByteMatchSetsRequest.Builder> listByteMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of ByteMatchSetSummary objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListByteMatchSetsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListByteMatchSetsRequest.builder()

      listByteMatchSetsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListByteMatchSetsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListByteMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listByteMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListByteMatchSetsResponse> listByteMatchSets()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of ByteMatchSetSummary objects.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListByteMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listGeoMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListGeoMatchSetsResponse> listGeoMatchSets(ListGeoMatchSetsRequest listGeoMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of GeoMatchSetSummary objects in the response.

      listGeoMatchSetsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListGeoMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listGeoMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListGeoMatchSetsResponse> listGeoMatchSets(Consumer<ListGeoMatchSetsRequest.Builder> listGeoMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of GeoMatchSetSummary objects in the response.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListGeoMatchSetsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListGeoMatchSetsRequest.builder()

      listGeoMatchSetsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListGeoMatchSetsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListGeoMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listGeoMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListGeoMatchSetsResponse> listGeoMatchSets()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of GeoMatchSetSummary objects in the response.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListGeoMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listIPSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListIpSetsResponse> listIPSets(ListIpSetsRequest listIpSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of IPSetSummary objects in the response.

      listIpSetsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListIPSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listIPSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListIpSetsResponse> listIPSets(Consumer<ListIpSetsRequest.Builder> listIpSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of IPSetSummary objects in the response.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListIpSetsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListIpSetsRequest.builder()

      listIpSetsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListIpSetsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListIPSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listIPSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListIpSetsResponse> listIPSets()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of IPSetSummary objects in the response.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListIPSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listLoggingConfigurations

      default CompletableFuture<ListLoggingConfigurationsResponse> listLoggingConfigurations(ListLoggingConfigurationsRequest listLoggingConfigurationsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of LoggingConfiguration objects.

      listLoggingConfigurationsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListLoggingConfigurations operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listLoggingConfigurations

      default CompletableFuture<ListLoggingConfigurationsResponse> listLoggingConfigurations(Consumer<ListLoggingConfigurationsRequest.Builder> listLoggingConfigurationsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of LoggingConfiguration objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListLoggingConfigurationsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListLoggingConfigurationsRequest.builder()

      listLoggingConfigurationsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListLoggingConfigurationsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListLoggingConfigurations operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRateBasedRules

      default CompletableFuture<ListRateBasedRulesResponse> listRateBasedRules(ListRateBasedRulesRequest listRateBasedRulesRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleSummary objects.

      listRateBasedRulesRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRateBasedRules operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRateBasedRules

      default CompletableFuture<ListRateBasedRulesResponse> listRateBasedRules(Consumer<ListRateBasedRulesRequest.Builder> listRateBasedRulesRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleSummary objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListRateBasedRulesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListRateBasedRulesRequest.builder()

      listRateBasedRulesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListRateBasedRulesRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRateBasedRules operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRateBasedRules

      default CompletableFuture<ListRateBasedRulesResponse> listRateBasedRules()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleSummary objects.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRateBasedRules operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRegexMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListRegexMatchSetsResponse> listRegexMatchSets(ListRegexMatchSetsRequest listRegexMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RegexMatchSetSummary objects.

      listRegexMatchSetsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRegexMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRegexMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListRegexMatchSetsResponse> listRegexMatchSets(Consumer<ListRegexMatchSetsRequest.Builder> listRegexMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RegexMatchSetSummary objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListRegexMatchSetsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListRegexMatchSetsRequest.builder()

      listRegexMatchSetsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListRegexMatchSetsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRegexMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRegexMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListRegexMatchSetsResponse> listRegexMatchSets()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RegexMatchSetSummary objects.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRegexMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRegexPatternSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListRegexPatternSetsResponse> listRegexPatternSets(ListRegexPatternSetsRequest listRegexPatternSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RegexPatternSetSummary objects.

      listRegexPatternSetsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRegexPatternSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRegexPatternSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListRegexPatternSetsResponse> listRegexPatternSets(Consumer<ListRegexPatternSetsRequest.Builder> listRegexPatternSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RegexPatternSetSummary objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListRegexPatternSetsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListRegexPatternSetsRequest.builder()

      listRegexPatternSetsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListRegexPatternSetsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRegexPatternSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRegexPatternSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListRegexPatternSetsResponse> listRegexPatternSets()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RegexPatternSetSummary objects.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRegexPatternSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRuleGroups

      default CompletableFuture<ListRuleGroupsResponse> listRuleGroups(ListRuleGroupsRequest listRuleGroupsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleGroup objects.

      listRuleGroupsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRuleGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRuleGroups

      default CompletableFuture<ListRuleGroupsResponse> listRuleGroups(Consumer<ListRuleGroupsRequest.Builder> listRuleGroupsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleGroup objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListRuleGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListRuleGroupsRequest.builder()

      listRuleGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListRuleGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRuleGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRuleGroups

      default CompletableFuture<ListRuleGroupsResponse> listRuleGroups()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleGroup objects.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRuleGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRules

      default CompletableFuture<ListRulesResponse> listRules(ListRulesRequest listRulesRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleSummary objects.

      listRulesRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRules operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRules

      default CompletableFuture<ListRulesResponse> listRules(Consumer<ListRulesRequest.Builder> listRulesRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleSummary objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListRulesRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListRulesRequest.builder()

      listRulesRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListRulesRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRules operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listRules

      default CompletableFuture<ListRulesResponse> listRules()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleSummary objects.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListRules operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listSizeConstraintSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListSizeConstraintSetsResponse> listSizeConstraintSets(ListSizeConstraintSetsRequest listSizeConstraintSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of SizeConstraintSetSummary objects.

      listSizeConstraintSetsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListSizeConstraintSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listSizeConstraintSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListSizeConstraintSetsResponse> listSizeConstraintSets(Consumer<ListSizeConstraintSetsRequest.Builder> listSizeConstraintSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of SizeConstraintSetSummary objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListSizeConstraintSetsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListSizeConstraintSetsRequest.builder()

      listSizeConstraintSetsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListSizeConstraintSetsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListSizeConstraintSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listSizeConstraintSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListSizeConstraintSetsResponse> listSizeConstraintSets()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of SizeConstraintSetSummary objects.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListSizeConstraintSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listSqlInjectionMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListSqlInjectionMatchSetsResponse> listSqlInjectionMatchSets(ListSqlInjectionMatchSetsRequest listSqlInjectionMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of SqlInjectionMatchSet objects.

      listSqlInjectionMatchSetsRequest - A request to list the SqlInjectionMatchSet objects created by the current AWS account.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListSqlInjectionMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listSqlInjectionMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListSqlInjectionMatchSetsResponse> listSqlInjectionMatchSets(Consumer<ListSqlInjectionMatchSetsRequest.Builder> listSqlInjectionMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of SqlInjectionMatchSet objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListSqlInjectionMatchSetsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListSqlInjectionMatchSetsRequest.builder()

      listSqlInjectionMatchSetsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListSqlInjectionMatchSetsRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to list the SqlInjectionMatchSet objects created by the current AWS account.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListSqlInjectionMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listSqlInjectionMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListSqlInjectionMatchSetsResponse> listSqlInjectionMatchSets()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of SqlInjectionMatchSet objects.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListSqlInjectionMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listSubscribedRuleGroups

      default CompletableFuture<ListSubscribedRuleGroupsResponse> listSubscribedRuleGroups(ListSubscribedRuleGroupsRequest listSubscribedRuleGroupsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleGroup objects that you are subscribed to.

      listSubscribedRuleGroupsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListSubscribedRuleGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listSubscribedRuleGroups

      default CompletableFuture<ListSubscribedRuleGroupsResponse> listSubscribedRuleGroups(Consumer<ListSubscribedRuleGroupsRequest.Builder> listSubscribedRuleGroupsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleGroup objects that you are subscribed to.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListSubscribedRuleGroupsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListSubscribedRuleGroupsRequest.builder()

      listSubscribedRuleGroupsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListSubscribedRuleGroupsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListSubscribedRuleGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listSubscribedRuleGroups

      default CompletableFuture<ListSubscribedRuleGroupsResponse> listSubscribedRuleGroups()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of RuleGroup objects that you are subscribed to.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListSubscribedRuleGroups operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listTagsForResource

      default CompletableFuture<ListTagsForResourceResponse> listTagsForResource(ListTagsForResourceRequest listTagsForResourceRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Retrieves the tags associated with the specified AWS resource. Tags are key:value pairs that you can use to categorize and manage your resources, for purposes like billing. For example, you might set the tag key to "customer" and the value to the customer name or ID. You can specify one or more tags to add to each AWS resource, up to 50 tags for a resource.

      Tagging is only available through the API, SDKs, and CLI. You can't manage or view tags through the AWS WAF Classic console. You can tag the AWS resources that you manage through AWS WAF Classic: web ACLs, rule groups, and rules.

      listTagsForResourceRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListTagsForResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
        • WafBadRequestException
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listTagsForResource

      default CompletableFuture<ListTagsForResourceResponse> listTagsForResource(Consumer<ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder> listTagsForResourceRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Retrieves the tags associated with the specified AWS resource. Tags are key:value pairs that you can use to categorize and manage your resources, for purposes like billing. For example, you might set the tag key to "customer" and the value to the customer name or ID. You can specify one or more tags to add to each AWS resource, up to 50 tags for a resource.

      Tagging is only available through the API, SDKs, and CLI. You can't manage or view tags through the AWS WAF Classic console. You can tag the AWS resources that you manage through AWS WAF Classic: web ACLs, rule groups, and rules.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListTagsForResourceRequest.builder()

      listTagsForResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListTagsForResourceRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListTagsForResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
        • WafBadRequestException
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listWebACLs

      default CompletableFuture<ListWebAcLsResponse> listWebACLs(ListWebAcLsRequest listWebAcLsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of WebACLSummary objects in the response.

      listWebAcLsRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListWebACLs operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listWebACLs

      default CompletableFuture<ListWebAcLsResponse> listWebACLs(Consumer<ListWebAcLsRequest.Builder> listWebAcLsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of WebACLSummary objects in the response.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListWebAcLsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListWebAcLsRequest.builder()

      listWebAcLsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListWebAcLsRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListWebACLs operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listWebACLs

      default CompletableFuture<ListWebAcLsResponse> listWebACLs()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of WebACLSummary objects in the response.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListWebACLs operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listXssMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListXssMatchSetsResponse> listXssMatchSets(ListXssMatchSetsRequest listXssMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of XssMatchSet objects.

      listXssMatchSetsRequest - A request to list the XssMatchSet objects created by the current AWS account.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListXssMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listXssMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListXssMatchSetsResponse> listXssMatchSets(Consumer<ListXssMatchSetsRequest.Builder> listXssMatchSetsRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of XssMatchSet objects.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the ListXssMatchSetsRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via ListXssMatchSetsRequest.builder()

      listXssMatchSetsRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on ListXssMatchSetsRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to list the XssMatchSet objects created by the current AWS account.
      A Java Future containing the result of the ListXssMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • listXssMatchSets

      default CompletableFuture<ListXssMatchSetsResponse> listXssMatchSets()

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Returns an array of XssMatchSet objects.

      A Java Future containing the result of the ListXssMatchSets operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • putLoggingConfiguration

      default CompletableFuture<PutLoggingConfigurationResponse> putLoggingConfiguration(PutLoggingConfigurationRequest putLoggingConfigurationRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Associates a LoggingConfiguration with a specified web ACL.

      You can access information about all traffic that AWS WAF inspects using the following steps:

      1. Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.

        Create the data firehose with a PUT source and in the region that you are operating. However, if you are capturing logs for Amazon CloudFront, always create the firehose in US East (N. Virginia).

        Do not create the data firehose using a Kinesis stream as your source.

      2. Associate that firehose to your web ACL using a PutLoggingConfiguration request.

      When you successfully enable logging using a PutLoggingConfiguration request, AWS WAF will create a service linked role with the necessary permissions to write logs to the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. For more information, see Logging Web ACL Traffic Information in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      putLoggingConfigurationRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the PutLoggingConfiguration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafServiceLinkedRoleErrorException AWS WAF is not able to access the service linked role. This can be caused by a previous PutLoggingConfiguration request, which can lock the service linked role for about 20 seconds. Please try your request again. The service linked role can also be locked by a previous DeleteServiceLinkedRole request, which can lock the role for 15 minutes or more. If you recently made a DeleteServiceLinkedRole, wait at least 15 minutes and try the request again. If you receive this same exception again, you will have to wait additional time until the role is unlocked.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • putLoggingConfiguration

      default CompletableFuture<PutLoggingConfigurationResponse> putLoggingConfiguration(Consumer<PutLoggingConfigurationRequest.Builder> putLoggingConfigurationRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Associates a LoggingConfiguration with a specified web ACL.

      You can access information about all traffic that AWS WAF inspects using the following steps:

      1. Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.

        Create the data firehose with a PUT source and in the region that you are operating. However, if you are capturing logs for Amazon CloudFront, always create the firehose in US East (N. Virginia).

        Do not create the data firehose using a Kinesis stream as your source.

      2. Associate that firehose to your web ACL using a PutLoggingConfiguration request.

      When you successfully enable logging using a PutLoggingConfiguration request, AWS WAF will create a service linked role with the necessary permissions to write logs to the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. For more information, see Logging Web ACL Traffic Information in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the PutLoggingConfigurationRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via PutLoggingConfigurationRequest.builder()

      putLoggingConfigurationRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on PutLoggingConfigurationRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the PutLoggingConfiguration operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafServiceLinkedRoleErrorException AWS WAF is not able to access the service linked role. This can be caused by a previous PutLoggingConfiguration request, which can lock the service linked role for about 20 seconds. Please try your request again. The service linked role can also be locked by a previous DeleteServiceLinkedRole request, which can lock the role for 15 minutes or more. If you recently made a DeleteServiceLinkedRole, wait at least 15 minutes and try the request again. If you receive this same exception again, you will have to wait additional time until the role is unlocked.
      • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
      • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
      • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • putPermissionPolicy

      default CompletableFuture<PutPermissionPolicyResponse> putPermissionPolicy(PutPermissionPolicyRequest putPermissionPolicyRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Attaches an IAM policy to the specified resource. The only supported use for this action is to share a RuleGroup across accounts.

      The PutPermissionPolicy is subject to the following restrictions:

      • You can attach only one policy with each PutPermissionPolicy request.

      • The policy must include an Effect, Action and Principal.

      • Effect must specify Allow.

      • The Action in the policy must be waf:UpdateWebACL, waf-regional:UpdateWebACL, waf:GetRuleGroup and waf-regional:GetRuleGroup . Any extra or wildcard actions in the policy will be rejected.

      • The policy cannot include a Resource parameter.

      • The ARN in the request must be a valid WAF RuleGroup ARN and the RuleGroup must exist in the same region.

      • The user making the request must be the owner of the RuleGroup.

      • Your policy must be composed using IAM Policy version 2012-10-17.

      For more information, see IAM Policies.

      An example of a valid policy parameter is shown in the Examples section below.

      putPermissionPolicyRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the PutPermissionPolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInvalidPermissionPolicyException The operation failed because the specified policy is not in the proper format.

        The policy is subject to the following restrictions:

        • You can attach only one policy with each PutPermissionPolicy request.

        • The policy must include an Effect, Action and Principal.

        • Effect must specify Allow.

        • The Action in the policy must be waf:UpdateWebACL, waf-regional:UpdateWebACL, waf:GetRuleGroup and waf-regional:GetRuleGroup . Any extra or wildcard actions in the policy will be rejected.

        • The policy cannot include a Resource parameter.

        • The ARN in the request must be a valid WAF RuleGroup ARN and the RuleGroup must exist in the same region.

        • The user making the request must be the owner of the RuleGroup.

        • Your policy must be composed using IAM Policy version 2012-10-17.

        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • putPermissionPolicy

      default CompletableFuture<PutPermissionPolicyResponse> putPermissionPolicy(Consumer<PutPermissionPolicyRequest.Builder> putPermissionPolicyRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Attaches an IAM policy to the specified resource. The only supported use for this action is to share a RuleGroup across accounts.

      The PutPermissionPolicy is subject to the following restrictions:

      • You can attach only one policy with each PutPermissionPolicy request.

      • The policy must include an Effect, Action and Principal.

      • Effect must specify Allow.

      • The Action in the policy must be waf:UpdateWebACL, waf-regional:UpdateWebACL, waf:GetRuleGroup and waf-regional:GetRuleGroup . Any extra or wildcard actions in the policy will be rejected.

      • The policy cannot include a Resource parameter.

      • The ARN in the request must be a valid WAF RuleGroup ARN and the RuleGroup must exist in the same region.

      • The user making the request must be the owner of the RuleGroup.

      • Your policy must be composed using IAM Policy version 2012-10-17.

      For more information, see IAM Policies.

      An example of a valid policy parameter is shown in the Examples section below.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the PutPermissionPolicyRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via PutPermissionPolicyRequest.builder()

      putPermissionPolicyRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on PutPermissionPolicyRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the PutPermissionPolicy operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafInvalidPermissionPolicyException The operation failed because the specified policy is not in the proper format.

        The policy is subject to the following restrictions:

        • You can attach only one policy with each PutPermissionPolicy request.

        • The policy must include an Effect, Action and Principal.

        • Effect must specify Allow.

        • The Action in the policy must be waf:UpdateWebACL, waf-regional:UpdateWebACL, waf:GetRuleGroup and waf-regional:GetRuleGroup . Any extra or wildcard actions in the policy will be rejected.

        • The policy cannot include a Resource parameter.

        • The ARN in the request must be a valid WAF RuleGroup ARN and the RuleGroup must exist in the same region.

        • The user making the request must be the owner of the RuleGroup.

        • Your policy must be composed using IAM Policy version 2012-10-17.

        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • tagResource

      default CompletableFuture<TagResourceResponse> tagResource(TagResourceRequest tagResourceRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Associates tags with the specified AWS resource. Tags are key:value pairs that you can use to categorize and manage your resources, for purposes like billing. For example, you might set the tag key to "customer" and the value to the customer name or ID. You can specify one or more tags to add to each AWS resource, up to 50 tags for a resource.

      Tagging is only available through the API, SDKs, and CLI. You can't manage or view tags through the AWS WAF Classic console. You can use this action to tag the AWS resources that you manage through AWS WAF Classic: web ACLs, rule groups, and rules.

      tagResourceRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the TagResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
        • WafBadRequestException
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • tagResource

      default CompletableFuture<TagResourceResponse> tagResource(Consumer<TagResourceRequest.Builder> tagResourceRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Associates tags with the specified AWS resource. Tags are key:value pairs that you can use to categorize and manage your resources, for purposes like billing. For example, you might set the tag key to "customer" and the value to the customer name or ID. You can specify one or more tags to add to each AWS resource, up to 50 tags for a resource.

      Tagging is only available through the API, SDKs, and CLI. You can't manage or view tags through the AWS WAF Classic console. You can use this action to tag the AWS resources that you manage through AWS WAF Classic: web ACLs, rule groups, and rules.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the TagResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via TagResourceRequest.builder()

      tagResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on TagResourceRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the TagResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
        • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
        • WafBadRequestException
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • untagResource

      default CompletableFuture<UntagResourceResponse> untagResource(UntagResourceRequest untagResourceRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      untagResourceRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UntagResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
        • WafBadRequestException
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • untagResource

      default CompletableFuture<UntagResourceResponse> untagResource(Consumer<UntagResourceRequest.Builder> untagResourceRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UntagResourceRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UntagResourceRequest.builder()

      untagResourceRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UntagResourceRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UntagResource operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

        • You specified an invalid parameter name.

        • You specified an invalid value.

        • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

        • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

        • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

        • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

        • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

        • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
        • WafBadRequestException
        • WafTagOperationException
        • WafTagOperationInternalErrorException
        • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
        • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
        • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateByteMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateByteMatchSetResponse> updateByteMatchSet(UpdateByteMatchSetRequest updateByteMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes ByteMatchTuple objects (filters) in a ByteMatchSet. For each ByteMatchTuple object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change a ByteMatchSetUpdate object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect, such as a query string or the value of the User-Agent header.

      • The bytes (typically a string that corresponds with ASCII characters) that you want AWS WAF to look for. For more information, including how you specify the values for the AWS WAF API and the AWS CLI or SDKs, see TargetString in the ByteMatchTuple data type.

      • Where to look, such as at the beginning or the end of a query string.

      • Whether to perform any conversions on the request, such as converting it to lowercase, before inspecting it for the specified string.

      For example, you can add a ByteMatchSetUpdate object that matches web requests in which User-Agent headers contain the string BadBot. You can then configure AWS WAF to block those requests.

      To create and configure a ByteMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Create a ByteMatchSet. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateByteMatchSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateByteMatchSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateByteMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateByteMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
            • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateByteMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateByteMatchSetResponse> updateByteMatchSet(Consumer<UpdateByteMatchSetRequest.Builder> updateByteMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes ByteMatchTuple objects (filters) in a ByteMatchSet. For each ByteMatchTuple object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change a ByteMatchSetUpdate object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect, such as a query string or the value of the User-Agent header.

      • The bytes (typically a string that corresponds with ASCII characters) that you want AWS WAF to look for. For more information, including how you specify the values for the AWS WAF API and the AWS CLI or SDKs, see TargetString in the ByteMatchTuple data type.

      • Where to look, such as at the beginning or the end of a query string.

      • Whether to perform any conversions on the request, such as converting it to lowercase, before inspecting it for the specified string.

      For example, you can add a ByteMatchSetUpdate object that matches web requests in which User-Agent headers contain the string BadBot. You can then configure AWS WAF to block those requests.

      To create and configure a ByteMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Create a ByteMatchSet. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateByteMatchSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateByteMatchSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateByteMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateByteMatchSetRequest.builder()

      updateByteMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateByteMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateByteMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
            • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateGeoMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateGeoMatchSetResponse> updateGeoMatchSet(UpdateGeoMatchSetRequest updateGeoMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes GeoMatchConstraint objects in an GeoMatchSet. For each GeoMatchConstraint object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change an GeoMatchConstraint object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The Type. The only valid value for Type is Country.

      • The Value, which is a two character code for the country to add to the GeoMatchConstraint object. Valid codes are listed in GeoMatchConstraintinvalid input: '&#36'Value.

      To create and configure an GeoMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Submit a CreateGeoMatchSet request.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateGeoMatchSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateGeoMatchSet request to specify the country that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      When you update an GeoMatchSet, you specify the country that you want to add and/or the country that you want to delete. If you want to change a country, you delete the existing country and add the new one.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateGeoMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateGeoMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateGeoMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateGeoMatchSetResponse> updateGeoMatchSet(Consumer<UpdateGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder> updateGeoMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes GeoMatchConstraint objects in an GeoMatchSet. For each GeoMatchConstraint object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change an GeoMatchConstraint object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The Type. The only valid value for Type is Country.

      • The Value, which is a two character code for the country to add to the GeoMatchConstraint object. Valid codes are listed in GeoMatchConstraintinvalid input: '&#36'Value.

      To create and configure an GeoMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Submit a CreateGeoMatchSet request.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateGeoMatchSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateGeoMatchSet request to specify the country that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      When you update an GeoMatchSet, you specify the country that you want to add and/or the country that you want to delete. If you want to change a country, you delete the existing country and add the new one.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateGeoMatchSetRequest.builder()

      updateGeoMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateGeoMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateGeoMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateIPSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateIpSetResponse> updateIPSet(UpdateIpSetRequest updateIpSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes IPSetDescriptor objects in an IPSet. For each IPSetDescriptor object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change an IPSetDescriptor object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The IP address version, IPv4 or IPv6.

      • The IP address in CIDR notation, for example, (for the range of IP addresses from to or (for the individual IP address

      AWS WAF supports IPv4 address ranges: /8 and any range between /16 through /32. AWS WAF supports IPv6 address ranges: /24, /32, /48, /56, /64, and /128. For more information about CIDR notation, see the Wikipedia entry Classless Inter-Domain Routing.

      IPv6 addresses can be represented using any of the following formats:

      • 1111:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0111/128

      • 1111:0:0:0:0:0:0:0111/128

      • 1111::0111/128

      • 1111::111/128

      You use an IPSet to specify which web requests you want to allow or block based on the IP addresses that the requests originated from. For example, if you're receiving a lot of requests from one or a small number of IP addresses and you want to block the requests, you can create an IPSet that specifies those IP addresses, and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure an IPSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Submit a CreateIPSet request.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateIPSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateIPSet request to specify the IP addresses that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      When you update an IPSet, you specify the IP addresses that you want to add and/or the IP addresses that you want to delete. If you want to change an IP address, you delete the existing IP address and add the new one.

      You can insert a maximum of 1000 addresses in a single request.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateIpSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateIPSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateIPSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateIpSetResponse> updateIPSet(Consumer<UpdateIpSetRequest.Builder> updateIpSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes IPSetDescriptor objects in an IPSet. For each IPSetDescriptor object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change an IPSetDescriptor object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The IP address version, IPv4 or IPv6.

      • The IP address in CIDR notation, for example, (for the range of IP addresses from to or (for the individual IP address

      AWS WAF supports IPv4 address ranges: /8 and any range between /16 through /32. AWS WAF supports IPv6 address ranges: /24, /32, /48, /56, /64, and /128. For more information about CIDR notation, see the Wikipedia entry Classless Inter-Domain Routing.

      IPv6 addresses can be represented using any of the following formats:

      • 1111:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0111/128

      • 1111:0:0:0:0:0:0:0111/128

      • 1111::0111/128

      • 1111::111/128

      You use an IPSet to specify which web requests you want to allow or block based on the IP addresses that the requests originated from. For example, if you're receiving a lot of requests from one or a small number of IP addresses and you want to block the requests, you can create an IPSet that specifies those IP addresses, and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure an IPSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Submit a CreateIPSet request.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateIPSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateIPSet request to specify the IP addresses that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      When you update an IPSet, you specify the IP addresses that you want to add and/or the IP addresses that you want to delete. If you want to change an IP address, you delete the existing IP address and add the new one.

      You can insert a maximum of 1000 addresses in a single request.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateIpSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateIpSetRequest.builder()

      updateIpSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateIpSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateIPSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRateBasedRule

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRateBasedRuleResponse> updateRateBasedRule(UpdateRateBasedRuleRequest updateRateBasedRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes Predicate objects in a rule and updates the RateLimit in the rule.

      Each Predicate object identifies a predicate, such as a ByteMatchSet or an IPSet, that specifies the web requests that you want to block or count. The RateLimit specifies the number of requests every five minutes that triggers the rule.

      If you add more than one predicate to a RateBasedRule, a request must match all the predicates and exceed the RateLimit to be counted or blocked. For example, suppose you add the following to a RateBasedRule:

      • An IPSet that matches the IP address

      • A ByteMatchSet that matches BadBot in the User-Agent header

      Further, you specify a RateLimit of 1,000.

      You then add the RateBasedRule to a WebACL and specify that you want to block requests that satisfy the rule. For a request to be blocked, it must come from the IP address and the User-Agent header in the request must contain the value BadBot. Further, requests that match these two conditions much be received at a rate of more than 1,000 every five minutes. If the rate drops below this limit, AWS WAF no longer blocks the requests.

      As a second example, suppose you want to limit requests to a particular page on your site. To do this, you could add the following to a RateBasedRule:

      • A ByteMatchSet with FieldToMatch of URI

      • A PositionalConstraint of STARTS_WITH

      • A TargetString of login

      Further, you specify a RateLimit of 1,000.

      By adding this RateBasedRule to a WebACL, you could limit requests to your login page without affecting the rest of your site.

      updateRateBasedRuleRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRateBasedRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRateBasedRule

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRateBasedRuleResponse> updateRateBasedRule(Consumer<UpdateRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder> updateRateBasedRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes Predicate objects in a rule and updates the RateLimit in the rule.

      Each Predicate object identifies a predicate, such as a ByteMatchSet or an IPSet, that specifies the web requests that you want to block or count. The RateLimit specifies the number of requests every five minutes that triggers the rule.

      If you add more than one predicate to a RateBasedRule, a request must match all the predicates and exceed the RateLimit to be counted or blocked. For example, suppose you add the following to a RateBasedRule:

      • An IPSet that matches the IP address

      • A ByteMatchSet that matches BadBot in the User-Agent header

      Further, you specify a RateLimit of 1,000.

      You then add the RateBasedRule to a WebACL and specify that you want to block requests that satisfy the rule. For a request to be blocked, it must come from the IP address and the User-Agent header in the request must contain the value BadBot. Further, requests that match these two conditions much be received at a rate of more than 1,000 every five minutes. If the rate drops below this limit, AWS WAF no longer blocks the requests.

      As a second example, suppose you want to limit requests to a particular page on your site. To do this, you could add the following to a RateBasedRule:

      • A ByteMatchSet with FieldToMatch of URI

      • A PositionalConstraint of STARTS_WITH

      • A TargetString of login

      Further, you specify a RateLimit of 1,000.

      By adding this RateBasedRule to a WebACL, you could limit requests to your login page without affecting the rest of your site.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateRateBasedRuleRequest.builder()

      updateRateBasedRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateRateBasedRuleRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRateBasedRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRegexMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRegexMatchSetResponse> updateRegexMatchSet(UpdateRegexMatchSetRequest updateRegexMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes RegexMatchTuple objects (filters) in a RegexMatchSet. For each RegexMatchSetUpdate object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change a RegexMatchSetUpdate object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspectupdate, such as a query string or the value of the User-Agent header.

      • The identifier of the pattern (a regular expression) that you want AWS WAF to look for. For more information, see RegexPatternSet.

      • Whether to perform any conversions on the request, such as converting it to lowercase, before inspecting it for the specified string.

      For example, you can create a RegexPatternSet that matches any requests with User-Agent headers that contain the string B[a@]dB[o0]t. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a RegexMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Create a RegexMatchSet. For more information, see CreateRegexMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRegexMatchSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateRegexMatchSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the identifier of the RegexPatternSet that contain the regular expression patters you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateRegexMatchSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRegexMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

        • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

        • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

          • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

          • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRegexMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRegexMatchSetResponse> updateRegexMatchSet(Consumer<UpdateRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder> updateRegexMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes RegexMatchTuple objects (filters) in a RegexMatchSet. For each RegexMatchSetUpdate object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change a RegexMatchSetUpdate object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspectupdate, such as a query string or the value of the User-Agent header.

      • The identifier of the pattern (a regular expression) that you want AWS WAF to look for. For more information, see RegexPatternSet.

      • Whether to perform any conversions on the request, such as converting it to lowercase, before inspecting it for the specified string.

      For example, you can create a RegexPatternSet that matches any requests with User-Agent headers that contain the string B[a@]dB[o0]t. You can then configure AWS WAF to reject those requests.

      To create and configure a RegexMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Create a RegexMatchSet. For more information, see CreateRegexMatchSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRegexMatchSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateRegexMatchSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the identifier of the RegexPatternSet that contain the regular expression patters you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateRegexMatchSetRequest.builder()

      updateRegexMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateRegexMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRegexMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafDisallowedNameException The name specified is invalid.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

        • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

        • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

          • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

          • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRegexPatternSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRegexPatternSetResponse> updateRegexPatternSet(UpdateRegexPatternSetRequest updateRegexPatternSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes RegexPatternString objects in a RegexPatternSet. For each RegexPatternString object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the RegexPatternString.

      • The regular expression pattern that you want to insert or delete. For more information, see RegexPatternSet.

      For example, you can create a RegexPatternString such as B[a@]dB[o0]t. AWS WAF will match this RegexPatternString to:

      • BadBot

      • BadB0t

      • B@dBot

      • B@dB0t

      To create and configure a RegexPatternSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Create a RegexPatternSet. For more information, see CreateRegexPatternSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRegexPatternSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateRegexPatternSet request to specify the regular expression pattern that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateRegexPatternSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRegexPatternSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

        • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

        • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

          • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

          • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
          • WafInvalidRegexPatternException The regular expression (regex) you specified in RegexPatternString is invalid.
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRegexPatternSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRegexPatternSetResponse> updateRegexPatternSet(Consumer<UpdateRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder> updateRegexPatternSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes RegexPatternString objects in a RegexPatternSet. For each RegexPatternString object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the RegexPatternString.

      • The regular expression pattern that you want to insert or delete. For more information, see RegexPatternSet.

      For example, you can create a RegexPatternString such as B[a@]dB[o0]t. AWS WAF will match this RegexPatternString to:

      • BadBot

      • BadB0t

      • B@dBot

      • B@dB0t

      To create and configure a RegexPatternSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Create a RegexPatternSet. For more information, see CreateRegexPatternSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRegexPatternSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateRegexPatternSet request to specify the regular expression pattern that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateRegexPatternSetRequest.builder()

      updateRegexPatternSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateRegexPatternSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRegexPatternSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
      • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
      • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

        • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

        • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

          • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

          • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
          • WafInvalidRegexPatternException The regular expression (regex) you specified in RegexPatternString is invalid.
          • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
          • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
          • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRule

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRuleResponse> updateRule(UpdateRuleRequest updateRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes Predicate objects in a Rule. Each Predicate object identifies a predicate, such as a ByteMatchSet or an IPSet, that specifies the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count. If you add more than one predicate to a Rule, a request must match all of the specifications to be allowed, blocked, or counted. For example, suppose that you add the following to a Rule:

      • A ByteMatchSet that matches the value BadBot in the User-Agent header

      • An IPSet that matches the IP address

      You then add the Rule to a WebACL and specify that you want to block requests that satisfy the Rule. For a request to be blocked, the User-Agent header in the request must contain the value BadBot and the request must originate from the IP address

      To create and configure a Rule, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the predicates that you want to include in the Rule.

      2. Create the Rule. See CreateRule.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRule request.

      4. Submit an UpdateRule request to add predicates to the Rule.

      5. Create and update a WebACL that contains the Rule. See CreateWebACL.

      If you want to replace one ByteMatchSet or IPSet with another, you delete the existing one and add the new one.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateRuleRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRule

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRuleResponse> updateRule(Consumer<UpdateRuleRequest.Builder> updateRuleRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes Predicate objects in a Rule. Each Predicate object identifies a predicate, such as a ByteMatchSet or an IPSet, that specifies the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count. If you add more than one predicate to a Rule, a request must match all of the specifications to be allowed, blocked, or counted. For example, suppose that you add the following to a Rule:

      • A ByteMatchSet that matches the value BadBot in the User-Agent header

      • An IPSet that matches the IP address

      You then add the Rule to a WebACL and specify that you want to block requests that satisfy the Rule. For a request to be blocked, the User-Agent header in the request must contain the value BadBot and the request must originate from the IP address

      To create and configure a Rule, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the predicates that you want to include in the Rule.

      2. Create the Rule. See CreateRule.

      3. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRule request.

      4. Submit an UpdateRule request to add predicates to the Rule.

      5. Create and update a WebACL that contains the Rule. See CreateWebACL.

      If you want to replace one ByteMatchSet or IPSet with another, you delete the existing one and add the new one.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateRuleRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateRuleRequest.builder()

      updateRuleRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateRuleRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRule operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRuleGroupResponse> updateRuleGroup(UpdateRuleGroupRequest updateRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes ActivatedRule objects in a RuleGroup.

      You can only insert REGULAR rules into a rule group.

      You can have a maximum of ten rules per rule group.

      To create and configure a RuleGroup, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the Rules that you want to include in the RuleGroup. See CreateRule.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRuleGroup request.

      3. Submit an UpdateRuleGroup request to add Rules to the RuleGroup.

      4. Create and update a WebACL that contains the RuleGroup. See CreateWebACL.

      If you want to replace one Rule with another, you delete the existing one and add the new one.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateRuleGroupRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

        • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

        • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
        • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

          • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

          • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
          • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

            • You specified an invalid parameter name.

            • You specified an invalid value.

            • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

            • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

            • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

            • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

            • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

            • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

            • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateRuleGroup

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateRuleGroupResponse> updateRuleGroup(Consumer<UpdateRuleGroupRequest.Builder> updateRuleGroupRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes ActivatedRule objects in a RuleGroup.

      You can only insert REGULAR rules into a rule group.

      You can have a maximum of ten rules per rule group.

      To create and configure a RuleGroup, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the Rules that you want to include in the RuleGroup. See CreateRule.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateRuleGroup request.

      3. Submit an UpdateRuleGroup request to add Rules to the RuleGroup.

      4. Create and update a WebACL that contains the RuleGroup. See CreateWebACL.

      If you want to replace one Rule with another, you delete the existing one and add the new one.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateRuleGroupRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateRuleGroupRequest.builder()

      updateRuleGroupRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateRuleGroupRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateRuleGroup operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

        • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

        • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
        • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

          • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

          • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

          • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
          • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

            • You specified an invalid parameter name.

            • You specified an invalid value.

            • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

            • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

            • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

            • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

            • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

            • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

            • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateSizeConstraintSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateSizeConstraintSetResponse> updateSizeConstraintSet(UpdateSizeConstraintSetRequest updateSizeConstraintSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes SizeConstraint objects (filters) in a SizeConstraintSet. For each SizeConstraint object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change a SizeConstraintSetUpdate object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to evaluate, such as the length of a query string or the length of the User-Agent header.

      • Whether to perform any transformations on the request, such as converting it to lowercase, before checking its length. Note that transformations of the request body are not supported because the AWS resource forwards only the first 8192 bytes of your request to AWS WAF.

        You can only specify a single type of TextTransformation.

      • A ComparisonOperator used for evaluating the selected part of the request against the specified Size, such as equals, greater than, less than, and so on.

      • The length, in bytes, that you want AWS WAF to watch for in selected part of the request. The length is computed after applying the transformation.

      For example, you can add a SizeConstraintSetUpdate object that matches web requests in which the length of the User-Agent header is greater than 100 bytes. You can then configure AWS WAF to block those requests.

      To create and configure a SizeConstraintSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Create a SizeConstraintSet. For more information, see CreateSizeConstraintSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateSizeConstraintSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateSizeConstraintSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateSizeConstraintSetRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateSizeConstraintSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateSizeConstraintSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateSizeConstraintSetResponse> updateSizeConstraintSet(Consumer<UpdateSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder> updateSizeConstraintSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes SizeConstraint objects (filters) in a SizeConstraintSet. For each SizeConstraint object, you specify the following values:

      • Whether to insert or delete the object from the array. If you want to change a SizeConstraintSetUpdate object, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to evaluate, such as the length of a query string or the length of the User-Agent header.

      • Whether to perform any transformations on the request, such as converting it to lowercase, before checking its length. Note that transformations of the request body are not supported because the AWS resource forwards only the first 8192 bytes of your request to AWS WAF.

        You can only specify a single type of TextTransformation.

      • A ComparisonOperator used for evaluating the selected part of the request against the specified Size, such as equals, greater than, less than, and so on.

      • The length, in bytes, that you want AWS WAF to watch for in selected part of the request. The length is computed after applying the transformation.

      For example, you can add a SizeConstraintSetUpdate object that matches web requests in which the length of the User-Agent header is greater than 100 bytes. You can then configure AWS WAF to block those requests.

      To create and configure a SizeConstraintSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Create a SizeConstraintSet. For more information, see CreateSizeConstraintSet.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateSizeConstraintSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateSizeConstraintSet request to specify the part of the request that you want AWS WAF to inspect (for example, the header or the URI) and the value that you want AWS WAF to watch for.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateSizeConstraintSetRequest.builder()

      updateSizeConstraintSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateSizeConstraintSetRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateSizeConstraintSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateSqlInjectionMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSetResponse> updateSqlInjectionMatchSet(UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest updateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes SqlInjectionMatchTuple objects (filters) in a SqlInjectionMatchSet. For each SqlInjectionMatchTuple object, you specify the following values:

      • Action: Whether to insert the object into or delete the object from the array. To change a SqlInjectionMatchTuple, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • FieldToMatch: The part of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a header or custom query parameter, the name of the header or parameter.

      • TextTransformation: Which text transformation, if any, to perform on the web request before inspecting the request for snippets of malicious SQL code.

        You can only specify a single type of TextTransformation.

      You use SqlInjectionMatchSet objects to specify which CloudFront requests that you want to allow, block, or count. For example, if you're receiving requests that contain snippets of SQL code in the query string and you want to block the requests, you can create a SqlInjectionMatchSet with the applicable settings, and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure a SqlInjectionMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Submit a CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateIPSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet request to specify the parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect for snippets of SQL code.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest - A request to update a SqlInjectionMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
            • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateSqlInjectionMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSetResponse> updateSqlInjectionMatchSet(Consumer<UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder> updateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes SqlInjectionMatchTuple objects (filters) in a SqlInjectionMatchSet. For each SqlInjectionMatchTuple object, you specify the following values:

      • Action: Whether to insert the object into or delete the object from the array. To change a SqlInjectionMatchTuple, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • FieldToMatch: The part of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a header or custom query parameter, the name of the header or parameter.

      • TextTransformation: Which text transformation, if any, to perform on the web request before inspecting the request for snippets of malicious SQL code.

        You can only specify a single type of TextTransformation.

      You use SqlInjectionMatchSet objects to specify which CloudFront requests that you want to allow, block, or count. For example, if you're receiving requests that contain snippets of SQL code in the query string and you want to block the requests, you can create a SqlInjectionMatchSet with the applicable settings, and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure a SqlInjectionMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Submit a CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet request.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateIPSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet request to specify the parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect for snippets of SQL code.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.builder()

      updateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to update a SqlInjectionMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
            • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateWebACL

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateWebAclResponse> updateWebACL(UpdateWebAclRequest updateWebAclRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes ActivatedRule objects in a WebACL. Each Rule identifies web requests that you want to allow, block, or count. When you update a WebACL, you specify the following values:

      • A default action for the WebACL, either ALLOW or BLOCK. AWS WAF performs the default action if a request doesn't match the criteria in any of the Rules in a WebACL.

      • The Rules that you want to add or delete. If you want to replace one Rule with another, you delete the existing Rule and add the new one.

      • For each Rule, whether you want AWS WAF to allow requests, block requests, or count requests that match the conditions in the Rule.

      • The order in which you want AWS WAF to evaluate the Rules in a WebACL. If you add more than one Rule to a WebACL, AWS WAF evaluates each request against the Rules in order based on the value of Priority. (The Rule that has the lowest value for Priority is evaluated first.) When a web request matches all the predicates (such as ByteMatchSets and IPSets) in a Rule, AWS WAF immediately takes the corresponding action, allow or block, and doesn't evaluate the request against the remaining Rules in the WebACL, if any.

      To create and configure a WebACL, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the predicates that you want to include in Rules. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet, UpdateByteMatchSet, CreateIPSet, UpdateIPSet, CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet, and UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Create and update the Rules that you want to include in the WebACL. For more information, see CreateRule and UpdateRule.

      3. Create a WebACL. See CreateWebACL.

      4. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateWebACL request.

      5. Submit an UpdateWebACL request to specify the Rules that you want to include in the WebACL, to specify the default action, and to associate the WebACL with a CloudFront distribution.

        The ActivatedRule can be a rule group. If you specify a rule group as your ActivatedRule , you can exclude specific rules from that rule group.

        If you already have a rule group associated with a web ACL and want to submit an UpdateWebACL request to exclude certain rules from that rule group, you must first remove the rule group from the web ACL, the re-insert it again, specifying the excluded rules. For details, see ActivatedRuleinvalid input: '&#36'ExcludedRules .

      Be aware that if you try to add a RATE_BASED rule to a web ACL without setting the rule type when first creating the rule, the UpdateWebACL request will fail because the request tries to add a REGULAR rule (the default rule type) with the specified ID, which does not exist.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateWebAclRequest -
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateWebACL operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • WafSubscriptionNotFoundException The specified subscription does not exist.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateWebACL

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateWebAclResponse> updateWebACL(Consumer<UpdateWebAclRequest.Builder> updateWebAclRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes ActivatedRule objects in a WebACL. Each Rule identifies web requests that you want to allow, block, or count. When you update a WebACL, you specify the following values:

      • A default action for the WebACL, either ALLOW or BLOCK. AWS WAF performs the default action if a request doesn't match the criteria in any of the Rules in a WebACL.

      • The Rules that you want to add or delete. If you want to replace one Rule with another, you delete the existing Rule and add the new one.

      • For each Rule, whether you want AWS WAF to allow requests, block requests, or count requests that match the conditions in the Rule.

      • The order in which you want AWS WAF to evaluate the Rules in a WebACL. If you add more than one Rule to a WebACL, AWS WAF evaluates each request against the Rules in order based on the value of Priority. (The Rule that has the lowest value for Priority is evaluated first.) When a web request matches all the predicates (such as ByteMatchSets and IPSets) in a Rule, AWS WAF immediately takes the corresponding action, allow or block, and doesn't evaluate the request against the remaining Rules in the WebACL, if any.

      To create and configure a WebACL, perform the following steps:

      1. Create and update the predicates that you want to include in Rules. For more information, see CreateByteMatchSet, UpdateByteMatchSet, CreateIPSet, UpdateIPSet, CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet, and UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet.

      2. Create and update the Rules that you want to include in the WebACL. For more information, see CreateRule and UpdateRule.

      3. Create a WebACL. See CreateWebACL.

      4. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateWebACL request.

      5. Submit an UpdateWebACL request to specify the Rules that you want to include in the WebACL, to specify the default action, and to associate the WebACL with a CloudFront distribution.

        The ActivatedRule can be a rule group. If you specify a rule group as your ActivatedRule , you can exclude specific rules from that rule group.

        If you already have a rule group associated with a web ACL and want to submit an UpdateWebACL request to exclude certain rules from that rule group, you must first remove the rule group from the web ACL, the re-insert it again, specifying the excluded rules. For details, see ActivatedRuleinvalid input: '&#36'ExcludedRules .

      Be aware that if you try to add a RATE_BASED rule to a web ACL without setting the rule type when first creating the rule, the UpdateWebACL request will fail because the request tries to add a REGULAR rule (the default rule type) with the specified ID, which does not exist.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateWebAclRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateWebAclRequest.builder()

      updateWebAclRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateWebAclRequest.Builder to create a request.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateWebACL operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafReferencedItemException The operation failed because you tried to delete an object that is still in use. For example:

              • You tried to delete a ByteMatchSet that is still referenced by a Rule.

              • You tried to delete a Rule that is still referenced by a WebACL.

              • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
              • WafSubscriptionNotFoundException The specified subscription does not exist.
              • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
              • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
              • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateXssMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateXssMatchSetResponse> updateXssMatchSet(UpdateXssMatchSetRequest updateXssMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes XssMatchTuple objects (filters) in an XssMatchSet. For each XssMatchTuple object, you specify the following values:

      • Action: Whether to insert the object into or delete the object from the array. To change an XssMatchTuple, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • FieldToMatch: The part of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a header or custom query parameter, the name of the header or parameter.

      • TextTransformation: Which text transformation, if any, to perform on the web request before inspecting the request for cross-site scripting attacks.

        You can only specify a single type of TextTransformation.

      You use XssMatchSet objects to specify which CloudFront requests that you want to allow, block, or count. For example, if you're receiving requests that contain cross-site scripting attacks in the request body and you want to block the requests, you can create an XssMatchSet with the applicable settings, and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure an XssMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Submit a CreateXssMatchSet request.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateIPSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateXssMatchSet request to specify the parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect for cross-site scripting attacks.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      updateXssMatchSetRequest - A request to update an XssMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateXssMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
            • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • updateXssMatchSet

      default CompletableFuture<UpdateXssMatchSetResponse> updateXssMatchSet(Consumer<UpdateXssMatchSetRequest.Builder> updateXssMatchSetRequest)

      This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

      For the latest version of AWS WAF, use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

      Inserts or deletes XssMatchTuple objects (filters) in an XssMatchSet. For each XssMatchTuple object, you specify the following values:

      • Action: Whether to insert the object into or delete the object from the array. To change an XssMatchTuple, you delete the existing object and add a new one.

      • FieldToMatch: The part of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a header or custom query parameter, the name of the header or parameter.

      • TextTransformation: Which text transformation, if any, to perform on the web request before inspecting the request for cross-site scripting attacks.

        You can only specify a single type of TextTransformation.

      You use XssMatchSet objects to specify which CloudFront requests that you want to allow, block, or count. For example, if you're receiving requests that contain cross-site scripting attacks in the request body and you want to block the requests, you can create an XssMatchSet with the applicable settings, and then configure AWS WAF to block the requests.

      To create and configure an XssMatchSet, perform the following steps:

      1. Submit a CreateXssMatchSet request.

      2. Use GetChangeToken to get the change token that you provide in the ChangeToken parameter of an UpdateIPSet request.

      3. Submit an UpdateXssMatchSet request to specify the parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect for cross-site scripting attacks.

      For more information about how to use the AWS WAF API to allow or block HTTP requests, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

      This is a convenience which creates an instance of the UpdateXssMatchSetRequest.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via UpdateXssMatchSetRequest.builder()

      updateXssMatchSetRequest - A Consumer that will call methods on UpdateXssMatchSetRequest.Builder to create a request. A request to update an XssMatchSet.
      A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateXssMatchSet operation returned by the service.
      The CompletableFuture returned by this method can be completed exceptionally with the following exceptions. The exception returned is wrapped with CompletionException, so you need to invoke Throwable.getCause() to retrieve the underlying exception.
      • WafInternalErrorException The operation failed because of a system problem, even though the request was valid. Retry your request.
      • WafInvalidAccountException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using an invalid account identifier.
      • WafInvalidOperationException The operation failed because there was nothing to do. For example:

        • You tried to remove a Rule from a WebACL, but the Rule isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to remove an IP address from an IPSet, but the IP address isn't in the specified IPSet.

        • You tried to remove a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple isn't in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a Rule to a WebACL, but the Rule already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to a ByteMatchSet, but the ByteMatchTuple already exists in the specified WebACL.

        • WafInvalidParameterException The operation failed because AWS WAF didn't recognize a parameter in the request. For example:

          • You specified an invalid parameter name.

          • You specified an invalid value.

          • You tried to update an object (ByteMatchSet, IPSet, Rule, or WebACL) using an action other than INSERT or DELETE.

          • You tried to create a WebACL with a DefaultAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to create a RateBasedRule with a RateKey value other than IP.

          • You tried to update a WebACL with a WafAction Type other than ALLOW, BLOCK, or COUNT.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a FieldToMatch Type other than HEADER, METHOD, QUERY_STRING, URI, or BODY.

          • You tried to update a ByteMatchSet with a Field of HEADER but no value for Data.

          • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource with which a web ACL cannot be associated.

          • WafNonexistentContainerException The operation failed because you tried to add an object to or delete an object from another object that doesn't exist. For example:

            • You tried to add a Rule to or delete a Rule from a WebACL that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchSet to or delete a ByteMatchSet from a Rule that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add an IP address to or delete an IP address from an IPSet that doesn't exist.

            • You tried to add a ByteMatchTuple to or delete a ByteMatchTuple from a ByteMatchSet that doesn't exist.

            • WafNonexistentItemException The operation failed because the referenced object doesn't exist.
            • WafStaleDataException The operation failed because you tried to create, update, or delete an object by using a change token that has already been used.
            • WafLimitsExceededException The operation exceeds a resource limit, for example, the maximum number of WebACL objects that you can create for an AWS account. For more information, see Limits in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
            • SdkException Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown by the SDK (both service and client). Can be used for catch all scenarios.
            • SdkClientException If any client side error occurs such as an IO related failure, failure to get credentials, etc.
            • WafException Base class for all service exceptions. Unknown exceptions will be thrown as an instance of this type.
      See Also:
    • serviceClientConfiguration

      default WafServiceClientConfiguration serviceClientConfiguration()
      Description copied from interface: SdkClient
      The SDK service client configuration exposes client settings to the user, e.g., ClientOverrideConfiguration
      Specified by:
      serviceClientConfiguration in interface AwsClient
      Specified by:
      serviceClientConfiguration in interface SdkClient
    • create

      static WafAsyncClient create()
      Create a WafAsyncClient with the region loaded from the DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain and credentials loaded from the DefaultCredentialsProvider.
    • builder

      static WafAsyncClientBuilder builder()
      Create a builder that can be used to configure and create a WafAsyncClient.