Interface TransferProgress

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultTransferProgress, ResumeTransferProgress

@Mutable @ThreadSafe public interface TransferProgress
TransferProgress is a stateful representation of the progress of a transfer initiated by S3TransferManager. TransferProgress offers the ability to take a snapshot() of the current progress, represented by an immutable TransferProgressSnapshot, which contains helpful progress-related methods like TransferProgressSnapshot.transferredBytes() and TransferProgressSnapshot.ratioTransferred(). TransferProgress is attached to ObjectTransfer objects, namely Upload, Download, and Copy.

Where possible, it is typically recommended to avoid directly querying TransferProgress and to instead leverage the TransferListener interface to receive event-driven updates of the latest TransferProgressSnapshot. See the TransferListener documentation for usage instructions. However, if desired, TransferProgress can be used for poll-like checking of the current progress. E.g.,

 Upload upload = tm.upload(...);
 while (!upload.completionFuture().isDone()) {
See Also: