使用适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包的 Lambda 示例 - Amazon SDK for JavaScript
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使用适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包的 Lambda 示例

以下代码示例向您展示了如何使用带有 Lambda 的 Amazon SDK for JavaScript (v3) 来执行操作和实现常见场景。



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以下代码示例展示了如何开始使用 Lambda。

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

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import { LambdaClient, paginateListFunctions } from "@aws-sdk/client-lambda"; const client = new LambdaClient({}); export const helloLambda = async () => { const paginator = paginateListFunctions({ client }, {}); const functions = []; for await (const page of paginator) { const funcNames = page.Functions.map((f) => f.FunctionName); functions.push(...funcNames); } console.log("Functions:"); console.log(functions.join("\n")); return functions; };
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for JavaScript API 参考ListFunctions中的。


以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateFunction

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const createFunction = async (funcName, roleArn) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const code = await readFile(`${dirname}../functions/${funcName}.zip`); const command = new CreateFunctionCommand({ Code: { ZipFile: code }, FunctionName: funcName, Role: roleArn, Architectures: [Architecture.arm64], Handler: "index.handler", // Required when sending a .zip file PackageType: PackageType.Zip, // Required when sending a .zip file Runtime: Runtime.nodejs16x, // Required when sending a .zip file }); return client.send(command); };
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for JavaScript API 参考CreateFunction中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteFunction

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/** * @param {string} funcName */ const deleteFunction = (funcName) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const command = new DeleteFunctionCommand({ FunctionName: funcName }); return client.send(command); };
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for JavaScript API 参考DeleteFunction中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 GetFunction

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const getFunction = (funcName) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const command = new GetFunctionCommand({ FunctionName: funcName }); return client.send(command); };
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for JavaScript API 参考GetFunction中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 Invoke

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const invoke = async (funcName, payload) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const command = new InvokeCommand({ FunctionName: funcName, Payload: JSON.stringify(payload), LogType: LogType.Tail, }); const { Payload, LogResult } = await client.send(command); const result = Buffer.from(Payload).toString(); const logs = Buffer.from(LogResult, "base64").toString(); return { logs, result }; };
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《Amazon SDK for JavaScript API 参考》中的 Invoke

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListFunctions

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

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const listFunctions = () => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const command = new ListFunctionsCommand({}); return client.send(command); };
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for JavaScript API 参考ListFunctions中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 UpdateFunctionCode

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const updateFunctionCode = async (funcName, newFunc) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const code = await readFile(`${dirname}../functions/${newFunc}.zip`); const command = new UpdateFunctionCodeCommand({ ZipFile: code, FunctionName: funcName, Architectures: [Architecture.arm64], Handler: "index.handler", // Required when sending a .zip file PackageType: PackageType.Zip, // Required when sending a .zip file Runtime: Runtime.nodejs16x, // Required when sending a .zip file }); return client.send(command); };
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for JavaScript API 参考UpdateFunctionCode中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 UpdateFunctionConfiguration

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const updateFunctionConfiguration = (funcName) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const config = readFileSync(`${dirname}../functions/config.json`).toString(); const command = new UpdateFunctionConfigurationCommand({ ...JSON.parse(config), FunctionName: funcName, }); return client.send(command); };



  • 创建 IAM 角色和 Lambda 函数,然后上传处理程序代码。

  • 使用单个参数来调用函数并获取结果。

  • 更新函数代码并使用环境变量进行配置。

  • 使用新参数来调用函数并获取结果。显示返回的执行日志。

  • 列出账户函数,然后清除函数。

有关更多信息,请参阅使用控制台创建 Lambda 函数

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整实例,了解如何进行设置和运行。

创建一个 Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) 角色以授予 Lambda 写入日志的权限。

log(`Creating role (${NAME_ROLE_LAMBDA})...`); const response = await createRole(NAME_ROLE_LAMBDA); import { AttachRolePolicyCommand, IAMClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-iam"; const client = new IAMClient({}); /** * * @param {string} policyArn * @param {string} roleName */ export const attachRolePolicy = (policyArn, roleName) => { const command = new AttachRolePolicyCommand({ PolicyArn: policyArn, RoleName: roleName, }); return client.send(command); };

创建 Lambda 函数并上传处理程序代码。

const createFunction = async (funcName, roleArn) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const code = await readFile(`${dirname}../functions/${funcName}.zip`); const command = new CreateFunctionCommand({ Code: { ZipFile: code }, FunctionName: funcName, Role: roleArn, Architectures: [Architecture.arm64], Handler: "index.handler", // Required when sending a .zip file PackageType: PackageType.Zip, // Required when sending a .zip file Runtime: Runtime.nodejs16x, // Required when sending a .zip file }); return client.send(command); };


const invoke = async (funcName, payload) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const command = new InvokeCommand({ FunctionName: funcName, Payload: JSON.stringify(payload), LogType: LogType.Tail, }); const { Payload, LogResult } = await client.send(command); const result = Buffer.from(Payload).toString(); const logs = Buffer.from(LogResult, "base64").toString(); return { logs, result }; };

更新函数代码并使用环境变量配置其 Lambda 环境。

const updateFunctionCode = async (funcName, newFunc) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const code = await readFile(`${dirname}../functions/${newFunc}.zip`); const command = new UpdateFunctionCodeCommand({ ZipFile: code, FunctionName: funcName, Architectures: [Architecture.arm64], Handler: "index.handler", // Required when sending a .zip file PackageType: PackageType.Zip, // Required when sending a .zip file Runtime: Runtime.nodejs16x, // Required when sending a .zip file }); return client.send(command); }; const updateFunctionConfiguration = (funcName) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const config = readFileSync(`${dirname}../functions/config.json`).toString(); const command = new UpdateFunctionConfigurationCommand({ ...JSON.parse(config), FunctionName: funcName, }); return client.send(command); };


const listFunctions = () => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const command = new ListFunctionsCommand({}); return client.send(command); };

删除 IAM 角色和 Lambda 函数。

import { DeleteRoleCommand, IAMClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-iam"; const client = new IAMClient({}); /** * * @param {string} roleName */ export const deleteRole = (roleName) => { const command = new DeleteRoleCommand({ RoleName: roleName }); return client.send(command); }; /** * @param {string} funcName */ const deleteFunction = (funcName) => { const client = new LambdaClient({}); const command = new DeleteFunctionCommand({ FunctionName: funcName }); return client.send(command); };


以下代码示例展示了如何实现一个 Lambda 函数,该函数接收因接收来自 Kinesis 流的记录而触发的事件。该函数检索 Kinesis 有效负载,将 Base64 解码,并记录下记录内容。

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使用 Lambda 消耗 Kinesis 事件。 JavaScript

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 exports.handler = async (event, context) => { for (const record of event.Records) { try { console.log(`Processed Kinesis Event - EventID: ${record.eventID}`); const recordData = await getRecordDataAsync(record.kinesis); console.log(`Record Data: ${recordData}`); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new data } catch (err) { console.error(`An error occurred ${err}`); throw err; } } console.log(`Successfully processed ${event.Records.length} records.`); }; async function getRecordDataAsync(payload) { var data = Buffer.from(payload.data, "base64").toString("utf-8"); await Promise.resolve(1); //Placeholder for actual async work return data; }

使用 Lambda 消耗 Kinesis 事件。 TypeScript

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { KinesisStreamEvent, Context, KinesisStreamHandler, KinesisStreamRecordPayload, } from "aws-lambda"; import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import { Logger } from "@aws-lambda-powertools/logger"; const logger = new Logger({ logLevel: "INFO", serviceName: "kinesis-stream-handler-sample", }); export const functionHandler: KinesisStreamHandler = async ( event: KinesisStreamEvent, context: Context ): Promise<void> => { for (const record of event.Records) { try { logger.info(`Processed Kinesis Event - EventID: ${record.eventID}`); const recordData = await getRecordDataAsync(record.kinesis); logger.info(`Record Data: ${recordData}`); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new data } catch (err) { logger.error(`An error occurred ${err}`); throw err; } logger.info(`Successfully processed ${event.Records.length} records.`); } }; async function getRecordDataAsync( payload: KinesisStreamRecordPayload ): Promise<string> { var data = Buffer.from(payload.data, "base64").toString("utf-8"); await Promise.resolve(1); //Placeholder for actual async work return data; }

以下代码示例演示如何实现 Lambda 函数,该函数接收通过从 DynamoDB 流接收记录而触发的事件。该函数检索 DynamoDB 有效负载,并记录下记录内容。

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

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使用 Lambda 使用一个 DynamoDB 事件。 JavaScript

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 exports.handler = async (event, context) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 2)); event.Records.forEach(record => { logDynamoDBRecord(record); }); }; const logDynamoDBRecord = (record) => { console.log(record.eventID); console.log(record.eventName); console.log(`DynamoDB Record: ${JSON.stringify(record.dynamodb)}`); };

使用 Lambda 使用一个 DynamoDB 事件。 TypeScript

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 export const handler = async (event, context) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 2)); event.Records.forEach(record => { logDynamoDBRecord(record); }); } const logDynamoDBRecord = (record) => { console.log(record.eventID); console.log(record.eventName); console.log(`DynamoDB Record: ${JSON.stringify(record.dynamodb)}`); };

以下代码示例说明如何实现一个 Lambda 函数,该函数接收通过从 DocumentDB 更改流接收记录而触发的事件。该函数检索 DocumentDB 有效负载,并记录下记录内容。

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

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使用 Lambda 使用亚马逊 DocumentDB 事件。 JavaScript

console.log('Loading function'); exports.handler = async (event, context) => { event.events.forEach(record => { logDocumentDBEvent(record); }); return 'OK'; }; const logDocumentDBEvent = (record) => { console.log('Operation type: ' + record.event.operationType); console.log('db: ' + record.event.ns.db); console.log('collection: ' + record.event.ns.coll); console.log('Full document:', JSON.stringify(record.event.fullDocument, null, 2)); };

使用 Lambda 使用亚马逊文档数据库事件 TypeScript

import { DocumentDBEventRecord, DocumentDBEventSubscriptionContext } from 'aws-lambda'; console.log('Loading function'); export const handler = async ( event: DocumentDBEventSubscriptionContext, context: any ): Promise<string> => { event.events.forEach((record: DocumentDBEventRecord) => { logDocumentDBEvent(record); }); return 'OK'; }; const logDocumentDBEvent = (record: DocumentDBEventRecord): void => { console.log('Operation type: ' + record.event.operationType); console.log('db: ' + record.event.ns.db); console.log('collection: ' + record.event.ns.coll); console.log('Full document:', JSON.stringify(record.event.fullDocument, null, 2)); };

以下代码示例展示了如何实现一个 Lambda 函数,该函数接收通过将对象上传到 S3 桶而触发的事件。该函数从事件参数中检索 S3 存储桶名称和对象密钥,并调用 Amazon S3 API 来检索和记录对象的内容类型。

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

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使用 Lambda 使用 S3 事件。 JavaScript

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { S3Client, HeadObjectCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3"; const client = new S3Client(); exports.handler = async (event, context) => { // Get the object from the event and show its content type const bucket = event.Records[0].s3.bucket.name; const key = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); try { const { ContentType } = await client.send(new HeadObjectCommand({ Bucket: bucket, Key: key, })); console.log('CONTENT TYPE:', ContentType); return ContentType; } catch (err) { console.log(err); const message = `Error getting object ${key} from bucket ${bucket}. Make sure they exist and your bucket is in the same region as this function.`; console.log(message); throw new Error(message); } };

使用 Lambda 使用 S3 事件。 TypeScript

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { S3Event } from 'aws-lambda'; import { S3Client, HeadObjectCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'; const s3 = new S3Client({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION }); export const handler = async (event: S3Event): Promise<string | undefined> => { // Get the object from the event and show its content type const bucket = event.Records[0].s3.bucket.name; const key = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key, }; try { const { ContentType } = await s3.send(new HeadObjectCommand(params)); console.log('CONTENT TYPE:', ContentType); return ContentType; } catch (err) { console.log(err); const message = `Error getting object ${key} from bucket ${bucket}. Make sure they exist and your bucket is in the same region as this function.`; console.log(message); throw new Error(message); } };

以下代码示例展示了如何实现一个 Lambda 函数,该函数接收因接收来自 SNS 主题的消息而触发的事件。该函数从事件参数检索消息并记录每条消息的内容。

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

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使用 Lambda JavaScript 消费 SNS 事件。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 exports.handler = async (event, context) => { for (const record of event.Records) { await processMessageAsync(record); } console.info("done"); }; async function processMessageAsync(record) { try { const message = JSON.stringify(record.Sns.Message); console.log(`Processed message ${message}`); await Promise.resolve(1); //Placeholder for actual async work } catch (err) { console.error("An error occurred"); throw err; } }

使用 Lambda TypeScript 消费 SNS 事件。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { SNSEvent, Context, SNSHandler, SNSEventRecord } from "aws-lambda"; export const functionHandler: SNSHandler = async ( event: SNSEvent, context: Context ): Promise<void> => { for (const record of event.Records) { await processMessageAsync(record); } console.info("done"); }; async function processMessageAsync(record: SNSEventRecord): Promise<any> { try { const message: string = JSON.stringify(record.Sns.Message); console.log(`Processed message ${message}`); await Promise.resolve(1); //Placeholder for actual async work } catch (err) { console.error("An error occurred"); throw err; } }

以下代码示例展示了如何实现一个 Lambda 函数,该函数接收因接收来自 SNS 队列的消息而触发的事件。该函数从事件参数检索消息并记录每条消息的内容。

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在无服务器示例存储库中查找完整示例,并了解如何进行设置和运行。

使用 Lambd JavaScript a 使用 SQS 事件。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 exports.handler = async (event, context) => { for (const message of event.Records) { await processMessageAsync(message); } console.info("done"); }; async function processMessageAsync(message) { try { console.log(`Processed message ${message.body}`); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new message await Promise.resolve(1); //Placeholder for actual async work } catch (err) { console.error("An error occurred"); throw err; } }

使用 Lambd TypeScript a 使用 SQS 事件。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { SQSEvent, Context, SQSHandler, SQSRecord } from "aws-lambda"; export const functionHandler: SQSHandler = async ( event: SQSEvent, context: Context ): Promise<void> => { for (const message of event.Records) { await processMessageAsync(message); } console.info("done"); }; async function processMessageAsync(message: SQSRecord): Promise<any> { try { console.log(`Processed message ${message.body}`); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new message await Promise.resolve(1); //Placeholder for actual async work } catch (err) { console.error("An error occurred"); throw err; } }

以下代码示例展示了如何为接收来自 Kinesis 流的事件的 Lambda 函数实现部分批处理响应。该函数在响应中报告批处理项目失败,并指示 Lambda 稍后重试这些消息。

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

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报告使用 Javascript 进行 Lambda Kinesis 批处理项目失败。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 exports.handler = async (event, context) => { for (const record of event.Records) { try { console.log(`Processed Kinesis Event - EventID: ${record.eventID}`); const recordData = await getRecordDataAsync(record.kinesis); console.log(`Record Data: ${recordData}`); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new data } catch (err) { console.error(`An error occurred ${err}`); /* Since we are working with streams, we can return the failed item immediately. Lambda will immediately begin to retry processing from this failed item onwards. */ return { batchItemFailures: [{ itemIdentifier: record.kinesis.sequenceNumber }], }; } } console.log(`Successfully processed ${event.Records.length} records.`); return { batchItemFailures: [] }; }; async function getRecordDataAsync(payload) { var data = Buffer.from(payload.data, "base64").toString("utf-8"); await Promise.resolve(1); //Placeholder for actual async work return data; }

使用 Lambda 报告 Kinesis 批处理项目失败。 TypeScript

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { KinesisStreamEvent, Context, KinesisStreamHandler, KinesisStreamRecordPayload, KinesisStreamBatchResponse, } from "aws-lambda"; import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import { Logger } from "@aws-lambda-powertools/logger"; const logger = new Logger({ logLevel: "INFO", serviceName: "kinesis-stream-handler-sample", }); export const functionHandler: KinesisStreamHandler = async ( event: KinesisStreamEvent, context: Context ): Promise<KinesisStreamBatchResponse> => { for (const record of event.Records) { try { logger.info(`Processed Kinesis Event - EventID: ${record.eventID}`); const recordData = await getRecordDataAsync(record.kinesis); logger.info(`Record Data: ${recordData}`); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new data } catch (err) { logger.error(`An error occurred ${err}`); /* Since we are working with streams, we can return the failed item immediately. Lambda will immediately begin to retry processing from this failed item onwards. */ return { batchItemFailures: [{ itemIdentifier: record.kinesis.sequenceNumber }], }; } } logger.info(`Successfully processed ${event.Records.length} records.`); return { batchItemFailures: [] }; }; async function getRecordDataAsync( payload: KinesisStreamRecordPayload ): Promise<string> { var data = Buffer.from(payload.data, "base64").toString("utf-8"); await Promise.resolve(1); //Placeholder for actual async work return data; }

以下代码示例演示如何为接收来自 DynamoDB 流的事件的 Lambda 函数实现部分批量响应。该函数在响应中报告批处理项目失败,并指示 Lambda 稍后重试这些消息。

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使用 Lambda 报告 DynamoDB 批处理项目失败。 JavaScript

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 export const handler = async (event) => { const records = event.Records; let curRecordSequenceNumber = ""; for (const record of records) { try { // Process your record curRecordSequenceNumber = record.dynamodb.SequenceNumber; } catch (e) { // Return failed record's sequence number return { batchItemFailures: [{ itemIdentifier: curRecordSequenceNumber }] }; } } return { batchItemFailures: [] }; };

使用 Lambda 报告 DynamoDB 批处理项目失败。 TypeScript

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { DynamoDBBatchItemFailure, DynamoDBStreamEvent } from "aws-lambda"; export const handler = async (event: DynamoDBStreamEvent): Promise<DynamoDBBatchItemFailure[]> => { const batchItemsFailures: DynamoDBBatchItemFailure[] = [] let curRecordSequenceNumber for(const record of event.Records) { curRecordSequenceNumber = record.dynamodb?.SequenceNumber if(curRecordSequenceNumber) { batchItemsFailures.push({ itemIdentifier: curRecordSequenceNumber }) } } return batchItemsFailures }

以下代码示例展示了如何为接收来自 SQS 队列的事件的 Lambda 函数实现部分批处理响应。该函数在响应中报告批处理项目失败,并指示 Lambda 稍后重试这些消息。

适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

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使用报告 Lambda JavaScript 的 SQS 批处理项目失败。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 export const handler = async (event, context) => { const batchItemFailures = []; for (const record of event.Records) { try { await processMessageAsync(record, context); } catch (error) { batchItemFailures.push({ itemIdentifier: record.messageId }); } } return { batchItemFailures }; }; async function processMessageAsync(record, context) { if (record.body && record.body.includes("error")) { throw new Error("There is an error in the SQS Message."); } console.log(`Processed message: ${record.body}`); }

使用报告 Lambda TypeScript 的 SQS 批处理项目失败。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { SQSEvent, SQSBatchResponse, Context, SQSBatchItemFailure, SQSRecord } from 'aws-lambda'; export const handler = async (event: SQSEvent, context: Context): Promise<SQSBatchResponse> => { const batchItemFailures: SQSBatchItemFailure[] = []; for (const record of event.Records) { try { await processMessageAsync(record); } catch (error) { batchItemFailures.push({ itemIdentifier: record.messageId }); } } return {batchItemFailures: batchItemFailures}; }; async function processMessageAsync(record: SQSRecord): Promise<void> { if (record.body && record.body.includes("error")) { throw new Error('There is an error in the SQS Message.'); } console.log(`Processed message ${record.body}`); }