MediaConvert 使用示例 Amazon SDK for .NET - Amazon SDK for .NET
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MediaConvert 使用示例 Amazon SDK for .NET

以下代码示例向您展示了如何使用with来执行操作和实现常见场景 MediaConvert。Amazon SDK for .NET



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以下代码示例演示如何开始使用 AWS Elemental MediaConvert。

Amazon SDK for .NET

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using Amazon.MediaConvert; using Amazon.MediaConvert.Model; namespace MediaConvertActions; public static class HelloMediaConvert { static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Create the client using the default profile. var mediaConvertClient = new AmazonMediaConvertClient(); Console.WriteLine($"Hello AWS Elemental MediaConvert! Your MediaConvert Endpoints are:"); Console.WriteLine(); // You can use await and any of the async methods to get a response. // Let's get the MediaConvert endpoints. var response = await mediaConvertClient.DescribeEndpointsAsync( new DescribeEndpointsRequest() ); foreach (var endPoint in response.Endpoints) { Console.WriteLine($"\tEndPoint: {endPoint.Url}"); Console.WriteLine(); } } }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for .NETAPI 参考DescribeEndpoints中的。



以下代码示例演示如何创建 AWS Elemental MediaConvert 转码任务。

Amazon SDK for .NET

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// MediaConvert role Amazon Resource Name (ARN). // For information on creating this role, see // var mediaConvertRole = _configuration["mediaConvertRoleARN"]; // Include the file input and output locations in settings.json or settings.local.json. var fileInput = _configuration["fileInput"]; var fileOutput = _configuration["fileOutput"]; // Load the customer endpoint, if it is known. // When you know what your Region-specific endpoint is, set it here, or set it in your settings.local.json file. var mediaConvertEndpoint = _configuration["mediaConvertEndpoint"]; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the MediaConvert Create Job example."); // If you don't have the customer-specific endpoint, request it here. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaConvertEndpoint)) { Console.WriteLine("Getting customer-specific MediaConvert endpoint."); AmazonMediaConvertClient client = new AmazonMediaConvertClient(); DescribeEndpointsRequest describeRequest = new DescribeEndpointsRequest(); DescribeEndpointsResponse describeResponse = await client.DescribeEndpointsAsync(describeRequest); mediaConvertEndpoint = describeResponse.Endpoints[0].Url; } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Using endpoint {mediaConvertEndpoint}."); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); // Because you have a service URL for MediaConvert, you don't // need to set RegionEndpoint. If you do, the ServiceURL will // be overwritten. AmazonMediaConvertConfig mcConfig = new AmazonMediaConvertConfig { ServiceURL = mediaConvertEndpoint, }; AmazonMediaConvertClient mcClient = new AmazonMediaConvertClient(mcConfig); var wrapper = new MediaConvertWrapper(mcClient);
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Creating job for input file {fileInput}."); var jobId = await wrapper.CreateJob(mediaConvertRole!, fileInput!, fileOutput!); Console.WriteLine($"Created job with Job ID: {jobId}"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80));

使用包装程序方法创建任务并返回任务 ID。

/// <summary> /// Create a job to convert a media file. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaConvertRole">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the media convert role, as specified here: ///</param> /// <param name="fileInput">The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location of the input media file.</param> /// <param name="fileOutput">The Amazon S3 location for the output media file.</param> /// <returns>The ID of the new job.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateJob(string mediaConvertRole, string fileInput, string fileOutput) { CreateJobRequest createJobRequest = new CreateJobRequest { Role = mediaConvertRole }; createJobRequest.UserMetadata.Add("Customer", "Amazon"); JobSettings jobSettings = new JobSettings { AdAvailOffset = 0, TimecodeConfig = new TimecodeConfig { Source = TimecodeSource.EMBEDDED } }; createJobRequest.Settings = jobSettings; #region OutputGroup OutputGroup ofg = new OutputGroup { Name = "File Group", OutputGroupSettings = new OutputGroupSettings { Type = OutputGroupType.FILE_GROUP_SETTINGS, FileGroupSettings = new FileGroupSettings { Destination = fileOutput } } }; Output output = new Output { NameModifier = "_1" }; #region VideoDescription VideoDescription vdes = new VideoDescription { ScalingBehavior = ScalingBehavior.DEFAULT, TimecodeInsertion = VideoTimecodeInsertion.DISABLED, AntiAlias = AntiAlias.ENABLED, Sharpness = 50, AfdSignaling = AfdSignaling.NONE, DropFrameTimecode = DropFrameTimecode.ENABLED, RespondToAfd = RespondToAfd.NONE, ColorMetadata = ColorMetadata.INSERT, CodecSettings = new VideoCodecSettings { Codec = VideoCodec.H_264 } }; output.VideoDescription = vdes; H264Settings h264 = new H264Settings { InterlaceMode = H264InterlaceMode.PROGRESSIVE, NumberReferenceFrames = 3, Syntax = H264Syntax.DEFAULT, Softness = 0, GopClosedCadence = 1, GopSize = 90, Slices = 1, GopBReference = H264GopBReference.DISABLED, SlowPal = H264SlowPal.DISABLED, SpatialAdaptiveQuantization = H264SpatialAdaptiveQuantization.ENABLED, TemporalAdaptiveQuantization = H264TemporalAdaptiveQuantization.ENABLED, FlickerAdaptiveQuantization = H264FlickerAdaptiveQuantization.DISABLED, EntropyEncoding = H264EntropyEncoding.CABAC, Bitrate = 5000000, FramerateControl = H264FramerateControl.SPECIFIED, RateControlMode = H264RateControlMode.CBR, CodecProfile = H264CodecProfile.MAIN, Telecine = H264Telecine.NONE, MinIInterval = 0, AdaptiveQuantization = H264AdaptiveQuantization.HIGH, CodecLevel = H264CodecLevel.AUTO, FieldEncoding = H264FieldEncoding.PAFF, SceneChangeDetect = H264SceneChangeDetect.ENABLED, QualityTuningLevel = H264QualityTuningLevel.SINGLE_PASS, FramerateConversionAlgorithm = H264FramerateConversionAlgorithm.DUPLICATE_DROP, UnregisteredSeiTimecode = H264UnregisteredSeiTimecode.DISABLED, GopSizeUnits = H264GopSizeUnits.FRAMES, ParControl = H264ParControl.SPECIFIED, NumberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames = 2, RepeatPps = H264RepeatPps.DISABLED, FramerateNumerator = 30, FramerateDenominator = 1, ParNumerator = 1, ParDenominator = 1 }; output.VideoDescription.CodecSettings.H264Settings = h264; #endregion VideoDescription #region AudioDescription AudioDescription ades = new AudioDescription { LanguageCodeControl = AudioLanguageCodeControl.FOLLOW_INPUT, // This name matches one specified in the following Inputs. AudioSourceName = "Audio Selector 1", CodecSettings = new AudioCodecSettings { Codec = AudioCodec.AAC } }; AacSettings aac = new AacSettings { AudioDescriptionBroadcasterMix = AacAudioDescriptionBroadcasterMix.NORMAL, RateControlMode = AacRateControlMode.CBR, CodecProfile = AacCodecProfile.LC, CodingMode = AacCodingMode.CODING_MODE_2_0, RawFormat = AacRawFormat.NONE, SampleRate = 48000, Specification = AacSpecification.MPEG4, Bitrate = 64000 }; ades.CodecSettings.AacSettings = aac; output.AudioDescriptions.Add(ades); #endregion AudioDescription #region Mp4 Container output.ContainerSettings = new ContainerSettings { Container = ContainerType.MP4 }; Mp4Settings mp4 = new Mp4Settings { CslgAtom = Mp4CslgAtom.INCLUDE, FreeSpaceBox = Mp4FreeSpaceBox.EXCLUDE, MoovPlacement = Mp4MoovPlacement.PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD }; output.ContainerSettings.Mp4Settings = mp4; #endregion Mp4 Container ofg.Outputs.Add(output); createJobRequest.Settings.OutputGroups.Add(ofg); #endregion OutputGroup #region Input Input input = new Input { FilterEnable = InputFilterEnable.AUTO, PsiControl = InputPsiControl.USE_PSI, FilterStrength = 0, DeblockFilter = InputDeblockFilter.DISABLED, DenoiseFilter = InputDenoiseFilter.DISABLED, TimecodeSource = InputTimecodeSource.EMBEDDED, FileInput = fileInput }; AudioSelector audsel = new AudioSelector { Offset = 0, DefaultSelection = AudioDefaultSelection.NOT_DEFAULT, ProgramSelection = 1, SelectorType = AudioSelectorType.TRACK }; audsel.Tracks.Add(1); input.AudioSelectors.Add("Audio Selector 1", audsel); input.VideoSelector = new VideoSelector { ColorSpace = ColorSpace.FOLLOW }; createJobRequest.Settings.Inputs.Add(input); #endregion Input var jobId = ""; try { CreateJobResponse createJobResponse = await _amazonMediaConvert.CreateJobAsync(createJobRequest); jobId = createJobResponse.Job.Id; } catch (BadRequestException bre) { // If the endpoint was bad. if (bre.Message.StartsWith("You must use the customer-")) { // The exception contains the correct endpoint; extract it. var mediaConvertEndpoint = bre.Message.Split('\'')[1]; Console.WriteLine( $"Request failed, please use endpoint {mediaConvertEndpoint}."); } else throw; } return jobId; }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for .NETAPI 参考CreateJob中的。

以下代码示例演示如何获取 AWS Elemental MediaConvert 转码任务。

Amazon SDK for .NET

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// MediaConvert role Amazon Resource Name (ARN). // For information on creating this role, see // var mediaConvertRole = _configuration["mediaConvertRoleARN"]; // Include the file input and output locations in settings.json or settings.local.json. var fileInput = _configuration["fileInput"]; var fileOutput = _configuration["fileOutput"]; // Load the customer endpoint, if it is known. // When you know what your Region-specific endpoint is, set it here, or set it in your settings.local.json file. var mediaConvertEndpoint = _configuration["mediaConvertEndpoint"]; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the MediaConvert Create Job example."); // If you don't have the customer-specific endpoint, request it here. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaConvertEndpoint)) { Console.WriteLine("Getting customer-specific MediaConvert endpoint."); AmazonMediaConvertClient client = new AmazonMediaConvertClient(); DescribeEndpointsRequest describeRequest = new DescribeEndpointsRequest(); DescribeEndpointsResponse describeResponse = await client.DescribeEndpointsAsync(describeRequest); mediaConvertEndpoint = describeResponse.Endpoints[0].Url; } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Using endpoint {mediaConvertEndpoint}."); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); // Because you have a service URL for MediaConvert, you don't // need to set RegionEndpoint. If you do, the ServiceURL will // be overwritten. AmazonMediaConvertConfig mcConfig = new AmazonMediaConvertConfig { ServiceURL = mediaConvertEndpoint, }; AmazonMediaConvertClient mcClient = new AmazonMediaConvertClient(mcConfig); var wrapper = new MediaConvertWrapper(mcClient);

通过 ID 获取任务。

Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Getting job information for Job ID {jobId}"); var job = await wrapper.GetJobById(jobId); Console.WriteLine($"Job {job.Id} created on {job.CreatedAt:d} has status {job.Status}."); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80));
/// <summary> /// Get the job information for a job by its ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="jobId">The ID of the job.</param> /// <returns>The Job object.</returns> public async Task<Job> GetJobById(string jobId) { var jobResponse = await _amazonMediaConvert.GetJobAsync( new GetJobRequest { Id = jobId }); return jobResponse.Job; }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for .NETAPI 参考GetJob中的。

以下代码示例演示如何列出 AWS Elemental MediaConvert 转码任务。

Amazon SDK for .NET

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中查找完整示例,了解如何进行设置和运行。


// MediaConvert role Amazon Resource Name (ARN). // For information on creating this role, see // var mediaConvertRole = _configuration["mediaConvertRoleARN"]; // Include the file input and output locations in settings.json or settings.local.json. var fileInput = _configuration["fileInput"]; var fileOutput = _configuration["fileOutput"]; // Load the customer endpoint, if it is known. // When you know what your Region-specific endpoint is, set it here, or set it in your settings.local.json file. var mediaConvertEndpoint = _configuration["mediaConvertEndpoint"]; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the MediaConvert Create Job example."); // If you don't have the customer-specific endpoint, request it here. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaConvertEndpoint)) { Console.WriteLine("Getting customer-specific MediaConvert endpoint."); AmazonMediaConvertClient client = new AmazonMediaConvertClient(); DescribeEndpointsRequest describeRequest = new DescribeEndpointsRequest(); DescribeEndpointsResponse describeResponse = await client.DescribeEndpointsAsync(describeRequest); mediaConvertEndpoint = describeResponse.Endpoints[0].Url; } Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Using endpoint {mediaConvertEndpoint}."); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); // Because you have a service URL for MediaConvert, you don't // need to set RegionEndpoint. If you do, the ServiceURL will // be overwritten. AmazonMediaConvertConfig mcConfig = new AmazonMediaConvertConfig { ServiceURL = mediaConvertEndpoint, }; AmazonMediaConvertClient mcClient = new AmazonMediaConvertClient(mcConfig); var wrapper = new MediaConvertWrapper(mcClient);


Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 80)); Console.WriteLine($"Listing all complete jobs."); var completeJobs = await wrapper.ListAllJobsByStatus(JobStatus.COMPLETE); completeJobs.ForEach(j => { Console.WriteLine($"Job {j.Id} created on {j.CreatedAt:d} has status {j.Status}."); });


/// <summary> /// List all of the jobs with a particular status using a paginator. /// </summary> /// <param name="status">The status to use when listing jobs.</param> /// <returns>The list of jobs matching the status.</returns> public async Task<List<Job>> ListAllJobsByStatus(JobStatus? status = null) { var returnedJobs = new List<Job>(); var paginatedJobs = _amazonMediaConvert.Paginators.ListJobs( new ListJobsRequest { Status = status }); // Get the entire list using the paginator. await foreach (var job in paginatedJobs.Jobs) { returnedJobs.Add(job); } return returnedJobs; }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 Amazon SDK for .NETAPI 参考ListJobs中的。